A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 33

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Cost, _sb._ == expenditure. RG. 297; expense. RG. 183

---- _vb. a._ pret. 'costenede.' RG. 390

Cost, == couldest or canst. See Can

Costage, _sb._ == a sum of money deposited by way of surety. RG. 391

Cot, _sb._ == cottage. Pol. S. 152

Coufle, _sb._ == a basket. RG. 265. AS. cowel, cawl

Could, _vb._ See Can

Coulter, _sb._ == ploughshare. Pol. S. 152. Lat. culter

Council, _sb._ RG. 495

Councillor, _sb._ RG. 417

Counsel, _sb._ RG. 412, 371

Counsel, _v. n._ == take counsel, consider. RG. 91

---- _v. a._ == give counsel. Wright's L. P. p. 95

Counseller, _sb._ Alys. 7118

Count, _sb._ == account. Pol. S. 152

Countenance, _sb._ == appearance, demeanour. 187 B.

---- == courage. Pol. S. 216

Counter, _sb._ == reckoner. RG. 538

Countess, _sb._ RG. 370, 510

Country, RG. 368, 510

County, [countene] _sb._ Pol. S. 157

Coupe, _v. n._ == buy or aby? HD. 1800. ON. kaupa

Courageous, _adj._ RG. 453

Courant, == running. Alys. 3461

Couren. See Cower

Courser, _sb._ == steed. Alys. 4056

Court, _sb._ == courtyard. RG. 525

---- == of a king. 165 B.

---- == of law. RG. 471

---- == courtesy--to 'pay court.' 204 B.

Courteous, _adj._ RG. 385, 525

Courtesy, _sb._ RG. 189, 516

Couth, _adj._ == known. RG. 514, 455. AS. cu

Couthe, _v. a._ == make known. O. and N. 90. pret. 'ykud.' RG. 57. AS.


Couwe, _v. n._ == cower? Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211

Cove, _adv._ == quickly. O. and N. 379. AS. cof

Covel, _sb._ == coat. HD. 547. AS. cufle == cowl

Covenant, _sb._ RG. 179

Cover, _v. a._ == recover. RG. 49

---- == take care of [coverye]. Alys. 7533

Coverture, _sb._ == bedclothes. K. Horn, 716

Covet, _v. a._ RG. 306

Covetise, _sb._ RG. 46

Covetous, _adj._ Fragm. on Seven Sins, 23

Cow, _sb._ Alys. 6333. pl. 'kye.' Ps. lxvii. 31

Coward, _adj._ RG. 455. Fr. coard

---- _v. a._ == dishearten, make fearful. Alys. 3344

---- _sb._ Alys. 2053

Cower, _v. n._ Alys. 2053. 'couren,' == cowering. Pol. S. 157

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