The Little Spanish Dancer Part 4

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_The Proud Comb From Barcelona_

"I am a tall, elegant comb, and my home is Barcelona (bar's[)e]-l[=o]'n[.a]), the most important city in Spain. Oh, dear!

There goes Madrid, howling at me again! Whenever I say that Barcelona is more important, the city of Madrid creates the most frightful row.

"It is jealousy, of course. For even if she is the capital of Spain, she is not so wonderful as Barcelona. At least, that is what we who live here think. And perhaps I can convince you, too, if you will go for a walk with me.

"Just think! I am honoring you by inviting you to walk with me through Barcelona, Spain's most important--oh, all right, then, Spain's most modern city!

"Shall we start from the harbor? It is the chief port of Spain. Do you see that fine monument of Christopher Columbus over there?

[Ill.u.s.tration: BARCELONA]

"Now we shall stroll along the celebrated Rambla. Is this not a handsome promenade, with its flowers and trees? Would you like to sit here at a little table and sip some chocolate?

"They say that Barcelona has more sidewalk cafes than any other city its size in Europe. You see, we know how to enjoy ourselves. Yet we are not lazy. No, indeed! We are most active. Why, Barcelona never sleeps.

"We are situated on the blue Mediterranean Sea. Not far from the city, there is a wonderful monastery called Montserrat (m[)o]nt's[)e]-r[)a]t'). It is perched high up amid a mystic forest of stony crags.

"Montserrat is the shrine of the Black Virgin, a sacred carving. The story goes that when the Moors held Spain, this carving was hidden in a cave. Many years later, it was found by shepherds who heard weird music near by.

"They tried to move the Black Virgin, but could not, and so a church was built to hold it. Today great crowds swarm up the mountain to see the sacred carving.

"But now I shall have to leave you. I could show you much more, of course, but there might be an objection if I did. You ask why? Because a certain city I know would be afraid that you might agree with me that Barcelona is more important than she is!"

_The Lazy Clock From El Escorial_

"I am an old clock. I used to sit upon a shelf in one of the most curious castles in Spain--El Escorial ([)e]l [)e]s-k[=o]'r[)i]-[)a]l).

It was built by King Philip II.


"King Philip built El Escorial as his tomb. Today, it stands a gray and gloomy monument upon a barren hill, and in its vaults are buried the kings and queens of Spain.

"Among the marble tombs, there is one which looks like a round, white birthday cake. It is the tomb of the children--young princes and princesses.

"King Philip watched the building of this immense palace from a rocky seat on a hill above. And later when he was very ill, he used to lie in his bedroom next to the chapel and listen to the church services.

"Ho, hum! I am a sleepy, lazy old clock. But then, all clocks in Spain grow lazy, for we are seldom used. Everybody is always late.

"Yet here is a funny thing. I have been told that Spain produces more quicksilver than any other country. Think of that! Quicksilver!"

[Ill.u.s.tration: PILAR LOOKED AT THE FAN]

_The Faded Fan From Valladolid_

"I am a fan. I belonged to a lady who lived in the town of Valladolid (val'ya-th[+o]-l[=e]th'). It was built by a Moor named Olid, and was called Valle de Olid, Valley of Olid.

"The names of many important men are connected with Valladolid. King Philip II was born there. The Catholic monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, were married there. Cervantes (s[~e]r-v[)a]n't[=e]z), the author of 'Don Quixote' (d[+o]n k[+e]-h[=o]'t[+a]), that famous Spanish romance, lived there; and Christopher Columbus died there."

_The Saucy Bonnet From Segovia_

"I am a bonnet, and I am very proud of myself because I am a beautiful creation. I am also very proud to think that I was born in the marvelous city of Segovia (s[+a]-g[=o]'vya).

"Segovia has a Roman aqueduct which is one of the most remarkable of its kind in the world. It is sometimes called the Devil's Bridge, because a legend tells that Satan built it in a single night.

"There is also the famous Alcazar, an ancient castle set high upon a sharp cliff. It was built in the eleventh century by King Alfonso VI.

Besides these marvels, Segovia has many fine churches and castles and cathedrals.

"How do I, a mere bonnet, know all these things? Ah, let me tell you this: I am not only very handsome; I am extremely wise."

Next day Pilar brought Juan these souvenirs. But it was of no use. Juan would not have any of them. He shook his head and told Pilar that he could not rob her of her wonderful treasures.

"You must bring me the old castanets, child," he said. "They are all that I will take."

Pilar begged and coaxed, but Juan was very stubborn.

"No, child," he repeated, "These are too fine and valuable to sell.

Bring me the battered old castanets, for they have little value."

Poor Pilar! She now sat weeping in her room--weeping silently so as not to disturb her sick grandfather, who slept a great part of the day.

She held the castanets in her hands and looked at them tenderly. Juan had said that they possessed little value. Oh, but they did possess value to Pilar, for she loved them.

As to their real value, neither Pilar nor Juan could possibly guess. For though the other souvenirs might bring more in money, the castanets might well bring joy or grief to their owner. Or, at least, so it had seemed to Pilar's ancestors.

However, Pilar had given her word to Juan that she would bring them to his shop tomorrow, and so she must. If only Juan had heard the terrible tale of the castanets in old Granada (gr[.a]-na'd[.a]), he would not have held Pilar to her promise.

[Ill.u.s.tration: GYPSIES, GRANADA]




Catalina was the many-times-great-granddaughter of Lira, the plump little girl of ancient Cadiz. And to Catalina now belonged the magic castanets.

The Moors had taken Spain away from the savage Visigoths and had built wonderful cities, palaces, and fortresses. One of these palaces was the magnificent Alhambra, set high upon a hill above the city of Granada.

It was here that Catalina danced before Boabdil (b[=o]'ab-d[=e]l'), Arab ruler of the great Alhambra. And to the romantic young girl this beautiful "Red Castle" spelled fairy-land.

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The Little Spanish Dancer Part 4 summary

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