The Hesperides & Noble Numbers Part 113

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650. On Skoles.

661. Ambition.

666. On Zelot.

669. On Crab.

675. On Women's Denial.

676. Adversity.

693. On Tuck.

697. Adversity.

703. On Trigg.

711. Possessions.

735. Maids' Nays.

743. On Julia's Weeping.

752. No Pains No Gains.

761. Alvar and Anthea.

772. A Hymn to Bacchus.

776. Anger.

791. Verses.

795. On Bice.

796. On Trencherman.

797. Kisses.

832. On Punchin.

838. On a Maid.

840. Beauty.

846. Writing.

849. Satisfaction.

873. On Love.

881. ll. 13, 14, Sharp Sauce.

886. On Lulls.

902. Truth.

910. On Ben Jonson.

946. An Hymn to Love.

950. Leaven.

1025. On Boreman.

1084. On Love.

1085. On Gut.

1106. On Rump.

1119. Sauce for Sorrows.

1126. Of this Book.

1654 Edition Adds:--

49. Cherry Pit.

85. On Love.

92. The Bag of a Bee.

208. To make much of Time.

235. On an Old Batchelor.

238. Another. (On the Rose.) 253. Counsel not to Love.

260. How the Violets came blue.

337. A Vow to Cupid.

446. The Farewell to Love and to his Mistress.



The publisher's freak, by which Herrick's three chief Fairy poems ("The Fairy Temple; or, Oberon's Chapel," "Oberon's Feast," and "Oberon's Palace") are separated from each other, is greatly to be regretted. The last two, both dedicated to Shapcott, are distinctly connected by their opening lines, and "Oberon's Chapel," dedicated to Mr. John Merrifield, Herrick's other fairy-loving lawyer, of course belongs to the same group. All three were probably first written in 1626 and cannot be dissociated from Drayton's _Nymphidia_, published in 1627, and Sir Simeon Steward's "A Description of the King of Fayries clothes, brought to him on New-yeares day in the morning, 1626 [O. S.], by his Queenes Chambermaids". In 1635 there was published a little book of a dozen leaves, most kindly transcribed for this edition by Mr. E. Gordon Duff, from the unique copy at the Bodleian Library. It is ent.i.tled:--

"A Description of the King and Queene of Fayries, their habit, fare, their abode pompe and state. Beeing very delightfull to the sense, and full of mirth. [Wood-cut.] London. _Printed for Richard Harper, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Hospitall gate._ 1635."

Fol. 1 is blank; fol. 2 occupied by the t.i.tle-page; ff. 3, 4 (verso blank) by a letter "To the Reader," signed: "Yours hereafter, If now approved on, R. S.," beginning: "Courteous Reader, I present thee here with the Description of the King of the Fayries, of his Attendants, Apparel, Gesture, and Victuals, which though comprehended in the brevity of so short a volume, yet as the Proverbe truely averres, it hath as mellifluous and pleasing discourse, as that whose amplitude contains the fulnesse of a bigger composition"; on fol. 5 (verso blank) occurs the following poem [spelling here modernised]:--

"Deep-skilled Geographers, whose art and skill Do traverse all the world, and with their quill Declare the strangeness of each several clime, The nature, situation, and the time Of being inhabited, yet all their art And deep informed skill could not impart In what set climate of this...o...b..or Isle, The King of Fairies kept, whose honoured style Is here inclosed, with the sincere description Of his abode, his nature, and the region In which he rules: read, and thou shalt find Delightful mirth, fit to content thy mind.

May the contents thereof thy palate suit, With its mellifluous and pleasing fruit: For nought can more be sweetened to my mind Than that this Pamphlet thy contentment find; Which if it shall, my labour is sufficed, In being by your liking highly prized.

"Yours to his power, "R. S."

This is followed (pp. 1-3) by: "A Description of the Kings [sic] of Fayries Clothes, brought to him on New-Yeares day in the morning, 1626, by his Queenes Chambermaids:--

"First a cobweb s.h.i.+rt, more thin Than ever spider since could spin.

Changed to the whiteness of the snow, By the stormy winds that blow In the vast and frozen air, No s.h.i.+rt half so fine, so fair; A rich waistcoat they did bring, Made of the Trout-fly's gilded wing: At which his Elves.h.i.+p 'gan to fret The wearing it would make him sweat Even with its weight: he needs would wear A waistcoat made of downy hair New shaven off an Eunuch's chin, That pleased him well, 'twas wondrous thin.

The outside of his doublet was Made of the four-leaved, true-loved gra.s.s, Changed into so fine a gloss, With the oil of crispy moss: It made a rainbow in the night Which gave a l.u.s.tre pa.s.sing light.

On every seam there was a lace Drawn by the unctuous snail's slow pace, To which the finest, purest, silver thread Compared, did look like dull pale lead.

His breeches of the Fleece was wrought, Which from Colchos Jason brought: Spun into so fine a yarn No mortal wight might it discern, Weaved by Arachne on her loom, Just before she had her doom.

A rich Mantle he did wear, Made of tinsel gossamer.

Beflowered over with a few Diamond stars of morning dew: Dyed crimson in a maiden's blush, Lined with humble-bees' lost plush.

His cap was all of ladies' love, So wondrous light, that it did move If any humming gnat or fly Buzzed the air in pa.s.sing by, About his neck a wreath of pearl, Dropped from the eyes of some poor girl, Pinched, because she had forgot To leave clean water in the pot."

The next page is occupied by a woodcut, and then (pp. 5, misnumbered 4, and 6) comes the variation on Herrick's "Oberon's Feast":--


"Now they, the Elves, within a trice, Prepared a feast less great than nice, Where you may imagine first, The Elves prepare to quench his thirst, In pure seed pearl of infant dew Brought and sweetened with a blue And pregnant violet; which done, His killing eyes begin to run Quite o'er the table, where he spies The horns of watered b.u.t.terflies, Of which he eats, but with a little Neat cool allay of cuckoo's spittle.

Next this the red-cap worm that's shut Within the concave of a nut.

Moles' eyes he tastes, then adders' ears; To these for sauce the slain stags' tears, A bloated earwig, and the pith Of sugared rush he glads him with.

Then he takes a little moth, Late fatted in a scarlet cloth, A spinner's ham, the beards of mice, Nits carbonadoed, a device Before unknown; the blood of fleas, Which gave his Elves.h.i.+p's stomach ease.

The unctuous dew-laps of a snail, The broke heart of a nightingale O'ercome in music, with the sag And well-bestrutted bee's sweet bag.

Conserves of atoms, and the mites, The silk-worm's sperm, and the delights Of all that ever yet hath blest Fairy-land: so ends his feast."

On the next page is printed: "Orpheus. Thrice excelling, for the finishment of this Feast, thou must music it so that the Deities may descend to grace it." This is succeeded by a page bearing a woodcut, then we have "The Fairies Fegaries," a poem occupying three more pages followed by another woodcut, and then "The Melancholly Lover's Song,"

and a third woodcut. The occurrence of the _Melancholy Lover's Song_ (the well-known lines beginning: "Hence all you vain delights") in print in 1635 is interesting, as I believe that _The Nice Valour_, the play in which they occur, was not printed till 1647, and Milton's _Il Penseroso_, which they suggested, appeared in 1645. But the verses are rather out of place in the little Fairy-Book.



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The Hesperides & Noble Numbers Part 113 summary

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