A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 75

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Lavender, _sb._ == launder, washer. Wright's L. P. p. 49

Laveroc, _sb._ == lark. Wright's L. P. pp. 26, 40. AS. lawerc

Law, _sb._ RG. 381; [lay]. 346 B.

Lawfulness, _sb._ == sense of justice. O. and N. 1739

Lax, _sb._ == salmon. HD. 754. AS. leax. ON. lax

Lay, _adj._ == pertaining to the laity, 'lay fee.' RG. 470

Lay, _v. a._ pret. 'leyde.' RG. 393

---- == lay aside. Body and Soul, 166

---- == lay on, attack. Alys. 5832

---- == allay. Ps. lx.x.xiv. 4

Lay, _sb._ == song. Alys. 5211. Fr. lai. AS. leo

Lay, _sb._ == religious observance. Alys. 4690. AS. lagu

---- == faith, belief [la?e]. K. Horn, 69

Layk. See Leyk

Lea, _sb._ == meadow; pl. 'lesen.' RG. 1; 'lese.' RG. 375; AS. l?su

Leach, _sb._ == physician. RG. 380. AS. l?ce

Leachcraft, _sb._ RG. 141, 150

Lead, _v. a._ RG. 376; pret. 'ladde.' RG. 380

Lead, _sb._ RG. 1

Leader, _sb._ Ps. liv. 14

Leaf, _sb._ 180 B.

Leafworm, _sb._ Ps. lxxvii. 46

Lealte, _sb._ == loyalty. Wright's L. P. p. 53

Lean, _v. n._ RG. 308. AS. hlinian

Lean, _adj._ Pol. S. 150. AS. l?ne

Leap, _v. n._ pret. 'lepte.' RG. 396; 3 pl. 'lopon.' Alys. 861

---- _v. a._ == forsake (an oath). HD. 2009

Learn, _v. a._ RG. 519; pret. 'lernede.' RG. 434; part, 'ylerned.' RG. 29; 'ylere.' HD. 12

Leasing, == falsehood. See Lesing

Least, _adj._ RG. 37

Leave, _v. a._ 39 B.; [lef]. 136 B.; part. 'ileved.' 616 B.

Leave, _sb._ == permission. 569 B.

Lecche, _v. a._ == comprehend. HD. 252. AS. laeccan

Leche, _sb._ == look. O. and N. 1138. See Gloss. Rem. to La?. iii. 454

Lecher, _sb._ == lecherous person. RG. 351. Fr. lecher. AS. liccera

---- == blockhead. Alys. 3916

Lechery, _sb._ RG. 405, 334

Lechure, _sb._ Alys. 6306

Led, _sb._ == song. Fragm. in Warton, H. E. P. vol. i. p. 22. AS. leo

Led, _sb._ == a cauldron. HD. 924. Rel. S. v. 242. AS. li, a cup, hollow vessel; or possibly it may be contracted from 'lebet.' Lat. lebes

Ledandlike, _adj._ == ductile. Ps. xcvii. 6

Lede, _sb._ == speech. Body and Soul, 11. AS. leden

Ledron, _sb._ == thief, robber. Alys. 3210. Fr. larron. Lat. latro. Or possibly == leper. Fr. ladre. See Roq. _s. v._ ladrerie, and the Prompt.

Parv. _s. v._ Lydron

Leek, _sb._ RG. 341

Lees, _adj._ == bad, wicked. Wright's L. P. pp. 42, 49

---- == false [les]. Pol. S. 214; pl. 'leses,' false persons. Ps. lx.x.xi.

4. AS. leas

---- _sb._ == falsehood. Alys. 5790

Left, _adj._ (sinister) [lift]. RG. 22

Leg, _sb._ RG. 338

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