A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 84

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Menske, _adj._ == gracious. RG. 33. From AS. mennisc, human; cf. our double sense of 'humanity'

---- _sb._ == grace, civility. Wright's L. P. p. 37

---- _v. a._ == treat graciously. Ritson's AS. viii. 83

Menskful, _adj._ == gracious. Wright's L. P. p. 51

Merchandise, _sb._ RG. 99

Merchant, _sb._ Alys. 704

Merciful, _adj._ Ps. cxliv. 8

Mercy, _sb._ RG. 370; to 'do into mercy' == force a man to beg his life.

RG. 539

Mere, _adj._ [mire]. O. and N. 1739

---- _adv._ == merely, entirely. O. and N. 496

Mere, _sb._ == a boundary. Ps. ii. 8. AS. ge-m?re

Mere, _adj._ == famous, beautiful, n.o.ble. Wright's L. P. p. 26. M. Ode, 196. AS. m?ra

Merksoot, _sb._ == distance between two limits. Ritson's AS. viii. 31. See Wyntoun, ix. 47

Merrily, _adv._ [murdly]. Body and Soul, 17

Merry, _adj._ 141 ; [miri]. Ritson's AS. viii. 118; comp. 'murgore.' RG.

190, 281; sup. 'murgost.' RG. 349. AS. merg

---- _v. n._ == to be merry, 3 s. pres. 'murgeth.' Wright's L. P. p. 45

---- _v. a._ == make merry. Wright's L. P. p. 44

Mes, _sb._ == meal, mess. Body and Soul, 137, Sermon 6. AS. mesan, to eat

Message, _sb._ 2020 B.

Messegere, _sb._ == apparatus of the Ma.s.s. See Ma.s.sgear

Messenger, _sb._ RG. 475, 505

Mestere, _sb._ == craft. K. Horn, 235. Fr. maistrie. Lat. magister

Mestere, _sb._ == trade, profession. Alys. 6719. Fr. metier. Lat.

ministerium. 'Of all mestere men' == of all sorts of men. Rel. Ant. i.


Mestre--'with the mestre' == with need, or with craft. Alys. 5466

Metal, _sb._ RG. 6; [matel]. Alys. 6242

Mete, _v. n._ == dream. K. Horn, 1458. pret. 'mette.' Judas 8. AS. maetan

Meth, _sb._ == respect. Wright's L. P. p. 103. AS. mae

Meth, _sb._ == measure. Ps. lxxix. 6. AS. ge-mete

Methful, _adj._ == kind. Wright's L. P. p. 32. AS. m?d-full

Methful, _adj._ == weary. Ps. iii. 6. AS. mee

Methfullike, _adj._ == moderate, short? Ps. x.x.xviii. 6. AS. m?te. The V.

L. has 'metlic'

Meting, _sb._ == a dream. 1576 B. Alys. 327; [matyng]. Alys. 261. AS.


Meyne, _sb._ == company. 144, 1582 B.; [maigne]. Alys. 1119. Fr. maignee, from manoir. See Burguy, _s. v._ 'manoir'

Mid, _prep._ == with. RG. 371. AS. mid.

---- _adv._ == together. O. and N. 136

Midday, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 41

Middelerd, _sb._ == the world. RG. 560. AS. middan-geard

Middle, _sb._ == waist. RG. 435

---- _adj._ [myldel]. RG. 437

Midmost, _adj._ == middle. RG. 29

Midnight, _sb._ RG. 202

Midovernoon, == 3 P. M. Alys. 5216. Ps. x.x.xvi. 6

Midst, [myddes]--'in the myddes.' RG. 61

Midsummer, _sb._ RG. 499

Midwinter, _sb._ RG. 367, 408

Might, _sb._ See May

---- _sb._ RG. 23. HD. 35. AS. miht

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