A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 30

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Christmas, _sb._ 1932 B

Chrysolite, _sb._ Alys. 5682

Churl, _sb._ HD. 682. AS. ceorl

Church, _sb._ RG. 369, 381

Churchyard, _sb._ 2234 B.

Ciclaton, _sb._ == a rich stuff from India. Alys. 1964. Fr. ciglaton. Lat.


Cinqueports, _sb._ == the five havens of Dover, Sandwich, Romney, Hyde, Hastings. RG. 515

Citation, _sb._ == a summoning into court. RG. 473

City, _sb._ RG. 380; used adjectively as 'a city town.' Alys. 7543

Clack, _v. n._ == make a noise. O. and N. 81. AS. cloccan

Clad, _part._ == clothed. HD. 1354. AS. gecladed

Claht, == adhered, cleaved? Wright's L. P. p. 37

Clap, _v. a._ == strike. HD. 1821

Clarre, _sb._ == a kind of wine (claret?). HD. 1728

Clasp, _sb._ Pol. S. 222

Clastre, _v. n._ == to clatter. Pol. S. 157

Claw, _sb._ Body and Soul, 186. pl. 'clen,' Marg. 46. 'clees,' Ps. lxviii.

32. AS. clea

Clawed, _adj._ == having claws. Alys. 4969

Clay, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 85

Clay, _adj._ Rel. S. v. 73

Clean, _adj._ RG. 374

Cleanly, _adv._ RG. 434

Cleanness, _sb._ RG. 411, 434

Cleanse, _v. a._ [clansi]. O. and N. 610. Ps. l. 4. part, 'ycleansed.' RG.


Cleansing, _sb._ Ps. lx.x.xviii. 45

Clear, _adj._ 1097 B.

Clearly, _adv._ 442

Cleave, _v. a._ == split. HD. 917. pret. 'clewyd' == cleft. Alys. 3790. 3 pl. 'clowen,' ib. 2765. AS. clufan

---- _v. n._ == adhere to. HD. 1300. AS. clifan

Clench, _v. a._ == pinch, wither up. O. and N. 1204; the modern 'cling.'

Compare Shakspere's 'Till famine _cling_ thee.' Macb. v. 5 AS. clingan

Clench, _v. a._ == strike (as a harp). K. Horn, 1532

Clenyen. See Cling

Clergy, _sb._ == order of clergymen. RG. 563, 420

Clerk, _sb._ RG. 471, 472, 496

---- _adj._ == learned. St Kath. 4

Cleten ? K. Horn, 1433; probably a mistake for 'clenten' == clung

Cleve, _sb._ == cottage. HD. 557; a room, chamber. Ps. iv. 5. AS. cleafa.

ON. klefi

Cliff, _sb._ Ps. cxiii. 8

Climb, _v. n._ RG. 410, 527. pret. 'clam.' RG. 333

Cling, _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 85. Alys. 2903; [clenyen], Wright's L. P.

p. 37

Cling, _v. n._ == wither. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211. Pilate, 215. AS. clingan

Clinglich, == cleanly? c.o.k. 15

Clink, _v. a._ == make to sound. Pol. S. 189

Clip, _v. a._ == embrace. RG. 14. [cluppede] 288 B. [clupte]. AS. clyppan

Clipie, _v. a._ == call. 472 B.; [clipen]. 1182 B.; [clupe]. RG. 410.

pret. 'clepude.' RG. 10. part. 'yclepud.' RG. 10. AS. clypian

Clivers, _sb._ == claws, talons. O. and N. 78. AS. clfrian, to scratch

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