Crown and Sceptre Part 6

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"Hold the light up a little higher, Scar," whispered Fred.

Scarlett raised his left hand to the full length of his arm; there was a soft _dab_, and Fred uttered a subdued "Oh!" as his companion's right hand grasped his with spasmodic violence.

For Scarlett had pressed the candle up against the stone ceiling, and the arched surface thoroughly performed the duty of extinguisher, leaving them in total darkness.

Half a minute must have pa.s.sed, during which they were stunned by the horror of their position, before Scarlett exclaimed--

"Oh, Fred, what shall we do?"

There was no answer, Fred holding the other's hand tightly, and it was not until the question was repeated that he uttered a low gasping sigh.

"We can find our way back," he whispered, in an awe-stricken voice.

"There's nothing to mind, for we can't go wrong."

"But we might take a wrong turning, and never find our way out."

"There are no turnings," replied Fred, stolidly. "Come along."

"Listen! Wasn't that something?"

"I don't hear anything, only the echo. Hoi!"

Fred half shouted the last word, and as they listened it seemed to run right away in an echoing, hollow way, to die at last in quite a whisper.

"What a horrible place!" faltered Scarlett. "Let's make haste back. I say, don't you feel scared?"

"I don't know," whispered back Fred. "I feel as if I do. I'd give anything to be out in the suns.h.i.+ne again, and I wish we had not come.

Let's make haste."

Scarlett needed no further urging, but pressed on so closely behind his companion that they seemed to move as one, Fred pa.s.sing his hand along the cold stone wall as they went on, up and up the apparently endless flight of steps, till the landing was reached, and the leader grasped the door.

"There!" he cried, as they pa.s.sed into the little room, Scarlett closing the door behind them, the hinges creaking dismally. "Now for the other door. I don't seem to mind so much now."

"I don't think I do; but it seems very queer. What's that?"

"Only me. I touched you with my hand."

"It felt so cold on my cheek, it sent a s.h.i.+ver through me. Let's make haste."

"You go first this time, then. You remember where the door is?"

"Yes, I remember," replied Scarlett. "It was just a few steps over here and--I say, Fred, it's gone!"

"Nonsense! It can't have gone. Feel about with your hands."

Scarlett felt here and there, and then uttered a low sigh.

"I can't find it. Come over here."

Fred crept to him, and as he felt about in the utter darkness, he touched his companion, who uttered a cry and rushed away from him.

"Don't be a coward, Scar. It was only I."

"I'm not a coward," cried Scarlett, angrily; "only I fancied something was going to touch me, and you came so quietly. Where are you?"

"Here. And, I say, you made me turn about, and I don't know which nay the door is now. But we'll soon find it."

Nothing seems more simple to talk of, but nothing is more confusing than to be standing in profound darkness, not knowing which way to go, the slightest deviation beginning the confusion, which seems to augment.

Fred's attempt to regain touch of their position was simple enough. He went forward, and after a step or two touched the wall.

"Here we are, Scar," he said. "Come along. The door is just here.

Yes; here it is."

He seized the edge, and it gave forth its dismal creak again.

"That's the wrong door," cried Scarlett, excitedly. "The one we just came through."

"Is it?" said Fred, confusedly. "Yes, I suppose it is. Then we must try again. How stupid!"

The second trial was more successful; and slowly and cautiously pa.s.sing through, they began directly after to make their way along the first pa.s.sages they had traversed, feeling their course round the angles at the sharp turns, and with their spirits rising fast as they felt that they were approaching the entrance; and as they at last reached it, with the daylight s.h.i.+ning through, feeling ready to laugh at their fears.

"Here we are, Scar," cried Fred, as he lay down and rolled himself over and over till he was in the hollow stair, and directly after climbed out, bent down and took the candlestick from his companion's hand, leaving him free to follow, but Scarlett uttered a cry.

"What's the matter?"

"Something has got hold of my jerkin."

Fred burst out laughing.

"Why, it's only that k.n.o.b. Meant to open the stair from inside, I suppose."

_Crick-crack_! The board was drawn back into its place, and the boys went slowly down into the hall.

"Why, Scar, you look quite white."

"Do I? So do you," was the reply. "Look, we're covered with dust.

Come along, and let's go to my room and have a wash."

"And then we can sit down and talk about it."

Scarlett nodded; and once more ascending the stairs, they pa.s.sed over the secret entry, unlocked the door in the corridor, and entered Scarlett's bedchamber, where it took some time to get rid of the marks of their journey. After which they sat down in the suns.h.i.+ne by the open window, to discuss their find, and settle two or three points in connection therewith.



"Seems queer now," said Fred, as they gazed down into the garden, "that we could have felt so scared."

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Crown and Sceptre Part 6 summary

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