A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 70

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Iliche. See Alike, Like.

Ilithered, == shot out as from a sling. RG. 549. See Luther

Ilk, _adj._ == same. 804 B.

---- == every. Ps. lx.x.xviii. 14

Ilkan, == each one. Ps. lxi. 12

Ilke, == as, like. Body and Soul, 204; probably a mistake for 'like'

Ill, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 61; 'The Ill,' == Devil. O. and N. 421. Cf.

the similar phrase 'e wrse' in La?, _v._ 1140. ON. illr

Illhope, _v. a._ == wish evil to. Ps. lxvii. 17

Illtongued, _adj._ Ps. cx.x.xix. 12

Illwilland, == ill wisher. Ps. xliii. 6

Ilome, _adv._ == frequently. RG. 378; 'ilomest.' O. and N. 595. AS. gelome

Ilove, _sb._ == lovers. O. and N. 1045

Image, _sb._ RG. 14

Imagour, _sb._ == imagery. Alys. 7689

Imene, _adj._ == common. O. and N. 234. AS. gem?ne

---- _sb._ == a companion. O. and N. 1410

Imone, _adv._ == together, in common. 380

Improve, _v. a._ == prove. RG. 466

Imunde, _sb._ == recollection. AS. gemund

In, _prep._ RG. 379, 443

Incarnation, _sb._ RG. 9

Incense, _sb._ [encenz]. Wright's L. P. p. 96

Income, _v. n._ == come in. RG. 48

Incoming, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 191

Increeping, _sb._ == piercing. Alys. 2168

Inde, _sb._ == silk of India. Alys. 929

Indrunken, _v. a._ == make drunk. Ps. lxiv. 11

Infat, _v. a._ == make fat, anoint. Ps. cxl. 5

Infight, _v. a._ == fight against; pret. 'inf.a.ght.' Ps. cxix. 7; part, 'infightand.' Ps. x.x.xiv. 1

Infleeing, _sb._ == refuge. Ps. cxliii. 2

Ingang, _sb._ == going in. Ps. cxx. 8

Ingo, _v. n._ == enter; pret. 'inwent,' Ps. x.x.xvii. 7; 'inyhode.' Ps. xl.

7; imper. sing, 'inga.' Ps. xlii. 4; pl. 'ingas.' Ps. xcix. 4

Iniquity, _sb._ Alys. 132

Ink, _sb._ [enke]. Marg. 60. Fr. encre. Dut. inkt

Inlie, _v. n._ == lie upon; pret. 'inlai.' Ps. civ. 38

Inlodge, _v. a._ == inhabit, Ps. civ. 19

Inlow, _v. a._ == humiliate; part, 'inlowed.' Ps. lxxii. 21

Inly, _adv._ 1714 B.

Inn, _sb._ 483 B. AS. inn

Innerest, _adj._ == inmost. Ps. lx.x.xv. 13

Inny, _v. a._ == lodge. RG. 336. AS. innian

Inover, _adv._ == besides. Ps. xv. 7

Inrese, _v. a._ == rush in; pret. 'inrase.' Ps. lx.x.xv. 14. AS. inr?san

Insend, _v. a._ == send in. Ps. x.x.xix. 4

Inset, _v. a._ == put in. Ps. lxv. 12

Ins.h.i.+elder, _sb._ == protector. Ps. cxx. 5

Insight, _sb._ RG. 307

Instead, Cf. RG. 214

Instrument, _sb._ 1888 B.

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A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 70 summary

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