The Little Spanish Dancer Part 7

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His G.o.dfather gave him a look of disgust.

"Babieca! (babie'ca) (Foolish one!)" he scolded. "This is indeed a stupid choice!"

[Ill.u.s.tration: ST. TERESA CONVENT, AVILA]

Rodrigo was not dismayed. Smiling, he said, "Babieca shall be my horse's name!"

It was this same Babieca, or, who carried Rodrigo de Bivar through his many famous battles. It was Babieca, too, who is supposed to have wept over his master when the great warrior-lord died.

For young Rodrigo became Spain's most celebrated hero, the Cid, about whom songs have been sung and tales have been spun. Many of these are, of course, only romance and legend. But the Cid did indeed live and triumph.

One of his greatest victories was the conquest of that rich and beautiful city, Valencia (v[.a]-l[)e]n'sh[)i]-[.a]), which is still called Valencia del Cid.

_Columbus of--Where?_

"Please, a little food and shelter. We are very hungry and tired!"

The man was Christopher Columbus, and the child, Diego, his son. Weary and discouraged, they had arrived at the monastery of La Rabita.

For a long time, Christopher Columbus had been trying to interest the Spanish court in his scheme to sail across the unknown ocean. He thought that by sailing west he would reach Asia.

But the King and Queen were busy with their struggles against the Moors, and they would not listen to him.

The kind monks at the monastery of La Rabita sheltered Columbus and his little son. They also gave heed to his eager hopes and plans, and at last Prior Perez of the monastery wrote a letter to Queen Isabella.

As we well know, Queen Isabella made it possible for Christopher Columbus to sail across the ocean and discover America. But n.o.body yet has really discovered Christopher Columbus.

Where was he born? Some say in Italy, others, in northern Spain. Perhaps Columbus was a Jew who changed his religion and nationality. This could well have been, because at that time the Jews in Spain were being tortured and sent away from their country.

When Columbus returned from his famous voyage, he was received in Barcelona by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. They made him Lord High Admiral of the Ocean Sea and Hereditary Viceroy of the New World.

But after the death of the Queen, Columbus was badly treated by King Ferdinand, and he died in poverty and despair at a miserable inn.

When Juan had finished telling the stories about the four paintings, Pilar asked, "Will you buy them from me, Senor Juan?"

Juan answered, "Yes, if you really must sell them, Pilar. But I wish that you might keep them, for they are very fine."

"I need the money," said Pilar simply.

"Then why not let me sell those ugly castanets?" inquired Juan. "The dancing master will willingly pay for them."

"No, no!" cried Pilar. "They shall be the last to go."

So Juan took the four paintings and gave Pilar money for them. And now there remained in the wooden chest only three souvenirs. One was a bottle of old wine, one a small dagger, and one the magic castanets.



Fiestas (fy[)e]s'tas) (festivals) and fairs are the joy of the Spanish people. Some are held upon saints' days. In Spain one celebrates the birthday of the saint for whom one is named.

Tonight there was a fiesta in Triana, which is across the bridge from Seville. It is where the gypsies live.

Pilar was on her way to Triana with a group of her friends. She was dressed in her dancing costume. She wanted to dance and use her magic castanets. This would be the last time she could do so. For of all her mother's souvenirs, only the castanets were now left. And tomorrow--

[Ill.u.s.tration: PILAR IN HER COSTUME]

But Pilar did not like to think about that tomorrow. Juan had sold everything else out of the wooden chest. Everything else had gone, even the wooden chest itself--gone to pay for food and medicines.

He had sold the very old bottle of sherry wine, which had come from a well-known cellar of Jerez (h[+a]-r[=a]th'), once called Scheriz.

In this cellar there is a cl.u.s.ter of huge barrels, upon which are written noted names, such as the Prince of Wales' and our own President's. They contain wines made in the year of each person's birth.

A family of well-trained mice lives in this cellar. When the attendant rings a bell and scatters bread upon the floor, these tiny creatures run out from behind the barrels.

Juan had also sold the small dagger of Moorish design. It had come from the town of Cordoba (kor'd[+o]-va), once an important center. The famous Mosque of Cordoba, with its striped arches, was built by the Moors. But it has since been made into a Christian church.

King Charles V is supposed to have said to the Christian builders, "You have built what can be found anywhere, but you have spoiled what cannot be found anywhere else.

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE MOSQUE, CORDOBA]

Cordoba is a white city of twisting streets. There are golden upon some of the doors; ragged beggars fill the streets; and children seem to grow in doorways.

One sees in Cordoba those broad-brimmed hats which belong to that part of Spain called Andalucia (an'da-l[=oo]-th[=e]'a).

[Ill.u.s.tration: ANDALUSIAN HAT]

A legend tells how Andalucia received its name. Every saint in heaven had been given a spot over which to rule--every one, except poor little Saint Lucia. So she searched the world for a country, but most of the world had already been taken by other saints.

One day, however, she came to a land of suns.h.i.+ne and flowers, with which she was delighted. She asked if she might have it for her own, and a mysterious voice answered and said to her, "Anda, Lucia! (Go there, Lucia!)"

And that is why, the legend tells, this sunny part of Spain is called Andalucia.

Seville, too, is in Andalucia; and now let us go back to Seville and to Pilar.

Tonight Pilar had left her grandfather for the first time in many evenings. A neighbor had kindly offered to stay with him while she went to the fiesta. Pilar's heart had been crying out for music and dancing.

Across the bridge, over the Guadalquivir (gwa'd[)a]l-kw[)i]v'[~e]r) River, went the crowd of young people. They pa.s.sed the Torre del Oro (tor'r[+a] d[)e]l [=o]'r[=o]) (Tower of Gold), where treasure once was stored.

In Triana there are many pottery shops; also there is a large American olive factory. It is said that the best olives are grown in sight of the Giralda Tower, which is in Seville.

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The Little Spanish Dancer Part 7 summary

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