A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 40

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Dosil, _sb._ == a spigot of a barrel. RG. 542. Fr. doisil. See the Prompt.

Parv. _s. v._ dotelle, and note there

Dotance, _sb._ == doubt, fear. Alys. 582

Double, _adj._ 417 B.

Double, _v. a._ 598 . part. 'idoubled.' 295

Doubt, _sb._ == fear. RG. 89, 402

Doubt, _v. n._ == be afraid. 395 B.; feel doubt. St Swithin, 105

Doubt, _v. a._ == fear. 289

Doughtily, _adv._ Alys. 7382

Doughty, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 27

Douthe, == 'might,' or 'availed,' perf. of 'dow,' to avail, prosper, be able. (See Phil. Soc. Proc. ii. 158.) HD. 833, 1184. part. 'ydought.'

Alys. 5906. AS. dugan

Douzepairs, _sb._ == the twelve peers of France, [dosse pers], RG. 188.

[dozzepers]. RG. 200

Dove, _sb._ Ps. liv. 7

Down, _sb._ == open heath. RG. 144; [dune]. O. and N. 830. AS. dun

Down, _adv._ HD. 2291

Downcast, _v. a._ == cast down. pret. 'douncaste.' Ps. lxxiii. 6

Downcome, _v. n._ Ps. cxliii. 5

Downer, == lower. Alys. 6619

Downfall, _v. n._ == fall down, in part. 'downfalland.' Ps. xvii. 9

Downfalling, _sb._ Ps. li. 6

Downgo, _v. n._ == go down. Ps. cvi. 26. part, 'downgaand.' Ps. cvi. 23

Downright, _adv._ Ps. cv. 18

Downshear, _v. a._ == cut down. pret. 'douneschare.' Ps. lxxiii. 6

Downward, _adv._ RG. 362

Dozen, _sb._ Pol. S. 229

Dragon, _sb._ == (animal). RG. 131

---- == a war standard. RG. 303, 216, 545

Dragonet, _sb._ == a small dragon. Alys. 602

Drake, _sb._ HD. 1241. Wright's L. P. p. 44

---- == dragon. Alys. 553

Drapery, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 175

Draught, _sb._ == drawing. Body and Soul, 43

Draw, _v. a._ RG. 367

---- == cut down, 'hang and draw.' 724 B. part. 'drawe' (of a sword). RG.


Draw, _v. n._ == draw towards a thing, approximate to. RG. 369; [drey?e].

Wright's L. P. p. 34

Drawbridge, _sb._ Alys. 1205

Dread, _sb._ RG. 401, 457

Dread, _v. n._ pret. 'dradde.' 127 B.

Dreadful, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 50

Dreadly, _adj._ Body and Soul, 6

Dream, _sb._ HD. 1284

---- _v. n._ HD. 1284, 1304. ON. dreyma

Drearied, == sorrowful. Ps. x.x.xvii. 7

Dreary, _adj._ RG. 351; [drury], Alys. 4389. Cf. La?. ii. 184

Dreg, _sb._ Ps. x.x.xix. 3

Dreme, _sb._ == song, melody. Wright's L. P. p. 57; [dreim]. O. and N.

21. AS. dream

Drench, _sb._ == a potion. RG. 151. AS. drenc

Drench, _v. a._ == to drown. Wright's L. P. p. 113. part. 'dreynt.' Ibid.

p. 111

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