International Language Part 22

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Cert-a hom-o el-pens-is sip-o-n, kiu ir-is per vapor-o. Li dir-is al la mar-bord-ist-o-j: "Jen, ni met-u ni-a-n mon-o-n kun-e, kaj ni konstru-u grand-a-j-n vapor-sip-o-j-n. Tiel ni vetur-os rekt-e trans la mar-o unu al ali-a-n; kaj ni far-os pli da komerc-o en mal-pli da temp-o." Sed la mar-bord-ist-o-j pli am-is cirkau-ir-i en mal-grand-a-j sip-o-j, kiel ili kutim-is. La el-pens-int-o ne hav-is sufic-e da mon-o por konstru-i grand-a-n vapor-sip-o-n, kiu tre mult-e en-hav-os kaj tre rapid-e vojag-os; tial li dev-is vetur-ad-i en si-a mez-grand-a vapor-sip-o, kiu tamen almenau rekt-e ir-is cie-n. Sed la mar-bord-ist-o-j daur-ig-is rem-i kaj vel-i cirkau-e.


Malproksime, en nekonata lando, Far[2] away, in an unknown[3]

vivis sovaga gento. Ili logis en land, there lived a savage race, la mezo de vasta ebenajo, izolata They dwelt in the midst of a de la ekstera mondo. Unuflanken vast plain,[4] cut off from the h.o.m.o dek tagojn vojagante venus outer[5] world. Towards one al montegaro: aliflanke staris side[6] a man journeying[7] ten granda lago kaj senlimaj marcoj. days[8] would come to a big Tiel oni vivadis trankvile lau mountain-range[9]; on the other patra kutimo, tute senzorga pri side stood a great lake and la ago kaj faro de aliaj homgentoj boundless[10] swamps. Thus[11]

transmontanaj. En somero estis they lived[12] quietly after varmege, kaj ciu vintro sajnis the manner of their fathers, pli malvarma ol la antaua; sed caring nothing[13] for the way la tero estis fruktodona, gi of life[14] of other men beyond donis al ili sufice da greno the hills. In summer it was por mangi, kaj la riveroj kaj very hot,[15] and every winter riveretoj plene provizis puran seemed colder than the last; trinkajon. but the earth was fertile, it gave them enough corn[16] to eat, and the streams and rivers furnished abundance of pure water to drink.[17]

[1]Unwise. Wise = _saga_; _ne_ = not. [2]Far. Near = _proksim-e_ (_e_ = adverbial ending). To be near = _proksimi_. _Mal-_ is a prefix denoting the opposite. [3]Unknown. To know = _koni_. Pres.

part. pa.s.s. _-at-_ Negative = _ne_. (_bona_ = good; _malbona_ = bad; _nebona_ = not good.) [4]Plain. Flat = _eben-a_. _aj_ is a suffix denoting something made from or possessing the quality of. [5]Outer. Outside (preposition) = _ekster_. _a_ denotes an adjective. [6]Towards one side. Side = _flank-o_. _e_ denotes an adverb; _flanke_ = "sidely," i.e. at the side, _n_ denotes motion towards. [7]Journeying. This participial phrase qualifies the verb, _venus_, like an adverb. In Esperanto the participle therefore takes an _e_ which denotes an adverb. [8]Ten days, i.e. for the duration of ten days. Duration of time is put in the accusative case. [9]Big mountain-range. Mountain = _mont-o_. _eg_ is a suffix denoting bigness; _ar_ is a suffix denoting a collection. [10]Boundless. Limit = _lim-o_. Without = _sen_. [11]Thus. See p. 193 [Part IV, Chapter V]

for correlatives. [12]They lived. To live = _viv-i_. _ad_ is a suffix denoting continued action. [13]Caring nothing. Care = _zorg-o_.

_Sen_ = without. _a_ denotes an adjective. [14]Way of life. Lit. the acting and doing. [15]It was very hot. In such impersonal uses of the adjective, the adverbial form is used. [16]Enough corn, _da_ is used after words of quant.i.ty. _Sufican grenon_ would also be right.

[17]Water to drink. Lit. drink-stuff, or drink-thing.

Tiel ili vivadis ne malfelice, Thus they lived not unhappily, kaj ilia vivo estis la vivo and their life was the life of de la prapatroj, car ili ne their forefathers, for they knew sciis kiel gin plibonigi. not how to better[1] it. But Sed mankis en ilia lando unu in their land one thing[2] was ajo, kaj pro tiu ci manko lacking; and for[3] lack of this ili multe suferis: en la tuta they suffered greatly: there lando ceestis nenia sirmilo, was[4] no shelter[5] in all the cu kontrau la suno en somero, land, whether against the sun in cu por forteni la vintrajn summer, or to keep off[6] the ventojn. Ciuflanke la tero estis winter winds. On every side the plata; kaj kvankam la greno ground was flat; and although corn kaj ciuspecaj legomoj kreskis and all kinds of[7] vegetables bone, arboj estis nekonataj. Ec grew well, trees were unknown.

la malproksima montaro staris Even the distant mountains stood tutnuda; kaj kiam la ventoj all bare; and when the winds blew blovis forte el giaj negoj, la strong from amidst their[8] snows, mizeruloj tremetis pro malvarmeco, the poor folk s.h.i.+vered for cold, kaj ne povis ec en siaj dometoj and could not get comfortable[9]

komfortigi, car la penetranta even in their cottages, for the enfluo de malvarma aero stele penetrating draught of the cold eniris gis la familian kamenon. air crept[10] right in to the family fireside.

[1]Better. Good = _bon-a_; better = _pli bona_; suf. _-ig_ is causative. [2]One thing. The concrete suffix _-aj_ by itself may be used to express "thing." Of course it takes the substantival ending _o_. [3]For lack. Esperanto is absolutely precise in the use of prepositions according to sense. No idiom. In this it differs from all other languages. Here "for" means "by reason of." [4]There was.

_Est-i_ = to be; _ce_ = at; _ceesti_ = to be present. [5]Shelter.

To shelter = _sirm-i_; _il_ is a suffix expressing instrument.

[6]Keep off. To hold = _ten-i_; away = _for_. [7]All kinds of.

Kind = _spec-o_; all = _ciu_. _a_ is adjectival ending. [8]Their snows. Whose snows? The mountains'. Therefore _giaj_, referring to _montaro_. If "their" referred to "winds," it would be _siaj_.

[9]Get comfortable. Comfort(able) = _komfort-o_; suf. _ig_ denotes becoming. [10]Crept in. To steal = _stel-i_; _-e_ makes it an adverb.

Nu okazis ke certa knabo, pensema Now, it happened that a certain preter siaj jaroj, komencis boy, thoughtful[1] beyond his pripensi tiun ci mizeran staton. years, began to think over this Li vivis kun sia vidvina patrino, wretched state of things. He kiu havis du infanetojn krom lived with his[2] widowed mother, Namezo (tiel nomigis la knabo). who had two little children Ili estis tre malricaj, kaj devis besides Namezo (this was the lad's sencese labori por nutri sin name[3]). They were very poor, mem kaj la infanojn. La vidvino and were obliged to work hard ne havis pli ol kvardek jarojn, without stopping to get food for sed Namezo rimarkis ke vespere, themselves and the children. The post la taga laboro, si sajnis widow was not more than forty, but tute lacega, kaj kelkajn jarojn Namezo noticed that of an evening, post la morto de sia edzo si after the day's work, she seemed ekmaljunigis. Ofte la knabo diris quite tired out,[4] and a few al si, ke si devus pli ripozi, years[5] after her husband's death sed ciumatene post la nokto si she grew old all at once.[6] Often havis mienon tiel same lacegan the boy told her she ought to take kiel vespere; kaj si plendis ke more rest, but every morning[7]

la trablovaj ventoj suferigis sin she had the same worn-out look as nokte per reumatismaj doloroj, in the evening; and she complained kaj somere si ne povis dormi pro that the winds blowing through of varmeco. Tiam la knabo turnis a night plagued[8] her with[9]

la okulojn ekster sia hejmo kaj rheumatic pains, and in summer rigardis cirkauen. Li vidis ke she could not sleep because of ciuflanke estis tiel same: la the heat. Then the boy turned his geviroj frue maljunigis kaj multe eyes outwards from his home and suferis. Li pensis, "Baldau estos looked around him. He saw that on al mi ankau simile; la juneco every side it was the same[10]: estas mallonga kaj labora, kaj la men and women[11] grew old early vivo estas longa kaj cagrena." and suffered much. He thought, Fine li malgajadis. "Soon it will be the same with me; youth[12] is short and full of work, and life is long and full of trouble." At last he became gloomy altogether.[13]

[1]Thoughtful. To think = _pens-i_; suf. _-em_ denotes propensity.

[2]With his widowed mother, i.e. his own = _sia_. [3]This was his name. To name = _nom-i_; with suf. _-ig_ = to get named, to be called. [4]Tired out. Tired = _lac-a_; suf. _-eg_ denotes intensity. [5]A few years. Accusative of time. [6]She grew old all at once. Young = _jun-a_; old = _maljuna_; suf. _-ig_ denotes becoming; prefix _ek-_ denotes beginning, or sudden action. [7]Every morning = _ciumatene_. "The whole morning" would be _la tutan matenon_. [8]Plagued. To suffer = _sufer-i_; suf. _-ig_ is causative; _suferigi_ = to cause to suffer. [9]With... pains. Think of the sense. "With" = by means of. [10]It was the same. Impersonal: use the adverbial form in _-e._ [11]Men and women. Pref. _ge-_ denotes both s.e.xes. [12]Youth. Young = _juna_; suf. _-ec_ denotes abstract.

[13]Became gloomy altogether. Gay = _gaj-a_; gloomy = _malgaja_; suf.

_-ad_ denotes continuance.

Vintro forpasis, somero alvenis. Winter pa.s.sed away, summer came Unu nokton la knabo estis kusanta on. One night the boy was lying en sia lito: li estis laboreginta in his bed: he had been working en la kampoj, kaj estis tre laca, hard[1] in the fields, and was sed ju pli li p.e.n.i.s ekdormi, very tired, but the more he des pli li obstine vekigadis. tried to go to sleep[2] the La tutan fajran tagon la suno wider awake he grew. All through estis malsupren brilinta sur la the long fiery day the sun had tegmenton de la dometo, tiel ke la been beating down[3] on the roof kusejo nun similis fornon. Namezo of the cottage, so that the pensis kaj turnigis, returnigis sleeping-place[4] was now like an kaj repensis; la samaj pensoj, oven. Namezo thought and tossed, ciam ronde revenantaj, igis tossed and thought again; the same turmento. Fine li ekdormetis, sed thoughts, always coming round in la konfuzigaj pensoj, ciam la a circle, became[5] a torture.

pensoj, ruladis ec en lia dormo At length he fell into a light senkompate tra lia cerbo. sleep,[6] but the distracting[7]

thoughts, always the thoughts, kept rolling[8] through his brain pitilessly, even in his sleep.

Subite ekfalis sur lin granda All at once a great peace fell paco. Li sajnis stari sur monta upon him. He seemed to be standing pinto. Laceco kaj zorgo ne estis on a mountain-peak. Weariness[9]

plu. Cirkaue vasta soleco. Li and care were no more. Around kaj la monto-krom tio ekzistis vast solitude. He and the nenio, kaj li estis kontenta. mountain-there was nought else, and he was glad.

Al li, tiel lukse enspiranta la While he thus breathed in the fresan aeron, alvenis fluge fresh air with delight, a white blanka birdo. Gi aperis, li ne bird came flying.[10] It appeared, sciis kiel, el la cirkauanta he knew not how, out of the soleco, kaj metigis apud li sur surrounding solitude,[11] and came la montan pinton. Gi komencis and perched[12] beside him on the paroli, kaj en lia songo tio ci mountain-top. It began to speak, neniel lin surprizis. and in his dream this[13] in no way[14] astonished him.

[1]He had been working hard. Pluperfect, lit. he was having worked.

Suf. _-eg_ denotes intensity. [2]To go to sleep. To sleep = _dorm-i_; pref. _ek-_ denotes beginning. [3]Down. Above = _supr-e_; below = _malsupre_; _n_ denotes motion. [4]Sleeping-place. To lie = _kusi_; suf. _-ej_ denotes place. [5]Became. Suf. _-ig_ denotes becoming; here used as a separate verb. [6]Fell into a light sleep. To sleep = _dorm-i_; suf. _-et_ denotes light sleep; pref. _ek-_ denotes beginning. [7]Distracting. Confused = _konfuz-a_; suf. _-ig_ denotes causation, confusion-causing. [8]Kept rolling. To roll = _rul-i_; suf. _-ad_ denotes continuance. [9]Weariness. Tired = _lac-a_; suf.

_-ec_ denotes abstract. [10]Came flying. To fly = _flug-i_; root _flug-_ with adverbial ending _-e_ = flyingly. [11]Solitude. Alone = _sol-a_; suf. _-ec_ denotes abstract. [12]Came and perched. The idea of motion is conveyed by the accusative (_-n_) _pinton_. [13]This.

Use neuter form in _-o_, because it stands alone. "This dream" = _tiu ci songo_. [14]In no way. See table of correlatives, p. 193 [Part IV, Chapter V].

"Homa knabo," diris la birdo, "Mortal[1] boy," said the bird, faligante en lian manon semon dropping[2] a seed into his hand el sia beko, "prenu tiun ci from its beak, "take this seed: semon: metu gin en la teron: put it in the ground: care for prizorgu gin, flegu gin, kaj it, tend it, and keep tending it.

flegadu gin. Post tempo plenigota In the fulness of time there will levigos el tiu ci semo kreskajo rise[3] from this seed such[5] a tia, kian la viaj gis nun ne growth[4] as[5] your people[6]

vidis. La aliaj h.o.m.oj nomas gin never yet saw. Other peoples call _arbon_. Gi estos granda; kaj en it a _tree_. It will be big; and la venontaj jaroj, se oni deve in future[7] years, if it is duly gin flegos, naskigos el gi tended, there will spring from it arbaroj, kiuj estos sirmilo por groves,[8] which will give shelter la homaro, kaj por multaj aliaj to men and women, and will be celoj utilos. Sed flegi gin oni useful for many other ends. But devos, car sen homa penado nenio tended it must be, for without al h.o.m.oj prosperas." man's striving nothing turns out well for men."

Namezo volis respondi, sed dum Namezo was about to reply, but li levis la manon por rigardi la as he raised his hand to look at semon, estis al li kvazau li the seed, he seemed to turn[9]

turnigis, la kapo malsupren: la head downwards: the mountain monto malaperis, kaj li disappeared,[10] and he falis... falis... falis.... fell... fell... fell....

[1]Mortal. Man = _hom-o_; ending _-a_ makes it an adj. [2]Dropping.

To fall = _fal-i_; suf. _-ig_ denotes causing to fall. [3]Rise. To raise = _lev-i_; suf. _-ig_ makes it intransitive. [4]A growth.

To grow = _kreski_; "grow-thing" - _kresk-aj-o_. [5]

_Tia...kia_ (= Latin _talis...qualis)._ See table of correlatives, p. 193 [Part IV, Chapter V]. [6]Your people. You = _vi_; _-a_ makes it an adj. [7]Future. Future participle active of _ven-i_ = about to come. [8]Groves. Tree = _arb-o_; suf. _-ar_ denotes a collection of trees. [9]To turn. _Turn-i_ is transitive; suf. _-ig_ makes it intransitive. [10]Disappeared. To appear = _aper-i_; pref. _mal-_ denotes opposite.

Tiam li estis denove veka en la Then he was awake again in the forna dometo, sed li ne povis sin oven-like[1] hut, but he could malhelpi, rigardi sian manon, por not refrain[2] from[3] looking at vidi cu la semo enestis. Semo his hand, to see if the seed was neestis: kaj la pensoj rekomencis in it. There was no seed; and the ruladi tra lia cerbo-tamen ne plu thoughts began to roll through la antauaj turmentigaj pensoj, his brain again-yet no longer sed novaj esperplenaj pensoj, car the old[4] worrying thoughts, li kredis, pasie kredis, ke estas but new thoughts full of hope, ja ia verajo en lia songo. for he believed, pa.s.sionately believed, that there was indeed some truth[5] in his dream.

Kaj nun la morgaua tago And now the new day began to dawn.

eklumigis. Li levigis kaj iris He got up and went about his work, al sia laboro, kaj tiun ci tagon and this day and many succeeding kaj multajn sekvantajn tagojn li days he went on working as usual, laboradis kiel kutime, parolante speaking to no one about his dream al neniu pri la sema songo. of the seed.

Sed kiam la tempo de rikolto But when harvest-time was over, forpasis, li acetis dudektagan he bought food[6] enough for nutrajon kaj donis al la patrino twenty days and gave his mother sian restan sparajon el la the rest[7] of his harvest-tide rikolta tempo (car vi scias, savings[8] (for you know that ke en la sezono de rikolto bona in the harvest season a good laboristo gajnas pli ol alitempe), workman[9] earns more than at dirante ke li devos vojagi, kaj other times), saying that he forestos dudek tagojn. La patrino must[10] go on a journey, and miregis, car neniam antaue li would[10] be away for twenty days.

estis lasinta sin ec unu tagon; His mother wondered greatly, for sed li estis bona filo, kaj si he had never left[11] her before kontraustaris lin en nenio. even for a single day; but he was a good son to her, and she did not thwart him in anything.

[1]Oven-like. Oven = _forn-o_; ending _-a_ makes it an adjective.

[2]Refrain. To help = _help-i_; to hinder = _malhelpi_; to hinder himself = _malhelpi sin._ [3]Refrain from looking. In Esperanto use the simplest construction possible, _as long as it is clear_. The simple infinitive _rigardi_ is clear after _malhelpi sin._ [4]The old thoughts. Before = _antau_; ending _-a_ makes it an adjective.

[5]Truth. Think of the sense. Here truth = "true-thing," so use suf. _-aj_. "Truth" = abstract virtue = _vereco_. [6]Food. To feed = _nutr-i_; suf. _-aj_ denotes stuff. [7]The rest of. The rest = _rest-o_; ending _-a_ makes it an adjective = remaining. [8]Savings.

To save up = _spar-i_; _spar-aj-o_ = save-thing (i.e. sav_ed_ thing). [9]Workman. To work = _labor-i_; suf. _-ist_ denotes the agent. [10]He _must_ go... and _would_ be away. Esperanto syntax is perfectly simple. Just use the tense which the speaker would use, here the future; or any tense, so long as the meaning is clear.

[11]He had left. Pluperfect = "he was having left," _esti_ with past part. _active_. _Li estis lasita_ would mean "he had been left."

Li forvojagis do, kaj post kvin So he journeyed forth, and in five tagoj li ekvidis malproksime sur days he began to see far off on la horizonto blankan nubon, kiu the horizon a white cloud, which dum la morgaua tago montrigis turned out[1] in the course of the kiel monta pinto. Namezo salutis next day to be a mountain-peak.

gin, kaj de tiu momento, sen ia Namezo saluted it, and from that dubo, direktis sian iron tra la moment, without any doubt, bent ebenajo ciam al gi. his course[2] across the plain constantly towards it.

Kiam li alvenis piedon de When he came to the foot[3] of la montoj, la deka tago jam the mountains, the tenth[4] day finigis. Efektive li estis grave was already drawing to an end.

trompiginta pri la distanco. Indeed, Namezo had been greatly Neniam antaue li vidis monton, mistaken[5] in the distance. He kaj tial, kiam li ekvidis la had never seen a mountain before, pinton meze de la vojago, li and so, when he caught sight of kredis ke li jus alvenas, kaj the peak half-way, he thought marsis pli malrapide. Tri tagojn he was just getting there, and li pensis ciumatene, "Mi estos walked slower. For three days he hodiau vespere ce la montpiedo; thought every morning, "I shall morgau mi suprenrampos gis la be at the foot of the mountains pinton." Sed nun li sciis, ke li this evening; to-morrow I'll estas malfrua. Li formangis jam climb[6] to the top." But now la duonon de sia provizajo, kaj he knew that he was late.[7] He dum la lastaj mejloj li ekvidis had already eaten up half[8] of ke lia pinto estas parto de vasta his provisions,[9] and for the senlima montegaro, ke gi ankorau last few miles he was beginning malproksimas kaj li tute ne tiel to see that his peak was part facile supreniros. Li kalkulis ke of a boundless mountain-range, almenau oktaga nutrajo estos that it was still far off and necesa por reiri hejmen de la he would by no means get up so piedo de la montaro, kaj tiom easily. He calculated that at li tie enterigis por la returna least eight days' food would be vojago. Sekve restis nur dutaga needed to get home from the foot mangajo por la suprena kaj of the mountain-range, and he malsuprena montiro. buried[10] that amount[11] there for the return journey. Thus only two days' provision was left for the ascent and descent of the mountain.

[1]Turned out to be. To show = _montr-i_; with suf. _-ig, montrig-i_ = to show itself, to become shown. [2]His course. To go = _ir-i_; ending _-o_ makes it a substantive = a going. [3]To the foot. Motion; use the _-n_ case. [4]Tenth. Ten = _dek_; to form the ordinal numbers add _-a_ to the cardinal. [5]Mistaken. To deceive = _tromp-i_; suf. _-ig_ makes it intransitive. [6]Climb. _Supr-a, -e, -en_ = upper, above, upwards. [7]Late. Early = _fru-a_; pref.

_mal_- denotes opposite. [8]Half. Two = _du_; suf. _-on_ denotes fractions. cf. _kvarono_ = quarter. [9]Provisions. Provide-stuff (i.e. provid_ed_ stuff). [10]Buried. Earth = _ter-o_; in = _en_; suf.

_-ig_ denotes causing to be. [11]That amount. _Tiom_. See the table of correlatives, p. 193 [Part IV, Chapter V].

Tre frue do li ekiris la dekunuan Very early, then, on the tagon, kaj penadis ciutage eleventh[1] day he set out, and supren. Vespere li vidis ke li toiled the whole day upwards.

ankorau havas plenan tagvojagon In the evening he saw that he gis la pinton, kaj tiel li devos still had a full day's journey tre spareme uzi sian restan to the top, and so he must be provizajon. La dekdua tago estis very sparing[2] in the use of his tre doloriga. La monto farigis remaining stores. The twelfth day kruta; li devis rapidi; kaj li was very painful.[3] The mountain terure malsatis pro ekmankanta grew[4] steep; he had to press on; mangajo. Malgrau cio li and he was terribly hungry,[5]

alvenis montpinton je la noktigo. as the food was beginning to La subita ekscito, kune kun la give out. In spite of all, he laceco kaj malsato, estis tro: en reached the top at nightfall.[6]

la momenta de sukceso li falis en The sudden excitement, with his sveno sur la teron. weariness and hunger, was too much: in the moment of success he fell to the ground in a swoon.

Jen, dum li kusis senkonscie, And lo! as he lay unconscious, aperis la duan fojon la sama there appeared to him for the vidajo. Birdo blanka alflugis, second time the same vision.[7]

metis en lian manon semon, kaj A white bird flew up, put a seed diris la samajn vortojn. Denove into his hand, and said the same li levis la manon, kaj denove li words. Again he raised his hand, sajnis renversigi, kaj falis... and again he seemed to turn over, falis... falis.... and fell... fell... fell....

Rekonsciiginte, li trovis sin When he came to himself,[8] he kusanta trankvile apud la loko was lying quietly in the very mem, kie li enterigis sian place where he had buried his returnan provizajon antau la food for the home journey before supreniro. Li kusis sur dolca the ascent. He was lying on soft herbo, kaj sentis sin korpe tute gra.s.s, and his body felt free from mallacigata, kaj granda paco its tiredness,[9] and in his soul regis en lia animo. Tuj kiam li reigned a great peace. As soon as malfermis la okulojn, li rigardis he opened[10] his eyes, he looked en sian manon, kaj tiun ci fojon in his hand, and this time the la semo enestis. seed was there.

[1]Eleven = _dek-unu_; add _-a_ to make the ordinal. 20 = _dudek_.

[2]Sparing. To save = _spar-i_; suf. _-em_ denotes propensity.

[3]Painful. Pain = _dolor-o_; suf. _-ig_ denotes causation; ending _-a_ makes it an adjective. [4]Grew. To make = _far-i_; suf. _-ig_ denotes becoming made, growing. [5]Hungry. Satisfied = _sat-a_; pref. _mal-_ denotes the opposite. To be hungry = _mal-sat-i_.

[6]Nightfall. Night = _nokt-o_; suf. _-ig_ denotes becoming.

[7]Vision. See(n)-thing; _vid-i_ = to see; with suffix _-aj_.

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International Language Part 22 summary

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