Crown and Sceptre Part 2

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"Don't push too far," cried Scarlett, "or we shan't get it back. Pull."

The boys pulled together, and the oaken tread glided back toward them with the greatest ease, like a well-made drawer.

"Mind!" shouted Fred. And they s.n.a.t.c.hed away their fingers just in time to save a nasty pinch, for the board came swiftly back into its position. There was a sharp _crick-crack_, and the stair was as solid as before, and the broad stain from the painted window lay in its old place on the dark brown wood.

Scarlett Markham turned and stared at Fred Forrester, and Fred Forrester turned and stared at him.

"I say, what do you think of that?" said Scarlett.

"I don't know. What do you?"

"I don't know either," said Scarlett, trying to move the board again.

But it was firm as the rest of the stairs.

"Did you see that bal.u.s.ter?" said Fred.

"See it? No. What do you mean?"

"It seemed to me to move and make that noise."

"Nonsense! How could it?"

"I don't know, but it was just the same noise as it made when you missed your hold and swung round."

"So it was; and I had hold of it," said Scarlett, thoughtfully, as he laid his hand on the piece of turned and carved wood. "But it's quite firm." He gave it a shake, but with no effect. "You come and try," he said.

Fred took his place, and shook the bal.u.s.ter, then the other--its fellow--but there was no result.

"I don't know what to make of this," said Scarlett. "I wonder whether all the stairs are made the same. There, never mind; let's go and fish."

"Stop a moment!" cried Fred, excitedly. "Look here; you can turn this thing half round. See!"

"Well, that's only because it's loose. They're getting old and--"


Scarlett Markham started back, so quick and sudden was the sound, but only to resume his position on his knees before the oaken stair-tread, which again yielded to a thrust, and glided under the landing once more, leaving the opening the length and breadth of the great stair.

"Why, it's like the lid of a sliding box, Scar," cried Fred. "Now then, let's pull it over once more. But look here, it won't go any further."

This was the case, for about an inch of the carved front was left for them to take hold of and draw it back, which they did, the board gliding easily toward them, and closing with a loud snap.

"There! I did see it then," cried Scarlett.


"That bal.u.s.ter. It half twisted round. Why, Fred, it's a hiding-place.

Here, let's open it again. Perhaps it's full of gold."

Fred was quite willing, for his curiosity was excited; so, seizing the bal.u.s.ter with both hands, he gave it a twist. There was the sharp sound as of a catch being set at liberty; the board moved, and was once more thrust back.

"Now let me try," cried Scarlett, "so as to make sure."

The opening was closed again, the bal.u.s.ter twisted, and it was again opened, the lads pausing before the dark cavity, across which the coloured rays played over a bar of dancing motes.

"Seems to me," said Fred, "that we've discovered a secret. Does your father know of it, do you think?"

"I feel sure he doesn't. I say, let's see if there's anything inside."

"Do you think we ought to?"

"I wouldn't, if I thought my father knew about it; but I don't believe he does, so I shall try. Of course I shall tell him."

"Yes, of course," said Fred, whose curiosity p.r.i.c.ked him on to action, and who felt relieved by his companion's words. "But do you think it's a secret drawer?"

"Yes, I'm sure it is, or it wouldn't be made like that."

"But perhaps they are all made this way."

This was a damper; for if the stairs were all made in this fas.h.i.+on, there could be no secret.

"Let's try," said Scarlett; and together they turned and twisted with all their might at every bal.u.s.ter from top to bottom, but without result.

"Then it is a secret drawer," said Fred, in a low, husky voice.

"More like a coffin," said Scarlett.


"I hope no one's buried here."

"Oh, I say, don't talk like that," cried Fred. "It's too horrible."

"Well, it might be so. Some one been killed years ago, and put there."

"'Tisn't likely," said Fred. "But, if it is a secret place, we oughtn't to let any of the servants know."

"I didn't think of that," replied Scarlett; and, drawing the oaken board back, the spring was closed, and the boys went and looked out to see that Nat Dee was busy over the garden beds; and further investigation proved that the indoor servants were all in the other part of the house.

"They would go up the back-stairs if they wanted anything," said Scarlett, as they returned to the place where the coloured light shone; but it had already somewhat altered its position as Fred seized the bal.u.s.ter, turned it, and the board lay loose.

"Now, then, what are we going to find?" cried Scarlett, as he thrust back the board, and then recoiled a little and looked at his companion.

Fred looked at him, and both lads felt that their hearts were beating fast.

"Not scared, are you, Fred!"

"No, I don't think so."

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Crown and Sceptre Part 2 summary

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