A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 94

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Oo, _adv._ == aye, ever. Wright's L. P. pp. 43, 99

Ope, _adj._ == open. O. and N. 168. AS. open. ON. opinn, from 'op,'

ostium, foramen. Lat. ap-erio

Open, _v. a._ Wright's L. P. p. 71

---- _v. n._ 2209 B.

Openheaded, _adj._ == bareheaded. RG. 530

Openly, _adv._ Alys. 4003; [opeliche]. O. and N. 851

Orchard, _sb._ Alys. 1684. AS. orcerd

Ordain, _v. a._ (a clerk). 276 B.

---- == set in array. RG. 452, 456

Ordainer, _sb._ == tutor. RG. 469

---- == a setter in order. St Dunstan, 45

Orde, _sb._ == a point. K. Horn, 638. Alys. 1838

---- == beginning. O. and N. 1783. AS. ord.

Order, _sb._ == disposition, arrangement. Ritson's AS. xvii. 100

Order, _sb._ (of friars). RG. 492

---- == holy orders. RG. 106; an order in the church, as the priesthood.

St Swithin, 17

Ore, _sb._ == beginning. M. Ode, st. 91. AS. or

Ore, _adj._ == one, an. O. and N. 17, 1748, 1752

Ore, _sb._ == grace, mercy. RG. 1, 8, 381. ON. eira, to spare

Oreless, _adj._ == merciless. M. Ode, st. 109

Orf, _sb._ == sheep. RG. 6, 378; [oreve]. O. and N. 1155. AS. yrfe

Orfreys, _sb._ == embroidery. Alys. 179. Fr. orfrais, vid. Roq. _s. v._

Organ, _sb._ == musical instrument. Ps. cx.x.xvi. 2

Orgle, _sb._ == organ. Alys. 191. Germ. orgel

Orgulous, _adj._ == proud. Alys. 2006. AS. orgel. Fr. orgueil

Orison, _sb._ == prayer. RG. 435, 475

Orn. See Wine

Orpeds.h.i.+p, _sb._ == valour. Alys. 1413. Orpinn is the partic. of 'verpa,'

to 'warp,' or 'throw,' in O. Norse. Hence 'orped' comes to signify 'headlong,' 'daring,' or 'valorous'

Osier, _sb._ [oyser]. Alys. 6186. Fr. osier

Ostede, == in the place. HD. 2549

Oth, _adv._ == out of. O. and N. 359

Oth, == other? O. and N. 115

Other, _adj._ RG. 375

Other, == or. RG. 376; 'other--other' == either--or. 638

Otherluker, _adv._ == otherwise. M. Ode, st. 76

Othom, _sb._ == uncle. RG. 182, 440. Germ. oheim. Dut. oom.

Ought, _vb._ See Owe

Ought, == anything. 765 B.

Oule, _sb._ == firehook. 478 . Body and Soul, 207. AS. awel, ?l

Ounce, _sb._ == the animal. Alys. 5228. Fr. once. Span. onza

Our, _adj._ 428 B.

Our, _adj._ == your? RG. 455

Out, _adv._ RG. 546

---- _prep._ 'out of.' RG. 547

Outbear, _v. a._ == bear out. Ps. lxxvii. 52. part. 'outborn.' Ps. ix. 26

Outbishett, _part._ == shut out. Alys. 25

Outcast, _v. a._ part. 'outcasten.' Ps. lx.x.xiii. 11

Outcasting, _sb._ == an outcast. Ps. xxi. 7

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