A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 26

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But, _part._ == contended. HD. 1916. Fr. bouter

Butcher, _sb._ Pol. S. 192

Bute, _prep._ See But

Butler, _sb._ RG. 187, 438

b.u.t.te, _sb._ == a fish, probably a turbot. HD. 759. The Prompt. Parv.

translates it by 'pecten;' the Pictorial Vocab., published by Mr Wright, p. 254, has 'hic turbo' == 'a but.' See N. and Q. 2d S. vi. 382. Sw. b.u.t.ta

b.u.t.ter, _sb._ HD. 643

b.u.t.ton, _sb._ Pol. S. 239

---- _v. n._ == break out. St Swithin, 151. Fr. boutonner. Cotgr.

Buxomness, _sb._ == obedience. RG. 234, 318. AS. buhsomnes, from 'bugan,'

to bow

Buy, _v. a._ [biggen]. Moral Ode, st. 33. [buggen]. O. and N. 1366. pret.

'bou?te.' RG. 379, 496. 'bu,' imper. RG. 390

---- == to exact atonement for. K. Horn, 912

---- == redeem. Ps. xxv. 11

Buyer, _sb._ == redeemer. Ps. xviii. 15

Buzzard, _sb._ Alys. 3049

By, _prep._ == beside (of place). 1213 B. 'Nolde G.o.d that ich bi the sete'

---- == according to. 169 B. 'bi his rede.'

---- == during (of time). 649 B. 'bi myn ancestors daye.' 2498 B. 'bi a Tuesdai'

---- == against. 871 B. 'bi the Bischop of L. thulke word he sede.' Cf. 1 Cor. iv. 4

---- == concerning, of. O. and N. 46

By. For verbs compounded with 'By,' see under 'Bi'

Bycase, _adv._ == by chance. RG. 490

Byefe. See Behoof

Byquide. See Bequest

By?yte. See Beget


Cable, _sb._ RG. 148

Cacherel, _sb._ == catch poll. Pol. S. 151

Cage, _sb._ Alys. 5011

Caitiff, _sb._ Body and Soul, 229

Cake, _sb._ c.o.k. 55

Cales, _sb._ == a kind of serpent. Alys. 7094

Calf, _sb._ (the animal). Alys. 6351

Call, _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 59

Call, _sb._ == cap worn on the head. Pol. S. 158. Fr. cale

Calu?, _adj._ == bald. Alys. 5950. AS. calo, caluw

Camel, _sb._ Alys. 854

Can, _vb._ == am able [con]. Wright's L. P. p. 82. [cunne]. 2 s. pres.

'cost.' Wright's L. P. p. 91. O. and N. 47. pret. 'cowe.' RG. 29

---- == know [con]. RG. 443. [cunne]. O. and N. 48. 2 s. pres. 'canst.' O.

and N. 560

Candle, _sb._ RG. 290, 561

Candlemas, _sb._ St Dunstan, 3

Canel, _sb._ == cinnamon. Wright's L. P. p. 27. Fr canelle. Lat. canna

Cankerfret, _adj._ RG. 299

Canon, _sb._ RG. 510

Capel, _sb._ == horse, nag. c.o.k. 32. Lat. caballus

Capelclawer, _sb._ == horse-scrubber. Pol. S. 239

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