The Cliff Climbers Part 25

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These thoughts, as we have said, arose on the morning of the second day succeeding that on which the balloon had been abandoned. Karl gave words to them, in an attempt to cheer his brother Caspar--who had relapsed into a state of unusual despondency. Ossaroo equally required cheering; and therefore it devolved on the botanist to attempt enlivening the spirits of his companions.

For a time, he met with very slight success; but gradually the necessity of action forced itself upon the attention of all--if only to provide the means to keep them from starving; and without further loss of time, they resumed the various branches of industry, by which they had hitherto been enabled to supply their larder.

To Caspar, as before, the chase was entrusted; while Ossaroo attended to the fis.h.i.+ng; as he, better than either of the others, understood the management of hooks, lines, and nets.

The botanist busied himself in the old way, exploring the valley, in search of such seeds, plants, and roots, as might be found wholesome for food--not neglecting others of a medicinal character, that might serve in case of sickness. Many such had the young plant-hunter encountered during his early researches; and had made note of them against the possibility of their being required.

Fortunately, up to that time there had been no real need for any of the party to make trial of the natural _Pharmacopoeia_ which the valley afforded: and it was to be hoped they should never have occasion to test the virtues of the specifics which the plant-hunter had discovered.

Karl nevertheless collected several kinds; and, after submitting them to a process necessary for their preservation, had stored them away within the hut.

Of those vegetable products adapted for food, the chief article obtained was the nutritive seed yielded by the edible pine (_Pinus Gerardiana_).

The cones of this valuable tree were as large as artichokes; each yielding several seeds of the size and appearance of pistachio nuts.

The wild c.o.c.ks...o...b..(_Amaranthus Cruentus_) also furnished a portion of their supply. Its seeds when parched, and crushed between two stones, produced a kind of meal, of which cakes of bread were manufactured by Ossaroo. These, although very far inferior to the real home-bake, or even to the most ordinary production of the bakehouse, were nevertheless sufficiently palatable to those who had no other bread.

The lake, besides yielding fish to the nets of Ossaroo, also afforded a supply of vegetables. On searching it, the botanist discovered several edible kinds of plants; among others the curious _Trapa bicornis_, or horned water-nut--known among the natives of the Himalayan countries by the name _Singara_, and much used by them as an article of wholesome food.

There was also a splendid water-lily--with very broad leaves and large flowers of pink and white colour--the seeds and the stalks of which Karl knew to be edible; as he had read of their being used for this purpose by the poorer people in the country of Cashmeer. The lily in question, viz. the _Nelumbium speciosum_, grows plentifully in the lakes of the far-famed valley so named.

On first observing this beautiful plant growing luxuriantly, as it was, in their own little valley lake, Karl took occasion to inform his brother--Ossaroo at the same time listening attentively to his statement--of the various uses made of it by the inhabitants of Cashmeer. How the boys sailing about in their boats when the day chances to be very hot, are in the habit of plucking one of its large s.h.i.+ning leaves out of the water, and spreading it over their crowns, to protect them from the fervid rays of the sun; and how the petiole of the leaf, being hollow inside, serves them as a tube for drinking out of.

Many such interesting particulars, in regard to the economy of this fine aquatic plant, did the young botanist communicate to his companions; but none more interesting than the fact that both its seeds and stalks are edible: since this promised them additional security against the danger of running short in their supply of vegetable food.



The discovery of the water-lily was not a thing of recent occurrence.

They had known of its existence before; and more than once had visited the little embayment in the lake, where it chiefly grew. In fact, it had attracted their attention a few days after their first arrival in the valley--not by its own conspicuousness, for its broad round leaves, spread horizontally upon the surface, could scarce be seen from the sh.o.r.e. Only when its beautiful pink-white flowers were in bloom, could it be observed at any great distance.

That which had first led them to approach the place where it grew, and examine the plant, was their having noticed a singular phenomenon connected with it; and which for awhile had puzzled all three of them to explain.

The _bed_ of lilies, at that time in full bloom, was visible from the place where they had originally made their encampment; and every morning, just after daybreak, and sometimes also during the day, they were in the habit of seeing some birds disporting themselves near that place in a singular manner--very singular indeed: since these birds appeared to _walk upon the water_!

They were tall, long-legged, slender-bodied creatures, and easily distinguished by both Karl and Caspar, as belonging to the family of _rallidae_ or water-hens.

There could be no doubt that they were walking on the water--sometimes slowly, at other times in a quick run--and, what was even more unaccountable than this, they were seen at times to _stand still upon the water_! Ay, and, what might be considered more surprising still, they performed this aquatic feat _upon only one leg_!

The thing might have been more mysterious, had not Karl from the first suspected the reason why the laws of specific gravity appeared to be thus contradicted. He suspected the existence of some plant, whose leaves, lying spread on the surface, perhaps offered a footing for the birds, sufficiently firm to support the weight of their bodies.

The botanist was only reasoning from remembrance. He had lately read the account published but a few years before of the discovery of the gigantic water-lily of tropical America--the _Victoria Regia_--and remembered how its discoverers had spoken of large birds of the crane family making their perch upon its huge leaves, and thus supported, playing about over the surface of the water, as if the firm earth had been under their feet.

With these facts fresh in his memory, Karl conjectured that the water-hens seen by him and his companions were supported on a similar pedestal, and playing themselves on a like platform. His conjecture proved correct: for on visiting the place shortly after, the broad orbicular leaves of the _Nelumbium speciosum_ were perceived--almost as large as those of their South American congener.

Other interesting points relating to the great lily growing in the Himalayan lake, Karl had mentioned from time to time to his companions: for he knew that the _Nelumbium speciosum_ was the celebrated Pythagorean bean mentioned in the writings of the Greeks--more especially by Herodotus and Theophrastes.

It is described by these writers as growing plentifully in Egypt; and no doubt was cultivated in that country in their day; though it is not known there at the present time. It is found represented on the Egyptian sculptures, and so accurately has it been described by the Greek writers, as to leave no doubt as to the identification of the species.

It is one of the plants supposed to be the celebrated "lotus" of antiquity; and this supposition is probable enough: since not only its succulent stalk, but its seeds or "beans," have been eaten in all times by the people in whose country it grows. It is a food that produces a strengthening effect upon the system; and is also very refres.h.i.+ng in cases of thirst. The Chinese call it "Lienwha," and its seeds with thin slices of its root, mixed with the kernels of apricots and walnuts, and placed between alternate layers of ice, const.i.tuted one of the select dishes offered by the great mandarins to the British amba.s.sadors on the visit of the latter to the Celestial Empire.

These people store up the roots of the lienwha for winter use-- preserving them in a pickle of salt and vinegar. The j.a.panese also make use of the plant as an esculent; and it is, moreover, regarded by them as sacred to their divinities--the images of which are often represented seated upon its large leaves.

The flowers of the _Nelumbium speciosum_ when in full bloom, give out a most fragrant odour--somewhat resembling that of anise; while the seeds, shaped like acorns, have a flavour equal in richness and delicacy to that of the finest almonds.



It was not upon that occasion that Karl communicated to his companions all these interesting facts in relation to the great lily. Many of them he had made known long before--especially that the seeds of the plant were eatable; and both Caspar and Ossaroo had often proved to their own satisfaction that they were something more than eatable--in short, a great delicacy.

It was from a knowledge of this fact that the thoughts of all three were now turned upon the lilies--whose huge roseate corollas, no longer seen glistening above the surface of the water, proclaimed that the "beans"

were ripe, and ready for "sh.e.l.ling."

The three were about starting from the hut to reap this aquatic harvest--which, judging from the quant.i.ty of seed-pods that appeared above the surface, promised to be abundant.

Each had provided himself with a rush basket--which the s.h.i.+karee had woven, during the long winter nights, for other purposes; but as they were of just the size and shape to hold the Pythagorean beans they were now to be employed in that capacity.

Both Karl and Caspar had rolled up their trowsers to mid-thigh; so as not to wet them while wading among the lilies; but Ossaroo, not being provided with any nether garment ent.i.tled to the name of trowsers, had simply tucked up the skirt of his cotton tunic, making it fast under his girdle.

In this guise all three proceeded round the sh.o.r.e of the lake, to that side where they would be nearest the bed of lilies. The water-hens, seeing them make their approach, rose from their perch upon the leaves, and fluttered off to seek a more secure shelter among the sedge.

The aquatic gleaners at once waded in; and commenced picking off the pods, and sh.e.l.ling them into their rush baskets. They had been there before, and knew there was no danger in the depth of the water.

They had nearly filled their respective sacks with the Pythagorean beans, and were meditating a return to dry land, when a dark shadow pa.s.sing over the tranquil surface of the lake--closely followed by another of similar size and shape--attracted their attention.

All three saw the shadows at the same instant of time; and all simultaneously looked up to ascertain what sort of creatures were casting them. In the sky above they beheld a spectacle, calculated to inspire them with feelings of a strange interest.

Right above the lake, and also over their heads, a brace of large birds was circling in the air. Each was borne up by a pair of huge wings full five yards from tip to tip; while from the body, between, a neck of enormous length was extended horizontally--prolonged into a tapering-pointed beak, in shape like the seed-pistil of a pelargonium.

Their beaks might well have been compared to the pistil of a pelargonium; or rather the latter should be a.s.similated to them; since it is from this species of birds, the flower has derived its botanical cognomen.

The birds were _storks_. Not the ordinary _Ciconia_, that makes its home among the Hollanders--or finds a still more welcome hospitality on the roof-tree of the Hungarian by the plains of the _Puszta_--but a stork of far grander dimensions; in short, a stork that is the _tallest_ of his tribe--the _Adjutant_.

On looking up, Karl recognised the species; so did Caspar, and at a glance. It required no lengthened scrutiny--no profound knowledge of natural history, to identify the noted _adjutant_. It only needed to have seen him before either in _propria persona_, or in a picture; but both brothers had seen specimens of the bird, in full flesh and feather, on the plains of India--in the environs of Calcutta itself.

As to the s.h.i.+karee, was it likely he should be mistaken about the character of those winged giants--those tall scavengers he had seen thousands of times stalking pompously along the sandy of the sacred Ganges? It was not possible for him, to have a doubt about the ident.i.ty of the birds, who were now throwing their shadows over that lone lake of the Himalayas. He had no doubt. The very certainty that the birds above him were the gigantic cranes of the Ganges--the sacred birds of Brahma--caused him to utter a sort of frenzied shout, and at the same time, dropping his "sack of beans" into the water!

He needed not to look at the colour of the birds, to note that they were brown black above, and white underneath. The naked vulture neck with its pouch-like appendage of brick-red hue; the silken feathers of bluish white under the tail--those precious plumes well-known and worn by the ladies of many lands under the appellation of _marabout feathers_--all were recognised at a glance.

Even quicker than either of his youthful comrades had the Hindoo identified the birds. A single glance sufficed, and simultaneously with that glance had the cry fallen from his lips, and the sack of Pythagorean beans from his grasp.

The birds were flying slowly, and to all appearance _laboriously_: as if wearied of wing. They appeared to be in search of some roost on which to repose themselves.

That they had entered the valley with this intention was made evident a few moments after: for having made a circuit round the little lake, both at the same instant ceased to ply their long pinions, and drawing their wings suddenly in to their bodies, they settled down upon the sh.o.r.e.

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The Cliff Climbers Part 25 summary

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