Current Superstitions Part 49

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1383. If you happen to put your skirt on wrong side out, you are likely to get a new one.


1384. You mustn't talk when some article of dress you are wearing is being mended, or some one will talk or tell lies about you.

1385. In dressing for a journey, if you wish to have good luck, dress the right foot first.

_Belleville, Ohio._

1386. If the hem of a lady's dress turns up, she is sure to have a new one.


1387. While sewing on a garment, should you sew it to your dress by mistake, as many st.i.tches as you take, so many lies will be told about you.

_Baldwinsville, N.Y._

1388. If you break your needle in making a dress, you will live to wear it out. If you tear a hole in a new dress, the first time wearing it, you will have a new one before that is worn out.

_Deer Isle, Me._

1389. If you break a needle in sewing a new gown, it is a sure sign you will live to wear out the garment.

_Holyoke, Ma.s.s._

1390. If you break your needle in making a garment, or have to rip out some of it, you will live to wear it out.

_Boston, Ma.s.s._

1391. If a white petticoat falls below your dress, it is a sign that your father loves you better than your mother.

_New England._

1392. Crooked pins are a sign that the owner is an old maid.

_Province of Quebec, Can._

1393. Should a friend withdraw a ring from the finger of another, it is a sign it will break friends.h.i.+p. The owner should take off the ring and hand it to the friend.

_Baldwinsville, N.Y._

1394. A hole in the toe of your shoe or stocking, so as to show the toe, means a letter.

_Cape Breton._

1395. Old shoes, particularly the soles, were often buried by negro servants on Monday morning to keep the devil down through the week.

_Chestertown, Md._

1396. Save the old shoes to throw after the carriage, when any of the family start on a journey; it will insure a safe return.


1397. Wear the boot (or shoe) on the side, a rich man's bride; On the toe, spend as you go; On the heel, love to do weel; On the ball, live to spend all.


1398. Hole in the toe, spend as you go: Hole at the side, be a rich bride; Hole at the heel, spend as you feel; Hole on the ball, live to spend all.

_New York._

1399. Wear at the toe, live to see woe; Wear at the side, live to be a bride; Wear at the ball, live to spend all; Wear at the heel, live to save a deal.

_New York._

1400. Wear on the toe, Spend as you go; Wear on the ball, Love to spend all.

Wear on the side, You'll be a rich bride.

1401. Of stockings:--

Wear at the toe, Spend as you go: Wear at the heel, Spend a good deal; Wear at the ball, You'll live to spend all.

_South Carolina._


1402. Halloween cabbages are pulled and thrown against the owner's door as a reminder of his laziness.

_Southern Pennsylvania and Ohio._

1403. Sh.e.l.led corn is thrown at every one--the significance not known.

_Southern Pennsylvania._

1404. If a man is insulted and means to be revenged, he will bare his arm and cut a cross in it with his knife, called a "vengeance mark."

_Mountains of North Carolina._

1405. If you wash your face in dew before sunrise on May Day, you will become very beautiful.


1406. Dry spots, where there is no dew, are called "fairy rings."

_Salem, Ma.s.s._

1407. Run round a fairy ring twice on Easter Sunday morning, and fairies will arise and follow you.

_Salem, Ma.s.s._

1408. The looking-gla.s.s is often turned with the face to the wall, or taken out of the room during a thunder-storm, because "quick-silver is so bad to draw the lightning."

_Bathurst, N.B._

1409. You are said to "take the manners" if you take the last of any kind of food from a plate.

_New England._

1410. "Manners dish" is the dish put on for show, and not expected to be eaten.

_Northern Ohio._

1411. h.o.m.oeopathic pills must be taken in odd numbers.

_New England._

1412. When a meteor is seen, Catholics often say, "A soul is ascending into heaven."

1413. A present of a knife or any pointed instrument cuts friends.h.i.+p; always sell it for a penny.

1414. A present of pins breaks friends.h.i.+p.

_General in the United States._

1415. There was a superst.i.tion among old people who had never been much abroad, in the town where I was born (Stratham, N.H.), that if they were photographed they were likely to die soon after, and many rather objected on that account.

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Current Superstitions Part 49 summary

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