Athaliah Part 19

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Go, prudent Ishmael, lose not any time, Follow my grave instructions, step by step; And, above all, let everything present To her, upon her entry and her way, The picture of a calm profound. You, children, Prepare a throne for Joas. Let him advance, Accompanied by our sacred combatants; And also cause his faithful nurse to come, Princess, and let your tears cease flowing.

_(To a Levite.)_

You, when the queen with mad presumption drunk, Has pa.s.sed the threshold of the temple's doors, That she no more be able to return, Take care that instantly the warlike trumpet Shall spread a sudden consternation through The enemy's camp; then call upon the people To the support of Judah's king, and let The marvellous prodigy of Joas preserved Resound upon the ear. He comes.

_Scene IV._

_Joad is followed by a procession of priests and Levites', and the chorus. The high-priest arranges them round their king, and orders them to wait in concealment the expected signal. He seats Joas on the throne, and immediately after Athaliah arrives. At her approach Joad draws a curtain, by which Joas and the Levites are hid from view._



Ye saintly Levites, ministers of G.o.d, Surround this place, concealed on every side; And, leaving to my charge to guide your zeal, Wait till my voice commands you to appear.

_(They all conceal themselves.)_

King, I believe this hope's allowed your vows; You come to see your foes fall at your feet.

That one, whose madness in your infancy Pursued you, now advances towards this place, With hasty step, intent to ruin you; But fear you not, think, that surrounding you, The exterminating angel, stands with us.

Ascend your throne, and--but the doors are opening: Allow this screen to cover you a moment.

_(He draws the screen.)_

Princess, you are pale.


Without becoming so Can I behold the temple filled with murderers?

What! See you not that numerous escort?


I see them close the sacred temple's doors, That everything is safe.

_Scene V._

(_Athaliah enters, and addresses Joad._)


Ah! there thou art, seducer! thou Noxious contriver of conspiracies, Who only on confusion feed'st thy hopes; Perpetual enemy of sovereign power!

In the support of G.o.d thou hast reposed: Art thou yet disabused of thy vain trust?

His temple and thy life he yields to me.

I ought upon the altar, where thy hand Makes sacrifices, thee.--But with the price They offer me I must content myself.

What thou hast promised, see to execute: That boy, that treasure must be given to me.

Where are they?


Immediately thou shalt be satisfied; I am about to show them both at once.

(_The screen is withdrawn. Joas is seen on his throne; his nurse on her knees at his right; Azariah, with his sword in his hand, is standing at his left; and near him are Zachariah and Salomith, kneeling on the steps of the throne; several Levites armed are ranged around._)

Appear, dear boy, blood worthy Israel's kings!

Of our most saintly monarchs, knowst thou, queen, The inheritor? Knowst thou at least these scars Thy dagger made? Behold thy king, thy son, The son of Ochoziah! Abner, you And people recognise king Joas!



ATHALIAH (to Joad).

Perfidious wretch!


See'st thou that faithful Jewess Of whom, thou knowest well, he drew the breast?

Him rescued from thy rage by Josabet, This temple hailed, where G.o.d has cared for him, Of David's treasures, see what I have left.


Thy treachery, traitor, to that child will be Most fatal. Soldiers, deliver me from That odious spectre!


Guards of the living G.o.d, defend your king!

(_The bottom of the temple opens, and the Levites rush upon the scene from all sides._)


Where am I? Treason! O, unhappy queen!

With arms and enemies I am surrounded!


Thine eyes flash round in vain, escape thou canst not, On every side the Lord's encompa.s.sed thee: That G.o.d thou hast defied, into my hands Has given thee up: now render an account To Him of slaughters which have made thee drunk.


What fear has petrified my worthless troops?

Into what snare hast thou conducted me, Base Abner?

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Athaliah Part 19 summary

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