A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 139

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Truage, _sb._ == fealty. RG. 39, 372

Truce, _sb._ RG. 529. AS. truwa. Fr. treve, truwe

True, _adj._ RG. 377

Trueness, _sb._ RG. 391

Truly, _adv._ RG. 93

Trump, _sb._ == trumpet. RG. 396

Trumper, _sb._ == trumpeter. Alys. 3426

Trumping, _sb._ Alys. 925

Truncheon [tronchon], _sb._ == part of a broken spear. Alys. 3745

Trundle [trendli], _v. n._ == roll. O. and N. 135. AS. trendel

Truss, _sb._ Wright's L. P. pp. 110, 111. Fr. torser, trusser

---- _v. a._ == pack up. HD. 2017. Alys. 990

---- == fasten. Alys. 5477

---- _v. n._ == prepare oneself. RG. 487. Alys. 7160

Trust, _v. a._ RG. 468, 469

---- _v. n._ [triste]. O. and N. 760; [traiste]. Ps. cxxiv. 1

Trusty, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 47

Truth, _sb._ RG. 388, 457; [trauthe]. Creed of St Athan. 4; [trauht].

Ibid. 87

Try, _v. a._ == refine, as gold; part. 'ytried.' Alys. 828

Trysthor, _sb._ == traitor. RG. 302

Trywede, _sb._ == truth, good faith. RG. 358

Tubrugge, _sb._ == townbridge. RG. 543. Pol. S. 222

Tuenge, _v. n._ == pinch. See Twinge

Tuesday. RG. 552

Tug, _v. n._ Body and Soul, 226; part. 'ytuht.' Pol. S. 220. AS. tcohhian

Tuke, _v. n._ == hara.s.s, punish. O. and N. 63. AS. tucian

Tumble, _v. n._ Alys. 2465. AS. tumbian

Tumbrel, _sb._ == a porpoise. HD. 757. Swed. tumlare

t.u.r.d, _sb._ == excrement [tort]. O. and N. 1684. AS. tord

Turf, _sb._ HD. 939. O. and N. 1165 AS. turf

Turn, _v. n._ == return; 'turnde again.' RG. 387. 53 B.

---- with 'to' == become; 'turn to ill.' RG. 375

---- == turn against a person. RG. 367

---- _v. a._ == turn one's back on a person. RG. 525; part. 'yturned.' RG.


---- == convert. St Swithin, 10

Turnay, _sb._ == tournament. Alys. 141

Turneying, _sb._ Alys. 1045

Turtle, _sb._ == dove. Ps. lx.x.xiii. 11. Wright's L. P. p. 26

Tusk, _sb._ Ps. lvii. 7. AS. tux

Twege, _sb._ == doubt. M. Ode, st. 177. AS. tweogan

Twelfth, _adj._ RG. 416, 446

Twelfthnight. Alys. 6403

Twelve. RG. 18, 492

Twelvemonth, _sb._ == year. Pol. S. 71

Twentieth, _adj._ RG. 439

Twenty. RG. 440

Twere, _sb._ == doubt, subject of doubt, O. and N. 989. AS. tweo. S. Goth.


Twibil, _sb._ == axe. Wright's L. P. p. 110. AS. tw-bill

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