Rupert Prince Palatine Part 8

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[5] _I.e._ in the Scottish wars.

[6] Memoirs of Sir Philip Warwick, pp. 226-228.

[7] Lansdowne MSS. 817.

[8] A Looking Gla.s.s etc. Civil War Tract. Brit. Mus.

[9] Clarendon's Hist. of the Rebellion. Ed. 1849. Bk. VI. p. 46.

[10] Ibid. Bk. VI. p. 109.

[11] Mr. Firth's Transcripts. Geo. Porter to Rupert, March 24, 1644.

[12] Warburton. II. p. 250. Journal of Siege of Bristol.

[13] Pythouse Papers. Ed. Day. 1879. p. 46. 16 Nov, 1642.

[14] Rupertismus. Cleveland's Poems. Ed. 1687. p. 51.

[15] May. Hist. of Long Parliament. Ed. 1854. p. 249.

[16] May. Hist. of Long Parliament. Ed. 1854. p. 243-4.

[17] Rupertismus.

[18] Webb. Civil War in Herefords.h.i.+re. Vol. I. p. 129.

[19] May. p. 244.

[20] Prince Rupert: His Reply. Brit. Mus.

[21] Webb. Civil War in Hereford. I. p. 149.

[22] Gardiner's Civil War, I. p. 15.

[23] Sydney Papers. Spencer to Lady Spencer. II. p. 667.

[23] Rupert Correspondence. Warburton. II. p. 191.

[25] Ibid. p. 193.

[26] Rupert Transcripts, Colonel Blagge to the Prince, 2 March, 1643.

[27] Verney Memoirs, Vol. II. p. 115.

[28] Dom. State Papers. Nicholas to King, Sept. 18, 1645.

[29] Warburton. II. 262.

[30] Warburton. II. 267.

[31] Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers. Ed. Morris. 1872. Sir Edward Southcote's Narrative, 1st Series, p. 392.

[32] Gardiner's Civil War, I. p. 2.

[33] Civil War Pamphlets. British Museum. "Prince Rupert's Message to my Lord of Ess.e.x."

[34] Whitelocke's Memorials, 1732, p. 114.

[35] Carte's Ormonde, VI. p. 197, 20 Aug. 1644.

[36] Warburton, II. p. 82. 19 Dec. 1642.

[37] Ibid. II. p. 175.

[38] Ibid. II. p. 386. 11 Mar. 1644.

[39] Transcripts, 30 Jan. 1644.

[40] Warburton, II. p. 85.

[41] Ibid. II. p. 291, 17 Sept. 1643.

[42] Transcripts. Blagge to Rupert. 1643.

[43] Rupert Transcripts. Dyves to the Prince. Sept. 21, 1642.

[44] Ibid. Kirke to Prince. 22 Feb. 1644.

[45] Add MSS. 18982. Wyndham to the Prince. Jan. 6, 1644.

[46] Transcripts. Astley to the Prince, Jan. 12, 1645.

[47] Ibid. Loughborough to the Prince, July 25, 1645.

[48] Carte's Ormonde. Trevor to Ormonde. Nov. 21, 1643. Vol. V. pp.


[49] Prince Rupert: his Declaration. Pamphlet. British Museum. See Warb. II. p. 124.

[50] Hist. MSS. Commission. 5th Report, p. 162. Ap. I. Sutherland MSS. Stephen Charlton to Robert Leveson, 1642.

[51] Walker's Historical Discourses. Ed. 1705. p. 126.

[52] Clarendon Hist. Bk. VII. p. 279.

[53] Warwick Memoirs, p. 228.

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