A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 45

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Eri, _sb._ == tillage. Pol. S. 196. AS. erian

Ermine, _sb._ RG. 191. M. Ode, 182

Erming, _sb._ == grieving. Alys. 1525. AS. earming, yrmian

Ern, _sb._ == eagle. RG. 177, 215. AS. earn

Ernde, _v. a._ == intercede, gain for another by intercession. Wright's L.

P. p. 62. AS. aerendian

Ernding, _sb._ == intercession. Wright's L. P. p. 58; [herendinge]. Rel.

S. iv. 86

Erne, dat. of adj. 'er,' == early; 'on erne morowe.' Alys. 5458

Erne, _v. n._ == run. Wright's L. P. p. 81. AS. yrnan

Erre, _sb._ == a wound, scar. Ps. x.x.xvii. 6. ON. or. Dan. ar

Errand, _sb._ RG. 501. AS. aerend

Erst, == first. Wright's L. P. p. 32

Erur, _adv._ == before. O. and N. 1736. AS. aeror, from aer

Esle, _v. a._ == ask. RG. 453

Esmyte, _v. n._ == smite, 'to gader esmyte,' (of two armies). RG. 215

Esse, _v. a._ == ask. RG. 374, 498

Este, _sb._ == ford, provisions. O. and N. 358. AS. est

Este, _adj._ == mild, kindly. O. and N. 997.

---- == dear. Rel. Ant. i. 111. AS. este. ON. ast

Estellation, _sb._ == astrology. Alys. 589

Estre, _sb._ == condition. Alys. 5467

Ete, _sb._ == eating. M. Ode, 130

Eth, _adj._ == easy. M. Ode, 188. RG. 327; [ythe]. K. Horn, 61. AS. ea

Elete, _adj._ == what is lightly thrown away, worthless. M. Ode, 75, 78.

AS. ea, l?tan

Evangelist, _sb._ RG. 67, 348

Eve, _sb._ RG. 415, 532

Even, _adv._ with 'as,' == just as, or when. RG. 535

---- _adj._ == equal. Creed, 77

---- == straight, level. Wright's L. P. p. 35

---- _sb._ == peer, equal. Pol. S. 157

---- _v. a._ == compare. 1631 B.

Evenforth, _adv._ == forward. 2186 B.

Evening, _sb._ == equal, peer. Alys. 3008

Evenmette, _adj._ == coequal. Creed, 58. Ps. xlviii. 13

Evenness, _sb._ == equity. Ps. ix. 8

Evensong, _sb._ RG. 369

Ever, _adv._ RG. 535, 370; [everne]. RG. 74

Evereft, _adv._ 54 B

Evermore, _adv._ Wright's L. P. p. 29. Ritson's AS. viii. 160

Every, _adj._ [everyche]. RG. 374

Everyldele, _sb._ == every part. RG. 408

Evil, _sb._ == sickness. HD. 114; misfortune. Ps. lx.x.xix. 15; [uvel], RG.


---- _adj._ [uvele]. 413 B.

---- _adv._ O. and N. 1204. 404 B.

Evilness, _sb._ Ps. x.x.xv. 5; li. 5

Ewt, _sb._ See Eft

Executor, _sb._ Fragm. on Seven Sins, 42

Ey, _sb._ == egg. RG. 404. pl. 'eiren.' St Swithin, 57. Germ. ei. AS. aeg.

ON. egg

Eye, _sb._ == awe. RG. 469, 507. AS. ege

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