A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 153

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---- _v. n._ == be propitious. Ps. cii. 3

Winter, _sb._ RG. 371, 539

Wipe, _v. a._ RG. 435. AS. wipian

Wippen, _v. n._ == weep? O. and N. 1064

Wire, _sb._ [wyred]. Alys. 208. AS. wir

Wirwed, _part._ == strangled. HD. 1921. Dut. wurghen

Wisdom, _sb._ RG. 384

Wise, _sb._ == manner, 'in no wise.' 1212 B.; [wes]. O. and N. 748

Wise, _adj._ RG. 468, 506; sup. 'wisest.' RG. 266

Wisely, _adv._ RG. 550

Wisse, _v. a._ == direct. HD. 104. 1057 B. O. and N. 971. AS. wisian

Wissing, _sb._ == advice. HD. 2902. AS. wissung

Wit, _sb._ == knowledge, sense. RG. 457, 526; [i-wit]. O. and N. 772

Witch, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 38. AS. wicca, a wizard

---- _v. n._ == sing charms. Ps. lvii. 6

Witchcraft, _sb._ Body and Soul, 27

Witching, _sb._ == witchcraft. St Lucy, 122

Wite, _v. a._ == know. RG. 374; [y-wyte]. RG. 10; [iwite]. RG. 487; [wot].

1625 B.; [wat]. O. and N. 1200; [wod]. Ib. 1188; 2 s. pres. 'wost.' O. and N. 717; pret. 'wuste.' RG. 374; 'wiste.' 208 B.; 'west.' Alys. 5834; part.

'iwiste.' 137 B.

Wite, _v. n._ == think, or expect. 2 s. pres. 'west.' O. and N. 47; pret.

'wiste.' RG. 93

Wite, _v. a._ == defend. RG. 487; pret. 'wuste.' RG. 549; S. S. witen. See Gloss. to La?.

Wite, _v. n._ == go forth. Ps. lx.x.xix. 6; part. 'wited.' Ps. ix. 22; 'witand.' Ps. cxviii. 118. AS. witan

Wite, _v. a._ == blame. O. and N. 1354; accuse. Wright's L. P. p. 39. AS.


Witerlike, _adv._ == certainly. HD. 671. Ps. ii. 6

Witermon, _sb._ == a wise man. Wright's L. P. p. 28

With, _prep._ == together with. 279 B.; [we]. RG. 457

---- == by means of. RG. 41

---- == against. O. and N. 62

---- == from. O. and N. 610. AS. wi

With, _adj._ == white, _q. v._

With, _adj._ for 'wight,' _q. v._

With, _adj._ == pleasant? Wright's L. P. p. 45. AS. wee

Withal, _adv._ RG. 28

Withclepe, _v. a._ == oppose. Alys. 1301

Withdraw, _v. a._ RG. 447

---- _v. n._ Ps. cxviii. 115; 'withdraw of' == withdraw from. RG. 497

Wither, _adj._ == hostile. Rel. S. i. 12; S. S. wier. See Gloss. to La?.

Withering, _sb._ == adversary. K. Horn, 154

Witherthreat, _v. a._ Ps. x.x.xiv. 19; lxxiii. 10

Witherwendand, _part._ == opposing. Ps. iii. 8

Witherwine, _sb._ == adversary. RG. 325. AS. wier-winna, from winnan, to strive

Witherword, _sb._ == a hostile word. Ps. xc. 3

Withhold, _v. a._ == to hold with, or make to accompany. HD. 2356, 2362

---- == restrain. Alys. 2302

Within, _adv._ RG. 375, 549

Without, _adv._ RG. 549. 267 B.; [widh wute]. O. and N. 1593

---- _prep._ RG. 369; [witute]. O. and N. 183; [withouten]. 33 B.

Withsay, _v. a._ RG. 369, 374

Withseek, _v. a._ == seek out. part. 'wuthsoht.' Rel. S. v. 54

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