A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 80

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Lour, _v. n._ [lure]. K. Horn, 276; part. 'luring.' O. and N. 423. Lat.


Louring, _adj._ Alys. 526

Louse, _sb._ Pol. S. 238

Lout, _v. n._ == go low. Body and Soul, 80; crouch, lie hid. O. and N.

373. AS. lutan

Love, _v. a._ [luvie]. Rel. S. v. 262; pret. 'lovede.' RG. 370, 375. AS.


---- _sb._ RG. 18. 39 B.

Love, _v. a._ == praise. Ps. cl. 2, sing. Ps. cv. 12; [loove]. AS. lofian

---- _adj._ == agreeable. O. and N. 1033

Loveing, _sb._ == praise. Ps. ix. 15

Lovely, _adj._ K. Horn, 464

Lovesome, _adj._ [lossom], Wright's L. P. p. 26; comp. 'lussomore.' Ib. p.


Lovesong, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 74

Low, _adj._ == humble, 'high and low.' RG. 514; [lo?e]. Wright's L. P. p.

73; sup. 'lowest.' 1187 B.

---- == soft (of sound). HD. 2079

---- _v. n._ == become low, sink. Alys. 5746

Lowe, _sb._ == flame. Body and Soul, 216. ON. log

Lowe, _sb._ == hill. Alys. 4348. AS. hl?w

Lud, _sb._ == voice. Wright's L. P. p. 27. ON. hljo

Lugge, _sb._ == log, rod. O. and N. 1607. Dut. blok. Cf. 'lin' and 'blin,'

'liss' and 'bliss'

Lugre, _sb._ == a precious stone. c.o.k. 89. The ligure of our version of the Bible. Ex. xxviii. 19. Gr. ??????????

Lumbar, _sb._ == a s.h.i.+p of burthen. Alys. 6063

Lung, _sb._ Alys. 2156

Lure, _sb._ == loss. RG. 181. O. and N. 1151. AS. lor, lyre

Lurk, _v. n._ HD. 68. Sw. lura

l.u.s.t, _sb._ == sensuality. Wright's L. P. p. 25

---- _vb. impers._ 'him l.u.s.te.' RG. 472; 'me l.u.s.t.' O. and N. 39, 287

Luther, _adj._ == wicked. RG. 389, 524. AS. ler

Luther, _sb._ == leather, a sling. RG. 394

Lutherhood, _sb._ == wickedness. RG. 454

Lutherness, _sb._ == wickedness. RG. 389, 465

Ly, _sb._ == voice. St Andrew, 84. AS. hld

Lye, _sb._ == moisture, [le?e]. Pol. S. 154. AS. leah

Lyen, _sb._ == reward. M. Ode, 32. AS. lean

Lying, _sb._ Ps. iv. 3


Ma, == more. Ritson's AS. viii. 246

Ma, == make. Ps. liii. 5

---- == made. Ps. x.x.xii. 6

In the majority of pa.s.sages where this word occurs in the Surtees Psalter, it seems to be a mere expletive, introduced for the sake of the rhyme. Cf. Ps. xv. 3; xvii. 34; xxi. 2; xxvii. 4; lx.x.xviii. 6; xcv. 5; xcviii. 7; &c. &c.

Ma, == May? Ritson's AS. viii. 146

Mace, _sb._ == club. RG. 207. Fr. ma.s.sue

Mace, _sb._ == spice. c.o.k. 73. Fr. macis

Mace, _sb._ == masonry. Alys. 6258. Fr. maconnerie

Mackarel, _sb._ HD. 758. Fr. maquereau

Mad, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 29

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