The Harris-Ingram Experiment Part 10

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Sing Sing and Peekskill were left behind, and the Express was approaching the picturesque Highlands, a source of never failing delight to tourists.

West Point, the site of the famous United States Military Academy, is on the left bank of the Hudson in the very bosom of the Highlands.

The sun set in royal splendor behind the Catskills;

"And lo! the Catskills print the distant sky, And o'er their airy tops the faint clouds driven So softly blending that the cheated eye Forgets or which is earth, or which is heaven."

"Mr. Searles," said Colonel Harris, "before leaving America you must climb the Catskills. Thousands every summer, escaping from the heat and worry of life, visit those wind-swept 'hills of the sky.' There they find rest and happiness in great forests, shady nooks, lovely walks, and fine drives.

"There are several hotels in the vicinity. From one hotel on an overhanging cliff you behold stretched out before you a hundred miles of the matchless panorama of the Hudson. The Highlands lie to the south, the Berks.h.i.+re Hills and Green Mountains to the east, and the Adirondacks to the north. The latter is a paradise for disciples of Nimrod and of Izaak Walton, and a blessed sanitarium for Americans, most of whom under skies less gray than yours do their daily work with little if any reserve vitality."

Gertrude, who had excused herself some minutes before, now returned. She had been visiting in an adjoining Pullman a friend of hers, whom she had met for a moment in the Grand Central Station before the train started.

Calling Colonel Harris aside, she said, "Father, Mrs. Nellie Eastlake, my cla.s.smate at Smith College, is going with friends to the Pacific Coast; shall I ask her to dine with us?"

"Certainly, child, invite her, and I am sure, Mr. Searles, that you concur in my daughter's plan to increase our party at dinner, do you not?"

"Most a.s.suredly, Colonel."

A little later charming Mrs. Eastlake followed Gertrude into the "Alfonso," and soon dinner was announced. The steward, thoughtlessly, had forgotten in New York to purchase flowers for the table, but they were not missed.

There are women in this world whose presence is so enjoyable that they rival the charm of both art and flowers. Their voices, their grace of manner, their interest in you and your welfare, laden the air with an indescribable something that exhilarates. Their presence is like the suns.h.i.+ne that warms and perfumes a conservatory; you inhale the odors of roses, pinks, and climbing jessamines. Such a woman was Nellie Eastlake.

She was tall and winning. The marble heart of the Venus of Milo would have warmed in her presence. Shakespeare would have said of her eyes, "They do mislead the morn."

Mrs. Eastlake was in sympathy with the Harrises in their keen disappointments. She possessed the tact to put Mr. Searles in the happiest frame of mind, so that he half forgot his mission to America.

The Colonel also forgot, for the hour, that his family were absent, and that his workmen in Harrisville were on a strike.

Mrs. Eastlake in her girlhood had converted all who knew her into ardent friends. While at school on the Hudson, she met the rich father of a schoolmate. Later she was invited to travel with this friend and her father, Mr. Eastlake, a widower, among the Thousand Islands and down the St. Lawrence River. She so charmed the millionaire that after graduation at Smith College she accepted and married him. She was now journeying to her palatial home on the Pacific Coast. She skilfully helped to guide the table-talk, avoiding unwelcome topics. The dinner over, a half-hour was spent with music and magazines, and the party retired for the night.

Breakfast was served as the Express approached Lake Erie. It was agreed that Mr. Searles should accompany Mrs. Eastlake and Gertrude in the car "Alfonso," and spend a day or two at Niagara Falls.

Colonel Harris kissed Gertrude, said good-bye to all, and taking a seat in a Pullman, continued alone on his journey to Harrisville. Returning home he hoped, if possible, to set matters right at the steel mills before Mr. Searles arrived.

Left to himself, he now had opportunity for reflection. The time was, when he was as proud of his ability to do an honest day's work at the forge as he was to-day proud of his great wealth and growing power in the manufacturing world. Then he was poor, but he was conscious of forces hidden within which if used on the right things and at the right time and place he believed would make him a man of influence.

He was able then with his own hands to fas.h.i.+on a bolt, a nail, or horseshoe, unsurpa.s.sed in the county. He was handy in shaping and tempering tools of every kind. When he ate his cold dinner, reheating his coffee over the forge coals, he often thought of the dormant fires within him, and he wondered if they would ever be fanned to a white heat. For years he had toiled hard to pay the rent of his forge and home and his monthly bills. His wife was saving and helpful in a thousand ways, but life was a hard struggle from sun to sun.

One summer's day when work was slack, there came to his shop a tall Englishman to get a small job done. So well was the work performed by Harris that the Englishman, whose name was James Ingram, said to Harris, "I believe you are the mechanic I have long been looking for. In early life I was apprenticed in England to a famous iron-master, and when the Bessemer patents for converting iron into steel were issued, it was my good fortune to be a foreman where the first experiments were made by Henry Bessemer himself, and so I came to have a practical knowledge of Bessemer's valuable invention; but my health failed, and for six months I have been in your country in search of it, and now being well again, I plan to start if possible a Bessemer steel plant in America. Can you help me?"

Reuben Harris was quick to see that great profits might be realized from Bessemer's patents and Ingram's ideas, and promptly said, "Yes, but I must first know more about these patents and their workings." Before a week had pa.s.sed, he had learned much from Ingram concerning the practical working of the Bessemer process of converting iron into steel. Bessemer claimed that his steel rails would last much longer than the common iron rail then in use.

Reuben Harris easily comprehended that the profits would be large. It was verbally agreed between Harris and Ingram that they would share equally any and all profits realized. Ingram had contributed reliable knowledge, Harris was to enlist capital, and both were to make use of all their talents, for they were both skilled mechanics.

It was not an easy matter for Harris to secure capital, for capital is often lynx-eyed, and usually it is very conservative. It was especially cautious of investment in Harris's schemes, as the practical workings of the Bessemer process were not yet fully understood in America.

The profits promised by both Harris and Ingram to capitalists were great, and this possibly made capital suspicious. Finally enough ready money was obtained to make a successful experiment, which so convinced a few rich men that more money was immediately advanced, and the steel plant was soon furnis.h.i.+ng most satisfactory steel rails at greatly reduced cost for both the manufacturer and consumer.

Harris's ability to manage kept pace with the rapid growth of the new enterprise, while Ingram's knowledge and inventive talents proved that as superintendent of the steel plant he was the right man in the right place.

At first Harris found great difficulty in convincing railway managers that the steel rail would render enough more service to compensate for the additional cost. The most anybody could say in favor of the steel rail was largely theoretical. The Bessemer steel rail had had only a few months of actual service, long enough, however, to demonstrate that at the joints it would not batter and splinter like the iron rail. This was, indeed, a desideratum and many orders came in. Not only was the steel mill kept running day and night, but orders acc.u.mulated so rapidly that large additions were made to the mills.

Money for all these improvements and the capital necessary to carry on the increasing business were matters of vital importance to the success of the company. To manage a business with greatest advantage quite as much ready cash is needed as is invested in the plant, otherwise the banker's discount becomes a heavy lien on the profits, and the stockholders grumble at small dividends.

Possibly Reuben Harris overestimated the value of his service in financiering the business; at least he came to believe that he earned, and ought to have a larger interest than James Ingram. Ingram, became so cramped by a.s.sessments and money obligations that he was obliged to sell to Harris most of his interest in the steel plant. Harris's interests increased, till practically he was the owner of the Harrisville Iron & Steel Works, and much property besides. He was quoted as a millionaire, while James Ingram was superintendent of only a department of the steel works, and his income was nominal. Often he felt that great injustice had been done him. Several times he had talked the matter over with Colonel Harris, but with little satisfaction.

The great wrong done to James Ingram, to whom Harris was so largely indebted for the initial and practical knowledge of successfully manufacturing steel rails was uppermost in Reuben Harris's mind as the express hurried him back to Harrisville.



Colonel Harris's awakened conscience was considering seriously the question, "How can I right this wrong done to Ingram?" when the Express stopped at a station thirty miles out of Harrisville, and into his car came the son of James Ingram, George Ingram who was now superintendent of the Harrisville Iron & Steel Co.'s plant. Somebody, perhaps Gertrude, had telegraphed from Buffalo to the superintendent to tell him on which train Colonel Harris expected to return.

George Ingram was visibly affected as he took the proffered hand of Reuben Harris, and inquired about his health and the whereabouts and welfare of his family. Harris implored young Ingram to tell him all about the strike, its latest phases, and what the authorities were doing for the protection of his property. George Ingram gave him a brief history of the troubles up to the time of his leaving Harrisville. He told how the manager aided by the company's general counsel, Mr. Webster, had used every possible argument with the workingmen's committee; that a statement even had been submitted, showing that very small or practically no profits had resulted from recent contracts, which were now being completed by the company. The effort to arrive at a satisfactory adjustment with the employees was thus far absolutely fruitless. Since daylight the four thousand men had been parading the streets with music and clubs, forcing employees of other establishments to quit work, and threatening to destroy the steel plant.

The color in Colonel Harris's face came and went as he listened, showing a white heat of indignation. Ingram sat facing his employer, watching the emotions of a strong man, and not then daring to offer any suggestion, for he felt strongly in behalf of the employees, who always looked upon him as their friend.

Colonel Harris was a man of powerful build, wide forehead, overhanging brows, broad chest and shoulders, short thick neck, and strong arms developed at the anvil. His superintendent from boyhood had studied him, but never before had he seen the lion in his employer so aroused.

Arriving at Harrisville the wealthy iron-master, accompanied by his superintendent, stepped into his own private carriage, and immediately drove to the general offices of the Harrisville Iron & Steel Co. The directors of the company were in special session to devise means of protecting their threatened property and of crus.h.i.+ng the strike.

B.C. Wilson, the manager, rose to greet Colonel Harris, who shook hands with him and the directors, and then the meeting was resumed, Harris acting as chairman of the board. Colonel Harris soon grasped the situation, and he approved of all that his directors and manager had done.

Rising to his feet, in a firm tone, he made a vigorous talk to his board: "Gentlemen, my views as to the best method of dealing with the important question before us are known to some of you. Four years ago a similar trouble perplexed our company, and our failure then to act decisively resulted in prolonging the discontent among our employees. Their purposes are as apparent to-day as then, viz., to rule or ruin our gigantic enterprise. Capital and labor should be the best of friends.

Unfortunately, trusts and labor organizations are alike avaricious and selfish.

"Centuries ago, in Belgium, weavers dictated terms to capital, and hurled rich men from balconies to death upon spears below. This unnatural revolution lasted for a short time only; brains and wealth again acquired control, and they always will control. To yield to our employees the privilege of fixing their own wages, and a voice in directing the affairs of our company is to cloud or mortgage our capital. This is a most unreasonable demand. Why should they expect us to share with them our property, t.i.tle to which the United States has guaranteed?

"If our state, or national government cannot or will not defend us in the t.i.tle to our property, on which they yearly levy taxes, then we will place our interests beneath a flag that can and will give ample protection. This terrible uncertainty as to t.i.tles and values in the United States will yet wreck the republic."

It was natural that the directors should heartily approve Colonel Harris's utterances, as he was the owner of five-sixths of the stock of the company. He then asked Mr. Webster their general counsel, to read to the board the position which the company proposed to take before the public.

Mr. Webster was a tall, elderly man, who had served five years on the supreme bench of his state, an attorney of few words, but well versed in the laws of his country, especially in corporation laws. Holding a sheet of paper in his hands he read, "The Harrisville Iron & Steel Company claims the fundamental right to manage its own business in its own way, in accordance with and under the protection of the laws of the land."

The board voted its approval of the attorney's position, and also voted that a pet.i.tion be drawn and immediately sent to the mayor of the city asking protection for their property. The board then adjourned.

Colonel Harris, his manager, and Mr. Webster entered a carriage, and drove rapidly to the mayor's office, while superintendent George Ingram drove back to the steel works to execute his orders, though he did not believe in harsh measures. Harris presented the pet.i.tion to the mayor, who hastily examined it. Bands of music were now audible on the street, and a long procession of workingmen, bearing national banners, was seen marching towards the city hall. Citizens on the streets held their breath, and policemen feared the outcome.

Colonel Harris rose to go, but the Mayor seized his arm and said, "No! you and your friends must stay here and meet a committee of your employees who have an appointment with me at three o'clock.

"Already I have said to the same committee, who called at ten o'clock this morning, that I should expect them to influence your employees to keep the peace, to aid in protecting your property, to disperse quietly and remain in their homes. Colonel Harris, please be seated, you and your friends must remain."

"Well, Mr. Mayor, since you insist, we will remain, but our company demands the protection of all our property, and the preservation of peace and lives in our midst. You are the city's executive officer. The payment annually by our corporation of thousands in taxes, calls for an equivalent, therefore we ask that you maintain the dignity of the city and her laws."

The mayor stepped to the telephone and called Major Strong, the chief of police. "Send at once a captain and twenty-five policemen in patrol wagons to the city hall. Hold fifty more men in readiness."

A great throng of people occupied the sidewalks and the windows of adjoining buildings. Thousands of workmen crowded the pavement from curb to curb. The vast crowd below, though impressive was not new to Colonel Harris nor did it alarm him.

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The Harris-Ingram Experiment Part 10 summary

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