A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 28

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Chair, _sb._ RG. 321

Chaisel, _sb._ == a woman's upper garment. Alys. 279. 'espece de vetement.' Roq. _s. v._ SS. cheisil. Fr. cheinsil, _v._ Roq. _s. v._ chainse, and Gloss. Rem. to La?. iii. 502

Chalandre, _sb._ == goldfinch. c.o.k. 95

Chalcedony, _sb._ c.o.k. 92

Chalen, _sb._ == chill, cold. Alys. 4834

Chalice, _sb._ RG. 489. HD. 187

Chalktrap, _sb._ == pit or snare. Alys. 6070

Challenge, _v. a._ RG. 279, 451

Chamber, _sb._ 452 B.

Chamberlain. RG. 390, 490

Champion, _sb._ HD. 1015

Chance, _sb._ == condition, fortune. RG. 465

---- == chance [cheance]. RG. 210

Chancellor, _sb._ RG. 540, 468

Chancellory, _sb._ == office of chancellor. 452 B.

Chane, _vb. pret._ == cleft. Alys. 2228. AS. cinan. perf. can. The 'ch'

appears in 'tochan,' the pret. of 'tocinan,' in La?amon, ii. 468. Weber wrongly derives the word from Fr. choir, and makes it mean 'fell'

Change, _sb._ RG. 493

Change, _vb. a._ RG. 548

Chantment, _sb._ == enchantment. RG. 28, 149

Chapel, _sb._ RG. 472, 473

Chapitle, _sb._ == chapter of a cathedral RG. 473

Chaplain, _sb._ 961 B.

Chapman, _sb._ RG. 539

Chapter, _sb._ (of a cathedral). 601 B.

Char, _sb._ == turn, movement. Body and Soul, 79. Hence '?eynchar' == repentance. Wright's L. P. p. 46. SS. charren. AS. cerran, cerre. Germ.


Charge, _v. a._ == load. RG. 13. part. 'icharged.' Pol. S. 195

---- _sb._ == load, weight. RG. 416

---- == expense. RG. 189

Charity, _sb._ Pol. S. 202. 'par charite.' 1811 B.

Charm, _sb._ == spell. Alys. 81

Charming, _sb._ == spell. Alys. 404

Charreye, _sb._ == car. Alys. 5097

Charter, _sb._ RG. 477, 498

Chase, _sb._ == hunting. RG. 6

Chaste, _adj._ 154 B.; [cheste]. Alys. 7050. 'chaster.' RG. 191

Chaste, _v. a._ == chastise. RG. 134

Chastise, _v. a._ RG. 420

Chasuble, _sb._ == priest's robe. 953 B. Fr. casule. Ital. casupola

Chasur, _sb._ == horse for hunting. Signa ante Jud. 110. Fr. chaceor

Chaterestre, _sb._ == a female chatterer. O. and N. 655

Chattels, _sb._ [chateus]. RG. 471, 569. Another form of 'cattle'

Chattering, _sb._ O. and N. 744

Chaumpebataile, _sb._ == battle-field. Alys. 5553

Chavling, _sb._ == jawing. O. and N. 284, 296

Chawl, _sb._ == jaw. Body and Soul, 189. Pol. S. 154. AS. ceafl. SS.

chevele. pl. chaefles

Chawl, _v. n._ == to chide, jaw. Pol. S. 240

Cheap, _sb._ == haggling? Wright's L. P. p. 39

Cheap, _v. a._ == buy. Pol. S. 159. AS. ceapian

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