A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 158

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Yawn, _v. n._ [?onie]. O. and N. 292; [yene]. Body and Soul, 202. Alys.

485. AS. ganian

Ybrad. See Braid

Ycholle, == I shall. RG. 405

Ycoled, _part._ == helmeted, armed. Alys. 2686. AS. col, a helmet

Ydle. See Isle

Ydought. See Dow

Yea. 36 B.; [ya]. Alys. 3571

Year, _sb._ RG. 373. AS. gear

Yearn, _v. a._ Wright's L. P. p. 43; [eorne]. O. and N. 1202

---- _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 63. AS. geornian

Yearning, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 72

Yell, _v. n._ [?ulle]. 498 ; 2 s. pres. '?ollest.' O. and N. 223; pret.

'?al.' 502 . AS. geallian

Yelling, _sb._ [?ullinge]. 487 . O. and N. 1641

Yellowman, _sb._ [?eolumon], Pol. S. 158

Yelp, _v. n._ == speak. Alys. 1065. AS. gilpan

---- == boast [?ulpe], O. and N. 1650; part. 'y-yolpe.' Alys. 3368

Yelping [?ulping], _sb._ == boasting. RG. 209, 210

Yeme, Yheme, Yheming. See ?eme

Yene, _sb._ == yawn, _q. v._

Yepe, _adj._ == ready. Alys. 1193. See ?ep

Yering, _sb._ == yearning, desire. Ritson's AS. viii. 79

Yesterday. Ps. lx.x.xix. 4

Yet, _adv._ [?ut]. RG. 372; [?ot]. O. and N. 1695

Yfere, _sb._ == companions. Alys. 6906. AS. ge-fera

Yhaht. See Hatch

Yhatered, _part._ == clothed. Alys. 5922. See Hattren

Yhete, _v. a._ == cast, pour out. Ps. lxviii. 25; pret. 'yhet.' Ps. xli.

5; pl. 'yhotten.' Ps. lxxviii. 3; part. 'yotten.' Ps. lxxiii. 21. AS.

geotan. See '?ete'

Yhoten, _sb._ == giant, Ps. xviii. 7. AS. eoten

Yield, _v. a._ == give up. Alys. 3176; pret. 'yolde.' RG. 387; part.

'y-yolde.' RG. 449; 'i?ulde.' 612 B. AS. geldan

---- == repay. Alys. 132

---- _v. n._ == turn out. K. Horn, 495

Ylef, _vb._ == believe thou. RG. 265

Ylome, == frequently. See Ilome

Ylong, _adv._ == belonging to, proper to. Wright's L. P. pp. 61, 74. AS.


Ymette, _adj._ == moderate? Wright's L. P. p. 35. AS. gemet

Ymone, _adv._ == together, in concert. 380 AS. gemana

Ympne. See Hymn

Ynele, == I ne will--I will not. RG. 314

Ynote, _part._ == noted, known. Alys. 59

Yoke, _sb._ RG. 453. AS. geoc

---- _v. a._ part. 'y-yoked.' Rel. Ant. ii. 211

Yolk, _sb._ Fr. Sci. 240. AS. geolca

Yond, _adv._ [?und] == yonder. 1 . AS. geond

Yond, _adj._ == farther, as the 'yond half,' or farther side. Ritson's AS.

viii. 200. 713

Yornandlike, _adj._ == desirable. Ps. xviii. 11

Young, _adj._ RG. 377; comp. 'younger.' RG. 423; sup. 'youngest.' RG. 381.

AS. geong

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