A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 38

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Deserve, _v. a._ Fragm. Sci. 371

Desire, _v. a._ 225 B.

Despeple, _v. a._ == publish. RG. 517, 568

Despise, _v. a._ RG. 31

Despite, _sb._ RG. 566

Destance, _sb._ == strife. RG. 511, 570

Dester, 'in dester' == on the right hand. A steed led by the squire 'in dester' was the 'destrier' or 'dextrarius,' or war-horse. Body and Soul, 18. See Roq. _s. v._ Destrier

Destining, _sb._ == destiny. Alys. 6867

Destroy, _v. a._ part, 'destrud.' RG. 372. pret. 'destrude.' RG. 376

Destroying, _sb._ == destruction. Alys. 2888

Destuted, == dest.i.tute, wanting. Alys. 2199

Deus! an _interj._ == O G.o.d! hence our 'deuce.' HD. 2096, 2114. Fr. deus

Deus, _adj._ == sweet. HD. 1312. Fr. doux

Deutyraun, _sb._ == some monstrous animal. Alys. 5416

Devil, _sb._ RG. 411; [del]. Wright's L. P. p. 111

Devilness, _sb._ == demon. Ps. xcv. 5

Devise, _v. a._ == contrive. 876 B.

---- == describe. Alys. 7377

Devotion, _sb._ RG. 405, 456

Devout, _adj._ RG. 369

Dew, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 232. Wright's L. P. p. 72. [dewyng.] Alys. 914

Dewdrop, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 114

Dewing, _sb._ See Dew

Diadem, _sb._ 2161 B.

Diamond, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 25

Dicce, _v. n._ == shudder, tremble? Signa ante Jud. 24. Cf. 'didder,' in Halliwell, and Phil. Soc. Proc. vol. v. p. 39

Dice, _sb._ [deys]. Alys. 3297

Die, _v. n._ RG. 530

Dight, _v. a._ == set in order, govern. RG. 424; 'compose,' applied to the voice of a bird. O. and N. 1653; 'attack.' Pol. S. 223. part. 'idi?te.'

Rel. Ant. ii. p. 217. AS. dihtan

Digne, _adj._ == worthy. RG. 132

Dignity, _sb._ 244 B.

Dike, _sb._ == ditch. Body and Soul, 120

Dim, _v. a._ Ps. lxviii. 24

---- _v. n._ Christ on the Cross, 7

Dim, _adj._ == dusky. O. and N. 577. AS. dim

Dimness, _sb._ Ps. xvii. 10

Din, _v. a._ [denie]. K. Horn, 606. Ps. xlv. 4. AS. dnian

---- _sb._ Ps. xli. 5

Dine, _v. n._ RG. 558. AS. dnan

Ding, _v. a._ == strike. HD. 215. part. 'dungen.' HD. 227. Sw. danga. ON.


Dint, _sb._ == blow. 2138 B. AS. dnt

Discharge, _v. a._ == deprive of a charge or office. Alys. 3868

Disciple, _sb._ RG. 232

Discipline, _v. a._ 2384 B.

---- _v. n._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 175

Discomfort, _v. a._ RG. 212

Discord, _sb._ RG. 195

Discording, _sb._ == discord. RG. 255

Discoverte, _sb._ == an unguarded part. Alys. 7418

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