A Fool's Paradise Part 25

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- p. 7: Love has a habit of being so one-sided--Added period to end of sentence.

- p. 7: ...a most able and distinguished man--Added period to end of sentence.

- p. 9: ..._and waves his hand to TOM and MIL_)--Changed "MIL" to "MILDRED" in stage direction.

- p. 9: SIR. P. Drink too much.--Deleted period after "SIR".

- p. 9: KATE. SIR Peter!--Changed "SIR" from small caps to initial cap.

- p. 9: SIRP. Of course you do.--Inserted s.p.a.ce between "SIR" and "P".

- p. 10: SIR P Any pain?--Inserted period after "SIR P".

- p. 11: SIR P. So, altogether. you're quite a happy family?--Changed what looked like a period after "altogether" to a comma.

- p. 11: With more money than I know what to do wi h...--Changed "wi h" to "with".

- p. 11: The liv r was made, by a beautiful provision...--Changed "liv r" to "liver".

- p. 12: _Re-enter MILDRED and TOM, followed by LORD NORMANTOWER, C.

from R._)--Deleted unmatched closing parenthesis.

- p. 12: (_they come down stage tonether..._--Changed "_tonether_" to "_together_".

- p. 12: ...and though circ.u.m tances have kept us a good deal apart--we've never quite ost...--Changed "circ.u.m tances" to "circ.u.mstances" and "ost" to "lost".

- p. 12: SIR P. (_crosses to LORD NORMANTOWER. C._)--Changed period after "NORMANTOWER" to comma.

- p. 13: SIR P. (_picks up bunch from table, R._)--Changed "_bunch_"

to "_Punch_" based on the "Necessary Properties" list and on the stage direction following the next line of dialogue which has Sir Peter sitting and reading.

- p. 15: ..._she has a tennis bat in her hand, and comes down C._)-- Deleted unmatched closing parenthesis.

- p. 18: (_stoop- to give a back, NORMANTOWER down R.

laughs...._--Changed "_stoop-_" to "_stooping_".

- p. 18: KATE (_nodding_) How d'ye do?--Added period after "KATE".

- p. 20: Nonsense I must see you...--Added period after "Nonsense".

- p. 21: ...but consider the future Some day...--Added a period after "future".

- p. 21: No, I shall never marry--Added a period at end of line.

- p. 22: You are a foolish, obstinate, absurd--(_turns suddenly and takes both her hands_) Good, generous...--Inserted dash after closing parenthesis, and changed "Good" to lower case.

- p. 23: ACT II--Inserted a period at end of heading for consistency.

- p. 23: ...remarkably tight inexpressibles--Added a period at end of line.

- p. 23: You under-rate your accomplishments. don't think...--Inserted the word "_I_" before "don't". Use of italics was based on s.p.a.cing between words.

- p. 24: _Kate turns up and resumes watering plants, R.C._--For consistency in stage directions, changed "Kate" to small caps in html version and all caps in text version.

- p. 29: No--but I cannot grasp it?--Changed question mark to an exclamation mark.

- p. 31: ...bnt now I have awaken...--Changed "bnt" to "but".

- p. 33: I'm doing right, aren't I, mousey--Added question mark to end of sentence.

- p. 33: I have your acquiesence?--Changed "acquiesence" to "acquiescence".

- p. 34: TOM. Are quite well enough to stand a shock?--Inserted "you"

after "Are".

- p. 34: Yon won't come to blows?--Changed "Yon" to "You".

- p. 35: _Exeunt JOHNSON and PHILIP R.U.D._--Added closing parenthesis.

- p. 36: _TOM has her L. hand., PHILIP her right..._--Deleted period after "hand".

- p. 36: SIR. P. n.o.body here.--Deleted period after "SIR".

- p. 36: ..._then smells it, smell it again, tastes again cautiously by his finger..._--Changed "_smell_" to "_smells_".

- p. 38: _BEATRICE'S fan on piano_--Added period after "_piano_".

- p. 39: "_ad. lib._"--Deleted period after "_ad_".

- p. 40: I am charmed with him--Added period at end of sentence.

- p. 41: _PHILIP comes to C. up stage, KATE rises and meets him_)--Changed closing parenthesis to a period.

- p. 41: SIR P My dear young...--Added a period after "P".

- p. 43: You've had a trying day--Added a period at end of sentence.

- p. 43: _PHILIP takes his R. arm, and they go up_)--Inserted a left parenthesis before "PHILIP".

- p. 43: SIR. P. By obeying me...--Deleted period after "SIR".

- p. 43: SIR P Just one more.--Added a period after "P".

- p. 43: (_behind sofa R. of it_)--Added a comma after "sofa".

- p. 43: Oh, yes; we get along splendidly. like Miss Derwent! she is just my sort.--Added "I" before "like".

- p. 43: ...a bachelor can devote himself to the s.e.x,--Changed comma to a period.

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A Fool's Paradise Part 25 summary

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