Manuel Pereira Or The Sovereign Rule of South Carolina Part 3

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"What's that you say, Manuel?" inquired the first mate as he came along, clearing up the decks with the men.

"Pilot tell Captain they sell me for slave in South Carolina. I'd jump overboard 'fore I suffer him," said he.

"Oh, poh! don't be a fool; you a'n't among Patagonians, Manuel; you won't have to give 'em leg for your life. They don't sell foreigners and outlandish men like you for slaves in Carolina--it's only black folks what can't clothe the'r words in plain English. Yer copper-colored hide wouldn't be worth a sixpence to a n.i.g.g.e.r-trader--not even to old Norman Gadsden, that I've heard 'em tell so much about in the Liverpool docks.

He's a regular Jonathan Wild in n.i.g.g.e.r-dealing; his name's like a fiery dragon among the all over the South; and I hearn our skipper say once when I sailed in a liner, that in Charleston were so 'fraid of him they'd run, like young scorpions away from an old he-devil, when they saw him coming. He sells white, as they call 'em, and black thing that comes in his way, in the shape of saleable folks. But he won't acknowledge the corn when he goes away from home, and swears there's two Norman Gadsdens in Charleston; that he a'n't the one! When a man's ashamed of his name abroad, his trade must be very bad at home, or I'm no sailor," said the mate.

"Ah, my boys!" said the pilot in a quizzical manner, as he came to where several of the men were getting the larboard anchor ready to let go,--"if old Norman Gadsden gets hold of you, you're a gone sucker. A man what's got a bad n.i.g.g.e.r has only got to say Old Gadsden to him, and it's equal to fifty paddles. The mode of punishment most modern, and adopted in all the workhouses and places of punishment in South Carolina, is with the paddle, a wooden instrument in, the shape of a baker's peel; with a blade from three to five inches wide, and from eight to ten long. This is laid on the posteriors--generally by constables or officers connected with the police. Holes are frequently bored in the blade, which gives the application a sort of percussive effect; The pain is much more acute than with the cowhide; and several instances are known where a master ordered an amount of strokes beyond the endurance of the slave, and it proved fatal at the workhouse. They tell a pretty good story about the old fellow. I don't know if it's true, but the old fellow's rich now, and he does just what he pleases.

It was that somebody found one of those little occasional droppings of the aristocracy, very well known among the secrets of the chivalry, and called foundlings, nicely fixed up in a basket.--It's among the secrets though, and mustn't be told abroad.--The finders labelled it, 'Please sell to the highest bidder,' and left it at his door. There was a fund of ominous meaning in the label; but Norman very coolly took the little helpless pledge under his charge, and, with the good nursing of old Bina, made him tell to the tune of two hundred and thirty, cash, 'fore he was two year old. He went by the name of Thomas Norman, the Christian division of his foster-father's, according to custom. The old fellow laughs at the joke, as he calls it, and tells 'em, when they stick it to him, they don't understand the practice of making money. You must keep a bright look out for him, Manuel--you'll know him by the running when they see him coming."

The pilot now returned to the quarter, and commenced dilating upon the beauty of Charleston harbor and its tributaries, the Astley and Cooper Rivers--then upon the prospects of fortifications to beat the United States in the event of South Carolina's seceding and raising an independent sovereignty, composed of her best blood. The Captain listened to his unsolicited and uninteresting exposition of South Carolina's prowess in silence, now and then looking up at the pilot and nodding a.s.sent. He saw that the pilot was intent upon astonis.h.i.+ng him with his wonderful advancement in the theory of government, and the important position of South Carolina. Again he looked dumbfounded, as much as to acknowledge the pilot's profundity, and exclaimed, "Well!

South Carolina must be a devil of a State: every thing seems captivated with its greatness: I'd like to live in Carolina if I didn't get licked."

"By scissors! that you would, Captain; you ha'n't an idee what a mighty site our people can do if they're a mind to! All South Carolina wants is her const.i.tutional rights, which her great men fought for in the Revolution. We want the freedom to protect our own rights and inst.i.tutions--not to be insulted and robbed by the General Government and the abolitionists."

"Do you practice as a people upon the same principles that you ask of the General Government!" inquired the Captain.

"Certainly, Captain, as far as it was intended for the judicious good of all white citizens!"

"Then you claim a right for the whites, but withhold the right when it touches on the dark side. You'll have to lick the Federal Government, as you call it, for they won't cut the const.i.tution up to suit your notions of black and white." * * *

"That's just the thing, Cap, and we can do it just as easy as we now protect our own laws, and exterminate the what attempt insurrections. South Carolina sets an example, sir, of honor and bravery that can't be beat. Why, just look a-yonder, Cap: the Federal Government owns this 'er Fort Sumpter, and they insulted us by building it right in our teeth, so that they could command the harbor, block out our commerce, and collect the duties down here. But, Cap, this don't scare South Carolina nohow. We can show 'em two figures in war tactics that'd blow 'em to thunder. Ye see yonder!" said he, with an earnest look of satisfaction, pointing to the south, "That's Morris Island. We'd take Fort Moultrie for a breakfast spell, and then we'd put it to 'em hot and strong from both sides, until they'd surrender Fort Sumpter. They couldn't stand it from both sides. Yes, sir, they shut Fort Moultrie against us, and wouldn't let us have it to celebrate independence in.

There's a smouldering flame in South Carolina that'll burst forth one of these days in a way that must teach the Federal Government some astonis.h.i.+ng and exciting lessons. There's old Castle Pinckney, sir; we could keep it for a reserve, and with Generals Quattleb.u.m and Commander, from Georgetown and Santee Swamp, we could raise an army of Palmetto regiments that would whip the Federal Government troop and gun-boat."

We have given this singular conversation of the pilot with a strange Captain, which at the time was taken as an isolated case of gasconade peculiar to the man; but which the Captain afterward found to harmonize in sentiment, feeling, and expression with the general character of the people--the only exceptions being the colored people.


ABOUT five o'clock on the evening of the 23d, the Janson pa.s.sed Castle Pinckney, ran up to the wharf with the flood-tide, let go her anchor, and commenced warping into the dock. Her condition attracted sundry persons to the end of the wharf, who viewed her with a sort of commiseration that might have been taken for sincere feeling. The boarding officer had received her papers, and reported her character and condition, which had aroused a feeling of speculative curiosity, that was already beginning to spread among s.h.i.+p-carpenters and outfitters.

Conspicuous among those gathered on the wharf was a diminutive little dandy, with an olive-colored frock-coat, black pants, embroidered vest, and an enormous s.h.i.+rt-collar that endangered his ears. This was secured around the neck with a fancy neckcloth, very tastefully set off with a diamond pin, He was very slender, with a narrow, feminine face, round popeyes--requiring the application of a pocket-gla.s.s every few minutes--and very fair complexion, with little positive expression of character in his features. His nose was pointed; his chin, projected and covered with innumerable little pimples, gave an irregular and mastiff-shaped mouth a peculiar expression. He wore a very highly-polished and high-heeled pair of boots, and a broad-brimmed, silk-smooth hat. He seemed very anxious to display the beauty of two diamond rings that glittered upon his delicate little fingers, made more conspicuous by the wristbands of his s.h.i.+rt. Standing in a very conspicuous place upon the capsill of the wharf, he would rub his hands, then running from one part of the wharf to another, ordering sundry about making fast the lines, kicking one, and slapping another, as he stooped, with his little hand. All paid respect to him. The Captain viewed him with a smile of curiosity, as much as to say, "What important specimen of a miss in breeches is that?" But when the little fellow spoke, the secret was told. He gathered the inflections of his voice, as if he were rolling them over the little end of a thunderbolt in his mouth. As the vessel touched the wharf, he sprang to the corner and cried out at the top of his voice, "Yer' welcome to Charleston, Captain Thompson! Where did you get that knocking?--where are ye bound for?--how many days are you out?--how long has she leaked in that way?"

and a strain of such questions, which it would be impossible to trace, such was the rapidity with which he put them. The Captain answered him in accordance with the circ.u.mstances; and supposing him clothed with authority, inquired where he should find some hands to work his pumps, in order to relieve his men. "By-Je-w-hu! Captain, you must a' had a piping time, old feller. Oh! yes, you want help to work your pumps. Get, Captain, there's lots on 'em about here. They're as thick as gra.s.shoppers in a cotton-patch."

"Yes, but I want 'em now, my men are worn out; I must get some Irishmen, if I can't get others at once," said the Captain, viewing his man again from head to foot.

"Oh! don't employ Paddies, Captain; 'ta'n't popular; they don't belong to the secession party; Charleston's overrun with them and the Dutch!

Why, she won't hurt to lay till to-morrow morning, and there'll be lots o' down; they can't be out after bell-ring without a pa.s.s, and its difficult to find their masters after dark. Haul her up 'till she grounds, and she won't leak when the tide leaves her. We can go to the theatre and have a right good supper after, at Baker's or the St.

Charles's. It's the way our folks live. We live to enjoy ourselves in South Carolina. Let the old wreck go to-night." The little fellow seemed so extremely polite, and so anxious to "do the genteel attention,"

that the Captain entirely forgot the tenor of his conversation with the pilot, while his feelings changed with the prospect of such respectful attention; and yet he seemed at a loss how to a.n.a.lyze the peculiar character of his little, pedantic friend.

"You must not think me intrusive, Captain," said he, pulling out his segar-pouch and presenting it with at Chesterfieldian politeness. "It's a pleasure we Carolinians take in being hospitable and attentive to strangers. My name, sir, is--! My call me Master George. Yes, sir! our family!--you have heard of my father probably--he belongs to one of the best stocks in Carolina--owns a large interest in this wharf, and is an extensive cotton-broker, factors, we call them here--and he owns a large plantation of on Pee-Dee; you must visit our plantation. Captain, certain! before you leave the city. But you mustn't pay much attention to the gossip you'll hear about the city. I pledge you my honor, sir, it don't amount to any thing, nor has it any prominent place in our society."

"Really, sir," replied the Captain, "I shall do myself the honor to accept of your hospitable kindness, and hope it may be my good fortune to reciprocate at some future day. I'm only too sorry that our wrecked condition affords me no opportunity to invite you to my table to-night; but the circ.u.mstances which you see everywhere presenting themselves are my best apology."

"Oh, dear me! don't mention it, I pray, Captain. Just imagine yourself perfectly at home. We will show you what Southern hospitality is.

We don't go upon the Yankee system of Mr. So-and-so and What-do-ye-call-'um. Our feelings are in keeping with our State pride, which, with our extreme sensibility of honor, forbids the countenance of meanness. South Carolinians, sir, are at the very top of the social ladder--awake to every high-minded consideration of justice and right.

We are not moved by those morbid excitements and notions that so often lead people away at the North. Make no unnecessary preparation, Captain, and I will do myself the honor to call upon you in an hour." Thus saying, he shook his hand and left.

The pilot had delivered his charge safe, and was about to, bid the Captain good-by for the night. But in order to do the thing in accordance with an English custom, that appears to have lost none of its zest in South Carolina, he was invited into the Captain's cabin to take a little prime old Jamaica. Manuel, who had somewhat recovered, brought out the case from a private locker, and setting it before them, they filled up, touched, and drank the usual standing toast to South Carolina. "Pilot," said the Captain, "who is my polite friend--he seems a right clever little fellow?"

"Well, Captain, he's little, but he's first-rate blood, and a genuine sprig of the chivalry. He's a devil of a secessionist, sir. If ye were to hear that fellow make a stump speech on States' rights, you'd think him a Samson on Government. His father is the head of a good mercantile house here; 'twouldn't be a bad idea to consign to him. But I must bid you good-night, Captain; I'll call and see you to-morrow," said the pilot, leaving for his home.

The Janson was hauled well up the dock, and grounded on the ebb-tide.

Manuel prepared supper for the officers and crew, while the Captain awaited the return of his new acquaintance. "Captain," said Manuel, "I should like to go ash.o.r.e to-night and take a walk, for my bones are sore, and I'm full of pains. I think it will do me good. You don't think anybody will trouble me, if I walk peaceably along?"

"n.o.body would trouble you if they knew you, Manuel; but I am afraid they will mistake you in the night. You had better keep s.h.i.+p until morning; take a good rest, and to-morrow will be a fine day--you can then take some exercise."

Manuel looked at the Captain as if he read something doubtful in his countenance, and turned away with a pitiful look of dissatisfaction.

It seems that through his imperfect knowledge of English, he had misconceived the position of the celebrated Thomas Norman Gadsden, whom he imagined to be something like an infernal machine, made and provided by the good citizens of Charleston to catch bad "Nora-ma Gazine no catch-e me, Cap-i-tan, if me go ash.o.r.e, 'case me no make trouble in no part de world where me sail, Oh! no, Cap-i-tan, Manuel know how to mine dis bisness," said he returning again to the Captain.

"Yes, yes, Manuel, but we can't let the crew go ash.o.r.e 'till we get through the custom-house; you must content yourself to-night, and in the morning 'twill be all right. I'm afraid you'll get sick again-the night-air is very bad in this climate; old Gadsden won't trouble you. He don't walk about at night."

Manuel walked forward, not very well satisfied with the manner in which the Captain put him off. The latter felt the necessity of caution, fearing he might infringe upon some of the regulations that the pilot had given him an account of, which accounted for his refusal Manuel sat upon the main-hatch fondling Tommy, and telling him what good things they would have in the morning for breakfast, and how happy they ought to be that they were not lost during the gales, little thinking that he was to be the victim of a merciless law, which would confine him within the iron grates of a prison before the breakfast hour in the morning. "I like Charleston, Tommy," said Manuel; "it looks like one of our old English towns, and the houses have such pretty gardens, and the people they say are all so rich and live so fine. Tommy, we'll have a long walk and look all around it, so that we can tell the folks when we get home. The s.h.i.+p, owes me eleven pounds, and I mean to take some good things home for presents, to show what they have in South Carolina."

"You better buy a young n.i.g.g.e.r, and take him home as a curiosity to show among the Highlands. You can buy a young Sambo for any price, just the same as you would a leg of mutton at the butcher's; put him in a band-box, lug him across, and you'll make a fortune in the North country. But I'd rather buy a young wife, for the young are more roguish than a lot o' snakes, and al'a's eat their heads off afore they're big enough to toddle. They sell gals here for whiter than you are, Manuel; they sell 'em at auction, and then they sell corn to feed 'em on. Carolina's a great region of supersensual sensibility; they give you a wife of any color or beauty, and don't charge you much for her, providing you're the right stripe. What a funny thing it would be to show the Glasgow folks a bright specimen of a bought wife from the renowned State of South Carolina, with genuine aristocratic blood in her veins; yes, a pure descendant of the Huguenots!" said the mate, who was leaning over the rail where Manuel and Tommy were seated, smoking a segar and viewing the beautiful scenery around the harbor.

"Ah!" said Manuel, "when I get a wife and live on sh.o.r.e, I don't want to buy one-it might be a dangerous bargain. Might buy the body, but not the soul-that's G.o.d's."


ABOUT a quarter past eight o'clock in the evening, Master George, as he called himself, the little pedantic man, came skipping down the wharf.

As soon as he approached the brig, he cried out at the top of his voice, "Captain! Captain!!"

The Captain stepped to the gangway, and the little fellow, who had stood crossing and working his fingers, reached out his hand to a.s.sist him ash.o.r.e. This done, he took the Captain's arm, and commencing a discourse upon the wonderful things and people of South Carolina they wended their way to the Charleston Theatre. The company then performing was a small affair, and the building itself perfectly filthy, and filled with an obnoxious stench. The play was a little farce, which the Captain had seen to much perfection in his own country, and which required some effort of mind to sit out its present mutilation. Yet, so highly pleased was Master George, that he kept up a succession of applauses at every grimace made by the comedian. Glad when the first piece was over, the Captain made a motion to adjourn to the first good bar-room and have a punch. It was agreed, upon the condition that the little man should "do the honor," and that they should return and see the next piece out. The Captain, of course, yielded to the rejoinder, though it was inflicting a severe penalty upon his feelings. There was another piece to come yet, which the little fellow's appet.i.te was as ready to devour as the first.

The Captain, seeing this, could not refrain expressing his surprise.

This was taken as a charge against his taste, and George immediately commenced a discussion upon the subject of the piece, the intention of the author, and the merits of the performers, whose proper adaptation he admired. The Captain knew his subject, and instead of contending in detail, advised him to take a peep into the theatres of New York and London. Not to be undone, for he was like all little men, who insist upon the profoundness of their own opinions, he a.s.serted that it could be only the different views which individuals entertained of delineating character, and that the Charlestonians were proverbially correct in their judgment of music and dramatic performances.

"I pity the judgment that would award merit to such a performance as that," said the Captain.

"How strange, that you Englishmen and Scotchmen always find fault with every thing we Americans do. Your writers manifest it in their books upon us and the people seem of necessity to copy from them, and echo their grumblings," rejoined Master George.

"You judge from the common saying, instead of a knowledge front observation, I fear," said the Captain.

"Lord, sir! you must not judge me by that rule. Carolinians, sir, always appreciate intelligent strangers, for they always exert a healthy influence, and never meddle with our inst.i.tutions; so you see it wouldn't do to follow the pestilent notions of petty scribblers, lest we should form wrong opinions."

"But tell me," said the Captain, "do you consider yourselves Americans in South Carolina?--the pilot must have led me astray."

"Americans! yes, indeed, the true blood at that, and no man of tip-top judgment ever questioned it. But you must mark the difference; we ha'n't Yankees, nor we don't believe in their infernal humb.u.g.g.e.ry about abolition. If it wasn't for South Carolina and Georgia, the New-Englanders would starve for want of our cotton and rice. It's the great staple what keeps the country together; and as much as they talk about it, just take that away, and what would the United States be? We South Carolinians give no symptoms or expressions of what we mean to do that we cannot maintain. We have been grossly insulted by the Federal Government, but it dar'n't come at us and just give us a chance at fair fight. We'd show 'em the thunder of the Palmetto, that they'd never trouble our sovereignty again. Captain, I pledge you my honor that if there wasn't so many infernal Yankees in Georgia, and she'd follow our lead in secession, we'd just lick the whole North. Georgia's a big State, but she a'n't pluck, and has no chivalry at all among her people.

She allows such privileges to them Yankees-gives them power to control her manufacturing interests-and this is just what will uproot the foundation of their slave inst.i.tution. Georgians a'n't a bit like us; first, they are too plebeian in their manners-have no bond of guardians.h.i.+p for their laws, and exert no restraints for the proper protection of good society. But, Captain, their stock has a different origin, and the peculiarity which now marks our character may be traced to the offspring of early settlement. We derived our character and sentiments from the Huguenots; they, from an uncharacterized cla.s.s of coa.r.s.e adventurers, whose honesty was tinctured with penal suspicion.

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Manuel Pereira Or The Sovereign Rule of South Carolina Part 3 summary

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