The Hesperides & Noble Numbers Part 138

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'Twas not love's dart, I. 201.

Twice has Pudica been a bride, and led, I. 225.

Twilight, no other thing is, poets say, II. 96.

'Twixt kings and subjects there's this mighty odds, I. 12.

'Twixt kings and tyrants there's this difference known, II. 96.

'Twixt truth and error there's this difference known, II. 144.

Two instruments belong unto our G.o.d, II. 244.

Two of a thousand things are disallow'd, I. 10.

Two parts of us successively command, I. 171.

Two things do make society to stand, II. 93.

Under a lawn, than skies more clear, I. 29.

Upon her cheeks she wept, and from those showers, I. 256.

Ursley, she thinks those velvet patches grace, I. 248.

Virgins promis'd when I died, I. 52.

Virgins, time past, known were these, I. 77.

Want is a softer wax, that takes thereon, II. 108.

Wantons we are, and though our words be such, II. 19.

Wanton wenches do not bring, II. 160.

Wash clean the vessel, lest ye sour, II. 149.

Wash your hands, or else the fire, II. 80.

Wa.s.sail the trees, that they may bear, II. 80.

Water, water I desire, I. 23.

Water, water I espy, I. 75.

We are co-heirs with Christ; nor shall His own, II. 246.

We blame, nay we despise her pains, II. 98.

We credit most our sight; one eye doth please, II. 108.

We merit all we suffer, and by far, II. 243.

We pray 'gainst war, yet we enjoy no peace, II. 81.

We trust not to the mult.i.tude in war, II. 112.

We two are last in h.e.l.l; what may we fear, I. 38.

Weep for the dead, for they have lost this light, II. 121.

Weigh me the fire; or canst thou find, II. 170.

Welcome! but yet no entrance, till we bless, I. 155.

Welcome, great Caesar, welcome now you are, II. 123.

Welcome, maids-of-honour, I. 101.

Welcome, most welcome to our vows and us, I. 28.

Welcome to this my college, and though late, II. 129.

Well may my book come forth like public day, _Dedication_.

Were I to give the baptism, I would choose, I. 32.

What can I do in poetry, I. 164.

What! can my Kellam drink his sack, II. 112.

What, conscience, say, is it in thee, I. 210.

What fate decreed, time now has made us see, II. 66.

What G.o.d gives, and what we take, II. 202.

What here we hope for, we shall once inherit, II. 200.

What I fancy I approve, I. 11.

What is a kiss? Why this, as some approve, II. 18.

What is't that wastes a prince? example shows, II. 162.

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The Hesperides & Noble Numbers Part 138 summary

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