Response in the Living and Non-Living Part 8

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#Modification of the block method.#--By consideration of the following experimental modifications of the block method (fig. 55), it will be found easy to construct a perfected form of apparatus, in which all these conditions are fully met. The essentials to be kept in mind were the introduction of a complete block midway in the wire, so that the disturbance of one half should be prevented from reaching the other, and the making of a perfect electrolytic contact for the electrodes leading to the galvanometer.

Starting from the simple arrangement previously described where a straight wire is clamped in the middle (fig. 55, _a_), we next arrive at (_b_). Here the wire A B is placed in a U tube and clamped in the middle by a tightly fitting cork. Melted paraffin wax is poured to a certain depth in the bend of the tube. The two limbs of the tube are now filled with water, till the ends A and B are completely immersed.

Connection is made with the non-polarisable electrodes by the side tubes. Vibration may be imparted to either A or B by means of ebonite clip holders seen at the upper ends A B of the wire.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 55.--SUCCESSIVE MODIFICATIONS OF THE BLOCK METHOD FROM THE 'STRAIGHT WIRE' (_a_) TO 'CELL FORM' (_e_) When A is excited, current of response _in the wire_ is from less excited B to more excited A. Note that though the current of response is constant in direction, the galvanometer deflection in (_d_) will be opposite to that in (_b_).]

It will be seen that the two limbs of the tube filled with water serve the purpose of the strip of moistened cloth used in the last experiment to make electric connections with the leading-out electrodes--with the advantage that we have here no chance of any s.h.i.+fting of contact or variation of surface, the contact between the wire and the surrounding liquid being perfect and invariable.

On now vibrating the end A of the tin wire by means of the ebonite clip holder, a current will be found to flow from B to A through the wire--that is to say, towards the excited--and from A to B in the galvanometer.

The next modification (_c_) is to transfer the galvanometer from the electrolytic to the metallic part of the circuit, that is to say, it is interposed in a gap made by cutting the wire A B, the upper part of the circuit being directly connected by the electrolyte. Vibration of A will now give rise to a current of response which flows in the metallic part of the circuit with the interposed galvanometer from B to A. We see that though the direction of the current in this is the same as in the last case, yet the galvanometer deflection is now reversed, for the evident reason that we have it interposed in the metallic and not in the electrolytic part of the circuit.

The next arrangement (_d_) consists simply of the preceding placed upside down. Here A and B are held parallel to each other in an electrolytic bath (water). Mechanical vibration may now be applied to A without affecting B, and _vice versa_.

The actual apparatus, of which this is a diagrammatic representation, is seen in (_e_).

Two pieces, from the same specimen of wire, are clamped separately at their lower ends by means of ebonite screws, in an L-shaped piece of ebonite. The wires are fixed at their upper ends to two electrodes--leading to the galvanometer--and kept moderately and uniformly stretched by spiral springs. The handle, by which a torsional vibration is imparted to the wire, may be slipped over either electrode.

The amplitude of vibration is measured by means of a graduated circle.

It will be seen from these arrangements:

(1) That the cell depicted in (_e_) is essentially the same as that in (_a_).

(2) That the wires in the cell being immersed to a definite depth in the electrolyte there is always a perfect and invariable contact between the wire and the electrolyte. The difficulty as regards variation of contact is thus eliminated.

(3) That as the wires A and B are clamped separately below, we may impart a sudden molecular disturbance to either A or B by giving a quick to-and-fro (torsional) vibration round the vertical wire, as axis, by means of the handle. As the wire A is separate from B, disturbance of one will not affect the other. Vibration of A produces a current in one direction, vibration of B in the opposite direction. Thus we have means of verifying every experiment by obtaining corroborative and reversed effects. When the two wires have been brought to exactly the same molecular condition by the processes of annealing or stretching, the effects obtained on subjecting A or B to any given stimulus are always equal (fig. 56).


Usually I interpose an external resistance varying from one to five megohms according to the sensitiveness of the wire. The resistance of the electrolyte in the cell is thus relatively small, and the galvanometer deflections are proportional to the E.M. variations. It is always advisable to have a high external resistance, as by this means one is not only able to keep the deflections within the scale, but one is not troubled by slight accidental disturbances.

#Graduation of intensity of stimulus.#--If now a rapid torsional vibration be given to A or B, an E.M. variation will be induced. If the amplitude of vibration be kept constant, successive responses--in substances which, like tin, show no fatigue--will be found to be absolutely identical. But as 'the amplitude of vibration' is increased, response will also become enhanced (see Chap. XV).

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 57.--TOP VIEW OF THE VIBRATION CELL The amplitude of vibration is determined by means of movable stops S S', fixed to the edge of the graduated circle G. The index arm I plays between the stops. (The second index arm, connected with B, and the second circle are not shown.)]

Amplitude of vibration is measured by means of the graduated circle (fig. 57). A projecting index, in connection with the vibration-head, plays between fixed and sliding stops (S and S'), one at the zero point of the scale, and the other movable. The amplitude of a given vibration can thus be predetermined by the adjustment of the sliding stop. In this way we can obtain either uniform or definitely graduated stimuli.

#Considerations showing that electric response is due to molecular disturbance.#--The electromotive variation varies with the substance.

With superposition of stimuli, a relatively high value is obtained in tin, amounting sometimes to nearly half a volt, whereas in silver the electromotive variation is only about 01 of this value. The intensity of the response, however, does not depend on the chemical activity of the substance, for the electromotive variation in the relatively chemically inactive tin is greater than that of zinc. Again, the sign of response, positive or negative, is sometimes modified by the molecular condition of the wire (see Chap. XII).

As regards the electrolyte, dilute NaCl solution, dilute solution of b.i.+.c.hromate of potash &c. are normal in their action, that is to say, the electric response in such electrolytes is practically the same as with water. Ordinarily I use tap-water as the electrolyte. Zinc wires in ZnSO_4 solution give responses similar in character to those given by, for example, Pt or Sn in water.

#Test experiment.#--It may be urged that the E.M. effect is due in some way (1) to the friction of the vibrating wire against the liquid; or (2) to some unknown surface action, at the point in the wire of the contact of liquid and air surfaces. This second objection has already been completely met in experimental modification, fig. 55, _b_, where the wire was shown to give response when kept completely immersed in water, variation of surface being thus entirely eliminated.

Both these questions may, however, be subjected to a definite and final test. When the wire to be acted on is clamped below, and vibration is imparted to it, a strong molecular disturbance is produced. If now it be carefully released from the clamp, and the wire rotated backwards and forwards, there could be little molecular disturbance, but the liquid friction and surface variation, if any, would remain. The effect of any slight disturbance outstanding owing to shaking of the wire would be relatively very small.

We can thus determine the effect of liquid friction and surface action by repeating an experiment with and without clamping. In a tin wire cell, with interposed external resistance equal to one million ohms, the wire A was subjected to a series of vibrations through 180, and a deflection of 210 divisions was obtained. A corresponding negative deflection resulted on vibrating the wire B. Now A was released from the clamp, so that it could be rotated backwards and forwards in the water by means of the handle. On vibrating the wire A no measurable deflection was produced, thus showing that neither water friction nor surface variation had anything to do with the electric action. The vibration of the still clamped B gave rise to the normal strong deflection.

As all the rest of the circuit was kept absolutely the same in the two different sets of experiments, these results conclusively prove that the responsive electro-motive variation is solely due to the molecular disturbance produced by mechanical vibration in the acted wire.

A new and theoretically interesting molecular voltaic cell may thus be made, in which the two elements consist of the _same metal_. Molecular disturbance is in this case the main source of energy. A cell once made may be kept in working order for some time by pouring in a little vaseline to prevent evaporation of the liquid.

It will be shown further, in succeeding chapters, by numerous instances, that any conditions which increase molecular mobility will also increase intensity of response, and conversely that any conditions having the reverse effect will depress response.



Preparation of wire--Effect of single stimulus.

I shall now proceed to describe in detail the response-curves obtained with metals. The E.M. variations resulting from stimulus range, as has been said, from 4 volt to 01 of that value, according to the metal employed. And as these are molecular phenomena, the effect will also depend on the molecular condition of the wire.

#Preparation of wire.#--In order to have our results thoroughly consistent, it is necessary to bring the wire itself into a normal condition for experiment. The very fact of mounting it in the cell strains it, and the after-effect of this strain may cause irregularities in the response.

For the purpose of bringing the wire to this normal state, one or all of the following devices may be used with advantage. (1) The wires obtained are usually wound on spools. It is, therefore, advisable to straighten any given length, before mounting, by holding it stretched, and rubbing it up and down with a piece of cloth. On was.h.i.+ng with water, they are now ready for mounting in the cell.

(2) The cell is usually filled with tap-water, and a period of rest after making up, generally speaking, improves the sensitiveness. These expedients are ordinarily sufficient, but it occasionally happens that the wire has got into an abnormal condition.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 58.--EFFECT OF ANNEALING ON INCREASING THE RESPONSE OF BOTH A AND B WIRES (TIN) Stimuli (vibration of 160) applied at intervals of one minute.]

In this case it will be found helpful (3) to have recourse to the process of annealing. For if response be a molecular phenomenon, then anything that increases molecular mobility will also increase its intensity. Hence we may expect annealing to enhance responsiveness. This inference will be seen verified in the record given in fig. 58. In the case under consideration, the convenient method employed was by pouring hot water into the cell, and allowing it to stand and cool slowly. The first three pairs of responses were taken by stimulating A and B alternately, on mounting in the cell, which was filled with water. Hot water was then subst.i.tuted, and the cell was allowed to cool down to its original temperature. The six following pairs of responses were then taken. That this beneficial effect of annealing was not due to any accidental circ.u.mstance will be seen from the fact that _both_ wires have their sensitiveness equally enhanced.

(4) In addition to this mode of annealing, both wires may be short-circuited and vibrated for a time. Lastly (5) slight stretching _in situ_ will also sometimes be found beneficial. For this purpose I have a screw arrangement.

By one or all of these methods, with a little practice, it is always possible to bring the wires to a normal condition. The responses subsequently obtained become extraordinarily consistent. There is therefore no reason why perfect results should not be arrived at.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 59.--UNIFORM RESPONSES IN TIN]

#Effect of single stimulus.#--The accompanying figure (fig. 59) gives a series, each of which is the response curve for a single stimulus of uniform intensity, the amplitude of vibration being kept constant. The perfect regularity of responses will be noticed in this figure. The wire after a long period of rest may be in an abnormal condition, but after a short period of stimulation the responses become extremely regular, as may be noticed in this figure. Tin is, usually speaking, almost indefatigable, and I have often obtained several hundreds of successive responses showing practically no fatigue. In the figure it will be noticed that the rising portion of the curve is somewhat steep, and the recovery convex to the abscissa, the fall being relatively rapid in its first, and less rapid in its later, parts. As the electric variation is the concomitant effect of molecular disturbance--a temporary upset of the molecular equilibrium--on the cessation of the external stimulus, the excitatory state, and its expression in electric variation, disappear with the return of the molecules to their condition of equilibrium. This process is seen clearly in the curve of recovery.

Different metals exhibit different periods of recovery, and this again is modified by any influence which affects the molecular condition.

That the excitatory state persists for a time even on the cessation of stimulus can be independently shown by keeping the galvanometer circuit open during the application of stimulus, and completing it at various short intervals after the cessation, when a persisting electrical effect, diminis.h.i.+ng rapidly with time, will be apparent. The rate of recovery immediately on the cessation of stimulus is rather rapid, but traces of strain persist for a short time.



Effects of molecular inertia--Prolongation of period of recovery by overstrain--Molecular model--Reduction of molecular sluggishness attended by quickened recovery and heightened response--Effect of temperature--Modification of latent period and period of recovery by the action of chemical reagents--Diphasic variation.

We have seen that the stimulation of matter causes an electric variation, and that the acted substance gradually recovers from the effect of stimulus. We shall next study how the form of response-curves is modified by various agencies.

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Response in the Living and Non-Living Part 8 summary

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