The Hesperides & Noble Numbers Part 117

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Ah, Ben! II. 110.

Ah, Bianca! now I see, II. 132.

Ah, cruel love! must I endure, I. 90.

Ah! Lycidas, come tell me why, I. 229.

Ah, me! I love; give him your hand to kiss, II. 91.

Ah, my Anthea! Must my heart still break, I. 27.

Ah, my Perilla! dost thou grieve to see, I. 8.

Ah, Posthumus! our years hence fly, I. 165.

Alas! I can't, for tell me how, II. 159.

All are not ill plots that do sometimes fail, II. 162.

All has been plundered from me but my wit, II. 90.

All I have lost that could be rapt from me, II. 212.

All things are open to these two events, I. 227.

All things decay with time: the forest sees, I. 25.

All things o'er-ruled are here, by chance, I. 248.

All things subjected are to fate, II. 7.

Along, come along, II. 148.

Along the dark and silent night, II. 214.

Although our sufferings meet with no relief, II. 163.

Although we cannot turn the fervent fit, II. 192.

Am I despised because you say, I. 75.

Among disasters that dissension brings, II. 75.

Among the myrtles as I walk'd, I. 132.

Among these tempests great and manifold, II. 147.

Among thy fancies tell me this, I. 162.

And as time past when Cato, the severe, II. 124.

And, cruel maid, because I see, I. 72.

And must we part, because some say, I. 57.

Angels are called G.o.ds; yet of them none, II. 224.

Angry if Irene be, I. 256.

Anthea bade me tie her shoe, I. 14.

Anthea, I am going hence, II. 95.

Anthea laugh'd, and fearing lest excess, II. 137.

Apollo sings, his harp resounds: give room, II. 269.

Art quickens nature; care will make a face, I. 120.

Art thou not destin'd? then with haste go on, II. 237.

As gilliflowers do but stay, I. 156.

As in our clothes, so likewise he who looks, I. 254.

As is your name, so is your comely face, II. 133.

As Julia once a-slumbering lay, I. 86.

As lately I a garland bound, I. 119.

As many laws and lawyers do express, II. 53.

As my little pot doth boil, II. 248.

As oft as night is banish'd by the morn, I. 29.

As shows the air when with a rainbow grac'd, I. 47.

As sunbeams pierce the gla.s.s, and streaming in, II. 231.

As thou deserv'st, be proud; then gladly let, I. 244.

As wearied pilgrims, once possessed, II. 16.

Ask me what hunger is, and I'll reply, II. 115.

Ask me why I do not sing, I. 164.

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The Hesperides & Noble Numbers Part 117 summary

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