Scientific American Volume 22, No. 1, January 1, 1870 Part 35

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at the Philadelphia Riding School, Nos 3,334 to 42 Market st., Philadelphia. This spur possesses advantages over every other spur. Is easily put on, and solid when on. Will last a life-time. Suitable for Ladies or Gentlemen. Send size of heel.





Forming a Complete Course of Mechanical, Engineering, and Architectural Drawing. From the French of M. Armengaud the elder, Prof. of Design in Conservatoire of Arts and Industry, Paris, and MM. Armengaud the younger, and Amoroux, Civil Engineers. Rewritten and arranged with additional matter and plates, selections from and examples of the most useful and generally employed mechanism of the day. By WILLIAM JOHNSON, a.s.soc. Inst., C.E. Ill.u.s.trated by fifty folio steel plates, and fifty wood cuts. A new edition, 4to.............$10

Among the contents are:--Linear Drawing, Definitions, and Problems.

Sweeps, Sections, and Moldings, Elementary Gothic Forms and Rosettes.

Ovals, Ellipses, Parabolas, and Volutes, Rules, and Practical Data.

Study of Projections, Elementary Principles. Of Prisms and other Solids. Rules and Practical Data. On Coloring Sections, with applications--Conventional Colors, Composition or Mixture of Colors.

Continuation of the Study of Projections--Use of Sections--details of machinery. Simple applications--spindles, shafts, couplings, wooden patterns. Method of constructing a wooden model or pattern of a coupling. Elementary applications. Rules and Practical Data.

THE INTERSECTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACES WITH APPLICATIONS.--The Intersection of Cylinders and Cones. The Delineation and Development of Helices, Screws, and Serpentines. Application of the helix--the construction of a staircase. The Intersection of Surfaces--applications to stop c.o.c.ks. Rules and Practical Data

THE STUDY AND CONSTRUCTION OF TOOTHED GEAR.--Involute, cycloid, and epicyloid. Involute. Cycloid External epicycloid, described by a circle rolling about a fixed circle inside of it. Internal epicycloid.

Delineation of a lack and pinion in gear. Gearing of a worm with a worm wheel. Cylindrical or Spur Gearing. Practical delineation of a couple of Spur wheels. The Delineation and Construction of Wooden Patterns for Toothed Wheels. Rules and Practical Data.

CONTINUATION OF THE STUDY OF TOOTHED GEAR.--Design for a pair of bevel wheels in gear. Construction of wooden patterns for a pair of beveled wheels. Involute and Helical Teeth. Contrivances for obtaining differential Movements. Rules and Practical Data.

ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF SHADOWS.--Shadows of Prisms, Pyramids, and Cylinders. Principles of Shading. Continuation of the Study of Shadows.

Tuscan Order. Rules and Practical Data.

APPLICATION OF SHADOWS TO TOOTHED GEAR.--Application of Shadows to Screws. Application of Shadow to a Boiler and its Furnace. Shading in Black--Shading in Colors.

THE CUTTING AND SHAPING OF MASONRY.--Rules and Practical Data. Remarks on Machine Tools.

THE STUDY OF MACHINERY AND SKETCHING.--Various applications and combinations: The Sketching of Machinery. Drilling Machines; Motive Machines; Water-wheels. Construction and Setting up of water wheels, Delineation of water wheels, Design of a water wheel, Sketch of a water wheel; Overshot Water wheels, Water Pumps; Steam Motors; High-pressure expansive steam engine. Details of Construction; Movements of the Distribution and Expansion Valves; Rules and Practical Data.


TRUE PERSPECTIVE.--Elementary principles. Applications--flour mill driven by belts. Description of the mill. Representation of the mill in perspective.


The above or any of my Books sent by mail, free of postage, at the publication prices. My new revised and enlarged CATALOGUE OF PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, 74 pp. 8vo, now ready, complete to Nov. 1. 1869, will be sent, free of postage, to any one who will favor me with his address.


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THE JANUARY DOUBLE NUMBER OF THE PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL appears in bright array. A new form, new types, numerous rich ill.u.s.trations, with sound and sensible reading matter, render this the best ever issued. Among the contents are the following:

Ferdinand De Lesseps, the chief promoter of the Suez Ca.n.a.l with a portrait and sketch of his life. Hon. S. S. Fisher, United States Commissioner of Patents, with portrait and biographical sketch, and a glimpse of the workings of the Patent Office. Carlos Manuel Cespedes, the President of the Cuban Republic. George Peabody, the successful merchant, banker, and philanthropist. Dr Tischendorff, the eminent Biblical discoverer and critic--his life, travels, and writings, with portrait.

The Kaffir Race--Physically and mentally considered: with engravings, from life, of young and old natives. Northwestern Australians--Appearance, customs, and peculiarities, dress, ornaments, food, weapons, etc.

The Progress of Science-Steam, electricity, invention, scientific discovery, anatomy, physiology, medicine, phrenology.

Brain Waves--Progression of thought how thought and sentiment are transmitted. What Can I do Best?--Or, the requirements of the teacher.

Who believes Phrenology?--Are there among its followers persons of eminence and influence? Faces We Meet--What they tell us and how they affect us. An Afternoon at "389"--A glimpse at the specimens in our cabinet. Small cautiousness--"Just for Fun," or trifling with death.

Confessions of a Smoker; what he suffered in consequence of the habit; how he reformed and the happy results. The Wasp Waist--its metaphysics and physiology. Application--the necessity for its culture.

Our Country's Agricultural Resources--A survey of our productions during the past fifty years with tables.

Facts in Natural History--Will a horsehair become a snake? The Hedge hog--What it is, how it lives, and where it is found. Ill.u.s.trated. The Sponge--Its origin, growth, and uses. Educational Matters-Cornell, Harvard, Yale, Michigan. Cathedral of Rheims-The Coronation place of the old French Kings; Joan of Arc.

This favorite JOURNAL has now reached its fiftieth volume, and appears in the usual magazine form. We think it will prove even more popular than ever before. Terms, only $30 a year. Thirty cents a No. Newsmen have it. Now is the time to subscribe for 1870. Premium list sent on application. Address

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Scientific American Volume 22, No. 1, January 1, 1870 Part 35 summary

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