The Hesperides & Noble Numbers Part 125

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How fierce was I, when I did see, II. 117.

How long, Perenna, wilt thou see, I. 222.

How love came in I do not know, I. 27.

How rich a man is all desire to know, I. 161.

How rich and pleasing thou, my Julia, art, I. 34.

How well contented in this private grange, II. 136.

Humble we must be, if to heaven we go, II. 200.

I a dirge will pen to thee, II. 128.

I am holy while I stand, II. 30.

I am of all bereft, I. 216.

I am sieve-like, and can hold, I. 146.

I am zealless; prithee pray, II. 95.

I ask'd my Lucia but a kiss, II. 10.

I asked thee oft what poets thou hast read, I. 80.

I begin to wane in sight, I. 226.

I brake thy bracelet 'gainst my will, II. 48.

I bring ye love. What will love do? II. 135.

I burn, I burn; and beg of you, I. 60.

I call, I call: who do ye call? I. 139.

I can but name thee, and methinks I call, I. 163.

I cannot love as I have lov'd before, II. 72.

I cannot pipe as I was wont to do, II. 2.

I cannot suffer; and in this my part, I. 210.

I could but see thee yesterday, II. 89.

I could never love indeed, I. 228.

I could wish you all who love, I. 147.

I crawl, I creep; my Christ, I come, II. 221.

I dare not ask a kiss, II. 35.

I dislik'd but even now, I. 194.

I do believe that die I must, II. 195.

I do love I know not what, II. 7.

I do not love, nor can it be, I. 194.

I do not love to wed, I. 200.

I dreamed we both were in a bed, I. 22.

I dreamt the roses one time went, I. 7.

I dreamt, last night, Thou didst transfuse, II. 194.

I fear no earthly powers, I. 78.

I freeze, I freeze, and nothing dwells, I. 8.

I have a leaden, thou a shaft of gold, II. 163.

I have been wanton and too bold, I fear, II. 160.

I have beheld two lovers in a night, II. 263.

I have lost, and lately, these, I. 17.

I have my laurel chaplet on my head, II. 151.

I heard ye could cool heat, and came, I. 196.

I held Love's head while it did ache, I. 236.

I lately fri'd, but now behold, II. 111.

I make no haste to have my numbers read, II. 19.

I must, II. 133.

I played with Love, as with the foe, I. 255.

I press'd my Julia's lips, and in the kiss, II. 48.

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The Hesperides & Noble Numbers Part 125 summary

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