Current Superstitions Part 46

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_Cambridge, Ma.s.s._

1286. In climbing a fence,--

Get over, meet with clover, Get through, meet with a shoe; Get under, meet with a blunder.

_Sunderland, Ma.s.s._

1287. If you step on a grave, you will never grow any more.

_Chestertown, Md. (negro)._

1288. Step over a living thing, and that thing, whether a human being or not, will not grow any more.

_Province of Quebec, Can._

1289. To step over one leg of a child will cause it to grow longer than the other.

_Baltimore, Md._

1290. To comb the hair after dark is a sign of sickness.

Comb your hair after dark, Comb sorrow to your heart.


1291. If you comb your hair after dark, it will make you forgetful.

_Northern Ohio._

1292. If the right hand itches, you are going to get money; if the left, you will shake hands with a friend. If the nose itches, a friend is coming.

_Talladega, Ala._

1293. Two persons wiping hands on the same towel and twisting it occasions a quarrel.


1294. Wash and wipe together, Live in peace together.

_Northern Ohio._

1295. If two persons wash their hands at the same time, it is a sign that they will be friends forever.


1296. If two persons wipe their hands at the same time, they will be foes forever.


1297. When two persons put one hand of each flat together, palm to palm, they will quarrel.

_Province of Quebec, Can._

1298. If two persons clasp hands so as to lock the fingers, bringing the palm of one person against the palm of the other person's hand, it will break friends.h.i.+p.

_Newton, Ma.s.s._

1299. If you hug your knee (hold your knee in clasped hands), you will hug up trouble.

_Salem and Medford, Ma.s.s._

1300. When your joints crack, it is a sign that you have not outlived your best days.

_New York, N.Y._

1301. If you kiss through a veil, there'll be a coolness.

_Portland, Me._

1302. Crossed knives are a sign of a quarrel.

_c.u.mberland, Ma.s.s._

1303. Stir with a knife, Stir up strife.

1304. Never look after a friend who is leaving you till he is quite out of sight, or you will never see him or her again; but turn your eyes away while he is still visible, that he or she may return.

_General in the United States._

1305. Never say "good-by" more than once.


1306. One who habitually bites the nails is ill-natured.


1307. If you bite your finger-nails you will always be poor.


1308. If you sleep with your head towards the north, it will prevent sickness.

_General in the United States._

1309. If you can cut a pie fair and true, you'll have a likely husband.

If you make the slices uneven, he'll be crooked.

1310. If you make a bed handsomely, you'll have a handsome husband.

1311. If you cut pie straight, you will go to housekeeping.

If you cut pie crooked, you will have no house to keep.

_New Hamps.h.i.+re._

1312. If you make a rhyme involuntarily, you will have a present.

_New Brunswick._

1313. The free use of salt is a sign of having a temper.

_Lynn, Ma.s.s._

1314. To say anything backward is a sign you will get a present.

_Peabody, Ma.s.s._

1315. If you sing before you eat, You'll cry before you sleep.

_Ohio and Iowa._

1316. If you sing before breakfast, you will cry before supper.

_Cambridge, Ma.s.s._

1317. If you laugh before breakfast, you will cry before supper.

_Prince Edward Island and Somerville, Ma.s.s._

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Current Superstitions Part 46 summary

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