A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 24

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Breaking, _sb._ == breach, gap. Ps. cv. 23

Breast, _sb._ RG. 419

Breath, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 203

Breathe, _v. n._ Fragm. Sci. 202

Breche, == beech? q. v.

Breech, _sb._ == rump. RG. 322

---- == breeches. 260 B.

Breed, _v. a._ (of a bird). 2 s. pres. 'breist.' O. and N. 1631. RG. 177.

part. 'ibred' == brought up, educated. O. and N. 1722. Body and Soul, 81

Breed, _v. n._ == spring forth. Wright's L. P. p. 45

Breist, == breedest. See Breed

Breme, _adj._ == glorious, renowned. Wright's L. P. pp. 52, 32. AS. breme

---- == eager, l.u.s.tful. O. and N. 202

Brenne, _sb._ == burning. HD. 1239

Breth, _sb._ == wrath. Ps. ii. 5; vi. 2. ON. braedi == anger

Breven, _v. a._ == write down. Pol. S. 156.

Brew, _v. a._ [browe]. RG. 26

Brewer, _sb._ Rel. S. vii. 35

Brewster, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Bre?e, _sb._ See Brow.

Breze, _sb._ == gadfly. Ps. civ. 34. AS. brimse

Briar, _sb._ RG. 331

Bridal, _sb._ Alys. 1071. K. Horn, 1064

Bride, _sb._ HD. 2131

Bridegroom, _sb._ [bridegome]. Ps. xviii. 6

Bride, _sb._ == bridle. Alys. 7626

Bridge, _sb._ RG. 399

Bridle, _sb._ RG. 396

Bright, _adj._ HD. 2131. Wright's L. P. p. 33

Brim, _sb._ == brink. 476

Brimstone, _sb._ Body and Soul, 219

Bring, _v. a._ RG. 379. pret. 'brought.' RG. 309. part. 'ybro?t,'

'ibrou?t.' RG. 376, 491

Brinie, _sb._ == cuira.s.s. HD. 1775. Fr. brugne, brugnie. The root is 'brun' from 'brinnan,' to burn or s.h.i.+ne; Cf. OHG. brunna

Brink, _sb._ Alys. 3491. K. Horn, 147

Brise, _v. a._ == bruise. HD. 1835

Bristle, _sb._ Alys. 6621

Bristled, _adj._ == having bristles. Alys. 5722

Britheling, == worthless, a rascal. Rel. S. vi. 11. Cf. O. Eng. 'broth.e.l.l'

Brittene, == cut in pieces? HD. 2700. Cf. 'brittned,' in Gloss. to Ormulum. AS. bryttian

Broach, _sb._ (an ornament). RG. 489. Alys. 6842

Broad, _adj._ RG. 1. [brede], O. and N. 963

---- _v. a._ == make broad, part. 'ibroded.' O. and N. 1310

Broerh, _adj._ == brittle? Wright's L. P. p. 23

Brood, _sb._ RG. 70

Broodful, _adj._ Ps. cxliii. 13

Brook, _sb._ RG. 80

Broom, _sb._ (genista). Alys. 2492

Brost, _sb._ O. and N. 976, a mistake for 'prost,' i.e. 'priest.' The Jesus Coll. MS. reads 'preost'

Broth, _sb._ RG. 528

Brother, _sb._ RG. 371, 478

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