A Fool's Paradise Part 5

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BEA. You are cruel; but I suppose I deserve it. (_on a line with NORMANTOWER_)

NOR. My grievance is a thing of the past. I have no wish to injure you or to cause you pain, and I should not have expressed myself so freely just now, had I known that you were present or that I was speaking of the wife of a friend. (_a step down_)

BEA. You have been misinformed. There is not a word of truth in what you have heard about me.

NOR. No doubt. People exaggerate so. (_standing below her_)

BEA. They invent so.

NOR. They invent so.

BEA. And you have believed them! What must you think of me? (_moves away a little_)

NOR. To be perfectly frank, Mrs. Selwyn, I endeavour not to think of you at all. (_goes to fireplace R._)

BEA. (_goes up to L. of table_) You have forgotten me? You have stripped me from your mind?

NOR. I have done my best to forget you. (_leans on mantel, his back to her_)

BEA. (_moving away_) And this is constancy! (_down to L._)

NOR. (_faces round_) Constancy! I am not more punctilious than most men, but surely it is scarcely my duty to be constant to a woman who has become the wife of another. (_advances to R.C._)

BEA. (_goes up to C._) Ah! it is easy to talk of one's duty but it is not always so easy to do it. (_NORMANTOWER looks at her_) Ned--may I call you so? Let me tell you the secret of my life.

NOR. You have a secret? (_comes to her C._)

BEA. Yes--_I_ was always constant. I was forced into this marriage.

The letter I wrote breaking off our engagement was dictated to me. I never loved my husband. (_turns away to L.C._)

NOR. (C.) Mrs. Selwyn, you forget, your husband is my friend. If you didn't know it when he asked me here, you know it now.

BEA. (_turns to him_) I always knew it. It was I who suggested the invitation. I could bear my unhappiness no longer. I felt I must see you again. Oh, if you could only look into my heart! Ned! Though I used you badly, you are bitterly avenged! (_drops into sofa L.C., and buries her face in her hands_)

NOR. (_goes up to head of sofa, looking down on her_) I have no wish to be avenged. I loved you--I lost you--and there is an end of it.

(_turns up C._)

BEA. (_rising_) Why was I born a woman? (_crosses to R.C. corner of table_) Why was I not a man? To amuse myself just for the moment, and then to be able to forget!

NOR. (_comes down behind chair R.C._) You do us an injustice. We men are not so inconstant as you think. Sometimes we pretend to forget what we are half ashamed to remember. (_BEATRICE listens intently, watching him out of the corner of her eyes_) But the past is past. You are a wife now. (_goes to C._)

BEA. If I were not a wife?

NOR. Then, it would be different.

BEA. (_close to him_) Hus.h.!.+ I have said, I do not love my husband; and if you say that, you will make me hate him. To think that he--and he alone--stands between me and happiness.

NOR. Beatrice! (_recoiling_)

BEA. Don't shrink from me! Is it so wicked to want to be happy?

(_touching him_)

NOR. Happy?

BEA. If I were only free! (_goes down to R.C._)

NOR. (C.) You forget, though I have dropped in for a t.i.tle, I am almost as poor as ever.

BEA. (_goes up to him_) But I am not. (_laying her hand on his arm_) Philip has left me everything if I survive him.

_SIR PETER appears at the top of the staircase; she turns off suddenly, crossing NORMANTOWER, who goes down to R.C._

BEA. (_goes towards foot of stairs_) Well, doctor, how do you find your patient? (_up C._)

SIR P. (_up L.C._) Your husband is more seriously ill than I antic.i.p.ated. (_she glances at NORMANTOWER_)

NOR. Ill!

BEA. What is the matter with him?

SIR P. (_R. of chair, L.C._) Something occult--that's why I call it serious. There is nothing so serious as the unknown. (_NORMANTOWER turns up R. and looks out at window_)

BEA. Something _you_ can't make out? It must be occult indeed.

SIR P. (_goes to front of sofa L.C._) But something I _hope_ to make out before I go.

BEA. Then you propose to stay here? (_disconcerted_)

SIR P. With your permission--for to-night, at any rate.

BEA. I'll have a room prepared for you at once. (_about to go L.U.E., returns C. and works to R.C._)

SIR P. Don't trouble. The orders are already given. I've taken the liberty of choosing my own quarters. They open on the terrace, so I can take the air in the morning without disturbing the household.

(_sits on sofa_)

_Re-enter C. from. R., KATE DERWENT from grounds, TOM and MILDRED running up with her to the doors C. NORMANTOWER goes slowly down to R.


KATE. That'll do, children, I'm quite out of breath. (_comes down C.

TOM and MILDRED run off into grounds L._)

BEA. I am afraid the children give you no rest, Miss Derwent. (_R.C., L. of table_)

KATE. Oh, I don't mind. I like it. I was a dreadful tomboy myself, when I was their age. I haven't forgotten how to play leap-frog yet.

BEA. Your memory is really wonderful.

KATE. And I believe I could give as good a back--(_stooping to give a back, NORMANTOWER down R. laughs. Catching sight of NORMANTOWER, puts her hand to her mouth and stops short_)

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A Fool's Paradise Part 5 summary

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