A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 3

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---- _sb._ == agreement. RG. 388, 447

Account, _v. n._ == render an account or reckoning. Pilate 86

---- _sb._ == reckoning. 164 B. Sermon, st. 24

Accurse, _v. a._ RG. 296, 474

Accuse, _v. a._ RG. 523. part. 'acoysing,' == accusing or accusation.

Alys. 3973

Acele, _v. a._ == seal. RG. 510. See Asele

Ache, _sb._ == smallage or water-parsley. Wright's L. P. p. 26. Fr. ache

Ache, _v. n._ RG. 240 pret. 'ok.' RG. 208

Acoled, == cooled. O. and N. 215

Acomber, _v. a._ == enc.u.mber. Alys. 8025

Acopede, == accused. See Aculp

Acore, _v. a._ == make sorry, grieve. RG. 75. part. 'acorye,' == chastened, punished. RG. 390

Acost, _adv._ == at the side. Alys. 2443, 3547

Acquaint, _v. a._ RG. 15, 465

Acquit, _v. a._ RG. 565

Acton, _sb._ == a leathern jacket worn under the armour. Alys. 2153. Fr.

acoton. See Burguy s. v.

Acue, _adv._ == on his rump. Fr. au cul. Marg. 67

Aculp, _v. a._ == accuse. RG. 544. pret. 'acopede.' 773 B.

Adaunt, _v. a._ RG. 61, 372

Aday, _adv._ == by day. O. and N. 219

---- == of the day, 'a?en eve aday,' 'on the evening of the day.' RG. 289

Adder, _sb._ Alys. 5262

Addle, _adj._ == rotten. O. and N. 133

Adi?te, _v. a._ == adapt, prepare. O. and N. 326

Admiral, _sb._ [amyrayl.] RG. 409. [admirald.] K. Horn 95

Admonishment, _sb._ [amonestement]. Alys. 6974

Adown, _prep._ [adun]. O. and N. 1452

---- _adv._ RG. 376.

Adownward, _adv._ RG. 362. Fragm. Sci. 321

Adraw, _v. a._ == draw (as a sword). RG. 361, pret. 'adrou.' == drew. RG.


Adread, _v. n._ == fear, be in dread. O. and N. 1264

---- _adj._ == in fear. Rel. S. iv. 2. part. 'adrad.' 44 B.

Adrench, _v. a._ == to drown, pret. 'adrentte.' RG. 384

---- _v. n._ == be drowned, pret. 'adrent.' RG. 401. part. 'adrencte.' RG.

437. 'adronke.' RG. 430

Adri?e, _v. a._ == endure. K. Horn, 1068. AS. a-dreogan

Adun, _v. a._ == stun. O. and N. 337

Adun, _adv._ == adown, _q. v._

Advance, _v. a._ == set forward, promote. RG. 503; to _advance_ a girl in marriage. RG. 431

Advancement, _sb._ Alys. 2570

Advent, _sb._ == the season of Advent. 1849 B.

Advice, _sb._ 101 B.

Advowson, _sb._ [vowson]. RG. 471

Adwole, _adv._ == in error. O. and N. 177. AS. dwelian, dwola

Ae, _adv._ for 'a?e,' == against. 1456 B.

Afaitment, _sb._ == address, skill. Alys. 661

Afare, _part._ == gone away. St Kath. 176

Afaytye, _v. a._ == manage, reduce to subjection. RG. 177

---- 3 s pret. 'afighteth.' Alys. 6583. Fr. afaiter

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