A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 35

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Crupper, _sb._ (of a saddle). Alys. 3421

Crus, _adj._ == wrathful. HD. 1966. Fr. cruz. See Hall. _s. v._ Crous

Crust, _sb._ Pol. S. 204

Cry, _v. n._ RG. 381, 495

Cry, _sb._ Alys. 5410. HD. 2772. Ps. ci. 2

Crystal, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 66

Cubur, _sb._ == cover. Alys. 2359

Cuckingstool, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Cuckold, _sb._ == O. and N. 1592. Fr. cocul

Cuckoo, _sb._ Ritson's AS. iii. 2

Cucube, _sb._ == cubeb. c.o.k. 76

c.u.mberment, _sb._ Alys. 472

c.u.mmin, _sb._ Alys. 6797

c.u.mrade, == relation. See Kindred

Cundut, _sb._ == religious service. O. and N. 483. Fr. conduis

Cunig, == coney, _q. v._

Cunne, _vb._ See Can

Cup, _sb._ RG. 117

Cure, _sb._ (of souls). 857 B.

Curne, _v. a._ == form grains, ripen (said of corn). RG. 490

Curreye, _sb._ == waggon-train. Alys. 5118

Curse, _v. a._ 550

Curtain, _v. a._ Alys. 1028

Curven. See Carve

Cusse, _v. a._ == kiss. _q. v._

Cust, _sb._ == dignity. O. and N. 9. AS. cyst

---- == choice. O. and N. 1396. AS. cst

Custom, _sb._ RG. 470

Cut, _v. a._ [citte]. HD. 942. part, 'ykyt.' Alys. 2709

---- == destiny, remove. Ps. cxviii. 39

Cypress, _sb._ Alys. 5785

Cytoling, _sb._ == playing on the 'cytol' or guitar. Alys. 1043


Dab, _v. a._ == strike. Pol. S. 192

Dab, _sb._ == a blow. Alys. 2306

Dahet, _sb._ == a curse. O. and N. 99. See Datheit

Dainty, _sb._ 1202 B. Fr. dain. Cotgr. W. dantaeth

---- == daintiness [deynte], Alys. 7070

---- == fondness [deynte]. St Dunstan.

Dais, _sb._ == a raised seat. RG. 536. Alys. 1039

Daisy, _sb._ [dayes-e?e]. Wright's L. P. p. 43

Dale, _sb._ RG. 362

Damage, _sb._ Alys. 959

Dame, _sb._ RG. 560

d.a.m.n, _v. a._ == judge. Wright's L. P. p. 100

Damsel, _sb._ RG. 432

Dance, _v. n._ Alys. 5213

---- _sb._ Alys. 6990

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