The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers Volume I Part 5

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My native land, thy Puritanic stock Still finds its roots firm-bound in Plymouth Rock, And all thy sons unite in one grand wish-- To keep the virtues of Preserv-ed Fish.

Preserv-ed Fish, the Deacon stern and true, Told our New England what her sons should do, And should they swerve from loyalty and right, Then the whole land were lost indeed in night.

The sectional bias of this "anthem" renders it unsuitable for use in that small margin of the world situated outside of New England. Hence the above must be rejected.

Here we have a very curious



A diagnosis of our hist'ry proves Our native land a land its native loves; Its birth a deed obstetric without peer, Its growth a source of wonder far and near.

To love it more behold how foreign Sink into nothingness beside its stores; Hyde Park at best--though counted ultra-grand-- The "Boston Common" of Victoria's land--

The committee must not be blamed for rejecting the above, after reading thus far; for such an "anthem" could only be sung by a college of surgeons or a Beacon-street tea-party.

Turn we now to a



Source immaterial of material naught, Focus of light infinitesimal, Sum of all things by sleepless Nature wrought, Of which abnormal man is decimal.

Refract, in prism immortal, from thy stars To the stars blent incipient on our flag, The beam translucent, neutrifying death; And raise to immortality the rag.

This "anthem" was greatly praised by a celebrated German scholar; but the committee felt obliged to reject it on account of its too childish simplicity.

Here we have a



The sun sinks softly to his evening post, The sun swells grandly to his morning crown; Yet not a star our flag of Heav'n has lost, And not a sunset stripe with him goes down.

So thrones may fall; and from the dust of those, New thrones may rise, to totter like the last; But still our country's n.o.bler planet glows While the eternal stars of Heaven are fast.

Upon finding that this did not go well to the air of "Yankee Doodle,"

the committee felt justified in declining it; being furthermore prejudiced against it by a suspicion that the poet has crowded an advertis.e.m.e.nt of a paper which he edits into the first line.

Next we quote from a



In the days that tried our fathers Many years ago, Our fair land achieved her freedom, Blood-bought, you know.

Shall we not defend her ever As we'd defend That fair maiden, kind and tender, Calling us friend?

Yes! Let all the echoes answer, From hill and vale; Yes! Let other nations, hearing, Joy in the tale.

Our Columbia is a lady, High-born and fair; We have sworn allegiance to her-- Touch her who dare.

The tone of this "anthem" not being devotional enough to suit the committee, it should be printed on an edition of linen-cambric handkerchiefs, for ladies especially.

Observe this


BY N. P. W----.

One hue of our flag is taken From the cheeks of my blus.h.i.+ng Pet, And its stars beat time and sparkle Like the studs on her chemisette.

Its blue is the ocean shadow That hides in her dreamy eyes, It conquers all men, like her, And still for a Union flies.

Several members of the committee being pious, it is not strange that this "anthem" has too much of the Anacreon spice to suit them.

We next peruse a



The little brown squirrel hops in the corn, The cricket quaintly sings; The emerald pigeon nods his head, And the shad in the river springs, The dainty sunflower hangs its head On the sh.o.r.e of the summer sea; And better far that I were dead, If Maud did not love me.

I love the squirrel that hops in the corn, And the cricket that quaintly sings; And the emerald pigeon that nods his head, And the shad that gayly springs.

I love the dainty sunflower, too, And Maud with her snowy breast; I love them all;--but I love--I love-- I love my country best.

This is certainly very beautiful, and sounds somewhat like Tennyson.

Though it was rejected by the Committee, it can never lose its value as a piece of excellent reading for children. It is calculated to fill the youthful mind with patriotism and natural history, besides touching the youthful heart with an emotion palpitating for all.

Notice the following


BY R. H. STOD----.

Behold the flag! Is it not a flag?

Deny it, man, if you dare; And midway spread, 'twixt earth and sky, It hangs like a written prayer.

Would impious hand of foe disturb Its memories' holy spell, And blight it with a dew of blood?

Ha, tr-r-aitor!! * * * It is well.

And this is the last of the rejected anthems I can quote from at present, my boy, though several hundred pounds yet remain untouched.

Yours, questioningly,

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