Curiosities of Literature Volume I Part 62

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Is there, in the records of history, a more glaring instance of the idea which a good Catholic attaches to the power of a confessor, than the present authentic example? The most licentious philosophy seems not more dangerous than a religion whose votary believes that the acc.u.mulation of crimes can be dissipated by the breath of a few orisons, and which, considering a venal priest to "occupy the place of G.o.d," can traffic with the divine power at a very moderate price.

After his death a Spanish grandee wrote with a coal on the chimney-piece of his chamber the following epitaph, which ingeniously paints his character in four verses:--

Siendo moco luxurioso; Siendo hombre, fue cruel; Siendo viejo, codicioso: Que se puede esperar del?

In youth he was luxurious; In manhood he was cruel; In old age he was avaricious: What could be hoped from him?


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Curiosities of Literature Volume I Part 62 summary

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