A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 144

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Unthank, _sb._ gen. abs. 'unthank his' == against his will. Body and Soul, 215. Cf. 'his thonkes,' &c. _s. v._ Thonk. AS. unanc; and see the Gloss.

to La?amon and the Ormulum, _s. v._ Unthanc

Untheand, _adj._ == disobedient. Rel. S. vi. 9. AS. ewian

Unthenfol, _adj._ == unthankful. Pol. S. 159

Unthewe, _sb._ == bad manners, vice. Wright's L. P. p. 73. O. and N. 194.

AS. uneaw

Untholandlik, _adj._ == unendurable. Ps. cxxiii. 5. AS. olian

Untid, _sb._ == unfitness, that which is unseasonable, or wrong. Body and Soul, 43. AS. untid

Untie, _v. n._ == become untied [untuen]. Wright's L. P. p. 101

Untilled, _adj._ RG. 372

Untime, _sb._ == wrong time. Manuel des Pecches, 2965

Unti?th, _sb._ == lit. want of discipline; hence wrong, wickedness. Body and Soul, 107. AS. tyht

Untoun, _adj._ == lit. 'not suited to the town;' hence, rude, uncivil.

Wright's L. P. p. 32

Untrue, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 32

Untrueness, _sb._ == wickedness. M. Ode, 135

Unused, _adj._ RG. 214

Unwarned, _adj._ == undefended. RG. 51

Unwate, _sb._ == misfortune. O. and N. 1265, 1196. AS. hwatu, auguries; hence, unhwatu, bad auguries, misfortune

Unwater, _v. a._ == give out water. Ps. lxxvii. 20

Unwatery, _adj._ Ps. lxii. 3

Unwelde, _sb._ == weakness. Ps. lxx. 9

Unwemmed, _adj._ == unspotted, undefiled. Ps. xviii. 8

Unwight, _sb._ == wretch. O. and N. 33, 218

Unwill, _adj._ == desirable. O. and N. 347. AS. onwill

Unwill, _adj._ == unpleasant. O. and N. 422. AS. unwilla

Unwisdom, _sb._ Ps. xxi. 3; lxviii. 6

Unwise, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 101. Pol. S. 153

Unwitandnes, _sb._ == ignorance. Ps. xxiv. 7

Unwors.h.i.+ply, _adv._ Manuel des Pecches, 980

Unworth, _sb._ 654 B.

---- _adj._ 653 B.

Unworthy, _adj._ RG. 412. O. and N. 339

Unwraste, _adj._ == weak, wicked. Wright's L. P. p. 37. Alys. 878; [unwerste]. O. and N. 178. AS. unwrest. ON. hres, spirited; ohres, languid, weak. See the Gloss. to La?amon and the Ormulum, _s. v._

Unwre, _v. a._ == discover. RG. 508. See Unwreon

Unwrench, _sb._ == trick, evil design. O. and N. 169. Rel. S. v. 94. AS.


Unwreon, _v. a._ == unfold. Alys. 336; part. 'unwre?e.' O. and N. 846

Unwrought [unwro?ten], _adj._ == undone, destroyed. O. and N. 162

Unwunne, _sb._ == sorrow. Wright's L. P. p. 47

Up, == upon; prep. RG. 321, 437

---- _adv._ RG. 143

Upbear, _v. a._ Alys. 5163; part. 'upborn.' Ps. cx.x.x. 1

Upbraid, _v. a._ 1784 B.

Upbraiding, _sb._ Ps. x.x.xviii. 9

Updraw, _v. a._ Alys. 2633

Upe. See Upon

Upfeng, _v. a._ == take up; pret. 'upfang.' Ps. cxvii. 13

Upheave, _v. a._ == lift up. Ps. iii. 4; part. 'uphoven.' Ps. lxxiv. 11

---- _v. n._ == rise. Ps. vii. 7

Upland, _sb._ Manuel des Pecches, 1318

Uplift, _v. a._ Ps. lx.x.xvii. 16

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