Athaliah Part 8

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Their hate and fury you already foster: Only with horror you p.r.o.nounce my name To them.


Can we conceal the history of our wrongs?

All know it, and you boast of it yourself.


Yes, of my righteous rage, and I am proud To avenge my parents on posterity.

My father and my brother saw I slaughtered; My mother from her palace window hurled; And even in one day murdered at once-- Dread sight!--more than twice twenty sons of kings: And wherefore? To avenge some nameless prophets Whom she had punished for their senseless frenzy: And I, cold queen, and daughter without love, Slave of a cowardly and frivolous folly, Shall even not return to this blind rage Insult for insult, death for every death, And shall not treat all David's progeny As Ahab's wretched remnant were by them!

Where should I be to-day, had I not had A tenderness for my torn, strangled mother; And, conquering my weakness, with my hand Shedding in torrents my own people's blood, Had not repressed your plots by that fierce blow!

At length, the inflexible vengeance of your G.o.d, Betwixt our houses all alliance breaks: David of me's in horror; and his sons, Though of my blood, are strangers unto me.


In all you have succeeded. Let G.o.d see And judge.


That G.o.d, a long time past, your only refuge, Of what effect will be His prophecies?

Let Him produce that King, told to the nations, That Son of David, your support, your hope-- But we shall meet again. Adieu, I go, Quite satisfied. I wished to see: I have seen.

{ABNER (_to Josabet_).}

I promised you; and I return the charge That you committed to me.

_Scenes VIII and IX._


{JOSABET (_to Joad_).}

My lord, Did you o'erhear that haughty queen?


I heard the whole, and I bewailed your anguish.

To lend you aid, these Levites and myself, Were close at hand, resolved to die with you.

(To Joas.) May G.o.d watch over you whose courage, child, Has just returned this n.o.ble testimony Unto His name! I recognize, dear Abner, This important service: bear in mind The hour when Joad expects you. We, whose sight This inpious, murderous woman has defiled, Whose prayers has interrupted, will return: And let immaculate blood, shed by my hands, Cleanse to the marble what her steps have touched.


_One of the daughters of the Choir._

What star has burst upon our sight?

What will that marvellous child one day become?

He braveth pompous haughtiness, And will not let himself be lured By any of her dangerous baits.


Whilst each to Athaliah's G.o.d With incense to the altar runs, A child unfearing publishes That G.o.d alone eternal is, And speaks as once Elijah spoke Before the other Jezebel.

_Another._ Who will reveal to us thy secret birth Dear child? Art thou some holy prophet's son?


And thus the lovely Samuel was seen To grow beneath the tabernacle's shadow; Become the Hebrews' hope and oracle.

May'st thou like him console our race!

_Another sings._

O blessed, a thousand times, The child that loves the Lord, Who early hearkens to His voice, Whom G.o.d, Himself, doth deign to teach!

Far from the world he, nurtured, is adorned By all heaven's blessings from his birth; And the contagious company of the bad Doth alter not his innocence.

_All the Choir._

O happy, happy is the child That G.o.d instructs and vindicates!

_The same voice alone._ So, in a secret vale upon the banks Of a pellucid stream, Beneath the shadow of an oak, A tender lily bloometh, nature's love.

Far from the world arising, 'tis adorned With all heaven's blessings from its birth; And the contagious company of the bad Doth alter not its innocence.

_All the Choir._

O blest, a thousand times, the child That G.o.d doth render docile to His laws.

_One voice alone._

My G.o.d, how can a growing virtue walk Amongst so many dangers with sure step % What obstacles are found to his designs Who seeketh Thee, and wisheth innocence What enemies make war on him!

Where can Thy saints conceal themselves?

The evil-doers overspread the earth.


O David's palace, and his cherished city, Famed mount, where even G.o.d a long time dwelt, Why hast thou from the heavens drawn down His wrath?

Sion, dear Sion, what sayest thou, When thou, alas! beholdst upon the throne Of thine own kings, an impious stranger sat?

_All the Choir._ Sion, dear Sion, what sayest thou, When thou, alas! beholdst upon the throne Of thine own kings, an impious stranger sat!

_The same voice continues._

Instead of David's pleasing strains, In which he poured his holy raptures, And blessed his G.o.d, his Father and his Lord: Sion, dear Sion, what sayest thou, When thou dost hear them laud the strangers' G.o.d, And curse the name thy princes have adored?

_One voice alone._

How long, O Lord, and yet again how long Shall we behold the wicked rise 'gainst Thee?

They come into Thy temple braving Thee: The people who adore Thee, treat as frenzied.

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Athaliah Part 8 summary

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