The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 3

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BREAKFAST Stewed prunes Boiled eggs Dry toast Coffee

LUNCHEON Eggs Mirabeau Hasenpfeffer (hare stew) Noodles Coffee eclairs Rolls Tea

DINNER Consomme d'Artagnan Pickles New England boiled dinner Apple pie Coffee

=Eggs Mirabeau.= Place some stuffed eggs in a b.u.t.tered s.h.i.+rred egg dish, cover with cream sauce, and bake in oven.

=Hasenpfeffer (hare stew).= Cut up a hare in three-inch pieces. Save the blood and liver in separate dish. Put the cut up meat in an earthen pot and cover with one-half claret, or white wine, and one-half water. Add one sliced carrot, one sliced onion, a bouquet garni with plenty of thyme in it, salt, and a spoonful of whole black peppers. Let stand for forty-eight hours, then drain, strain the juice, and put the meat on a platter. Put in a pan on the stove one-half pound of b.u.t.ter; when hot add two heaping spoonsful of flour, and allow to become nice and yellow, stirring all the while to prevent its burning. Then add the pieces of hare and simmer for a few minutes; then add the juice and a gla.s.s of water or bouillon, bring to the boiling point, cover and let simmer slowly. Parboil and fry in b.u.t.ter one dozen small onions; also cut up one-half pound of salt pork in half-inch squares, and parboil and fry them. When stew is about three-quarters cooked, add the onions, pork, and a can of French mushrooms, and cook until done. Now chop the liver fine, mix with the blood, and stir into the stew just before removing from the fire. Do not let it boil after adding the liver. Season to taste, and serve with a sprinkle of chopped parsley.

=Consomme d'Artagnan.= In the bottom of a b.u.t.tered pan place one sliced carrot, one onion, a stalk of celery, a piece of raw ham, a sprig of thyme, one bay leaf, and some pepper berries. On top place three calf's feet, and simmer for a few minutes. Then add one-half gla.s.s of white wine and one-half gla.s.s of sherry, and three quarts of bouillon or stock. Clarify with the whites of six eggs, bringing to a boil slowly.

Cook until the feet are soft. Strain the broth through cheese cloth, cut the calf's feet in small pieces and add to the consomme.

=New England boiled dinner.= Put a shoulder of salt pork in a pot, cover with water, bring to a boil, and then allow to become cool. Then put the pork in a pot with five pounds of brisket of beef, cover with water, add a little salt, a bouquet garni, three whole turnips, three beets, three carrots and a small head of cabbage. Cook until the vegetables are soft, then remove, and continue cooking the meat until well done. Place the meat on a platter, slice, and place the vegetables around the meat; add some plain boiled potatoes, pour a little of the broth over all, and serve hot.


BREAKFAST Stewed rhubarb Broiled finnan haddie Baked potatoes Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Oyster stew Eggs Gambetta Mutton chops French fried potatoes String beans Camembert cheese and crackers Coffee

DINNER Potage Venitienne Aiguillettes of ba.s.s, a la Russe Beef steak, Provencale Georgette potatoes Lettuce and tomato salad Fancy ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Oyster stew.= Put in a pot six oysters with their own juice, bring to the boiling point, and skim. Then add one cup of boiling milk, one ounce of sweet b.u.t.ter, and salt. Serve crackers separate.

=Eggs Gambetta.= Dip four cold poached eggs in some beaten eggs, then in bread crumbs, and fry in swimming fat. Place on toast, garnish with boiled calf's brains and sliced truffles, and serve with Madeira sauce.

=Potage Venitienne.= Beat two spoonfuls of farina, two whole eggs and a half cup of milk together, stir into one quart of boiling consomme, and cook for twelve minutes.

=Aiguillettes of ba.s.s, a la Russe.= Remove the skin from the fillets of ba.s.s, and cut in slices (aiguillettes) about one and one-half inches wide and five inches long. Place in a b.u.t.tered pan, season with salt and pepper, place on each piece three or four round slices of cooked carrots, add half a gla.s.s of white wine, cover with b.u.t.tered paper, and cook slowly. Add some finely cut chervil to some white wine sauce, and pour over the fish.

=Beef steak, Provencale.= Cook a small sirloin steak saute in b.u.t.ter, and season well. Cover one-half of the steak with Bearnaise sauce, and the other half with Bearnaise sauce mixed with a little puree of tomatoes. On top of each half place a round potato croquette the size of a walnut, and some Julienne potatoes around the steak.

=Bearnaise sauce.= Put in a sauce pan six very finely-chopped shallots, a spoonful of crushed white peppers, and a gla.s.s of tarragon vinegar, and reduce until nearly dry. Then put the pan in another vessel containing hot water, add the yolks of five eggs and stir in well. Then add one pound of sweet b.u.t.ter cut in small pieces. Stir the b.u.t.ter in piece by piece, and as it melts the sauce will become thick, like mayonnaise. Be careful that the sauce does not become too hot. Salt, strain through cheese cloth, add one teaspoonful of melted meat extract, some chopped fresh tarragon, and a little Cayenne pepper.

=Bearnaise tomatee.= One cup of thick puree of tomatoes mixed with two cups of Bearnaise sauce.

=Choron sauce.= Same as Bearnaise tomatee.


BREAKFAST Grapefruit juice Grape-nuts with cream Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Barquette a l'aurore.

Salmon steak with anchovies Baked potatoes Cheese cake Coffee

DINNER Consomme creme de volaille Salted English walnuts Frogs' legs, saute a sec Lamb chops, sauce Soubise Stewed tomatoes Brussels sprouts Hearts of romaine Meringue Chantilly Coffee

=Barquette a l'aurore.= Small tartelettes filled with Italian salad and covered with pink mayonnaise sauce.

=Italian salad.= Use equal parts of carrots, turnips, string beans, and roast beef cut in small squares, and of boiled peas. Season with salt, pepper, tarragon vinegar and olive oil, and garnish with beets and flageolet beans.

=Pink mayonnaise.= Add to two cups of mayonnaise, one-half cup of cold puree of tomatoes.

=Consomme creme de volaille.= Put some very light chicken force meat (quenelle) in small round b.u.t.tered timbale moulds, and cook in bain-marie (double boiler). When done, slice thin and serve in hot consomme. (See chicken force meat recipe Jan. 11.)

=Cheese cake.= One and one-half pounds of cottage cheese, one-half pound of sugar, one-half pound of b.u.t.ter, the yolks of five eggs, one-half pint of milk, the whites of three eggs well beaten, and some vanilla extract. Mix the b.u.t.ter with the sugar, then the cheese, and the yolks of the eggs, one by one. Then add the milk, flour, and vanilla, and finally the beaten whites of eggs should be stirred in very slowly. Pour on pie dish or pan lined with a thin tartelette dough, and bake in a moderate oven.

=Sauce Soubise.= Parboil six sliced onions, and then pour off the water.

Put in vessel with cold water and salt, and boil till done. Drain off the water, pa.s.s the onions through a fine sieve, add one pint of cream sauce, mix well, and season with salt and Cayenne pepper.

=Soubise (for stuffing crabs, etc.).= Slice a dozen onions, put in vessel with cold water and salt, bring to the boiling point, and allow to cool. Then put the onions in a well b.u.t.tered ca.s.serole, add a half-pound of parboiled rice, a little salt, and two ounces of b.u.t.ter.

Cover with a b.u.t.tered paper and the ca.s.serole cover, put in oven and cook until soft. Then strain through a fine sieve; put in a vessel and add two spoonsful of thick cream sauce, heat well, and bind with the yolks of four eggs, season with salt and Cayenne pepper, and allow to cool. When cold mix with a spoon, and use as needed.


BREAKFAST Broiled Yarmouth bloaters Lyonnaise potatoes Corn m.u.f.fins Coffee

LUNCHEON Grapefruit with cherries Scrambled eggs, Turbico Curried lamb with rice Chocolate eclairs Coffee

DINNER Blue Point oysters Potage Marie Louise Salted hazelnuts Fillet of sole, Castelanne Squab en compote Spinach Endive salad, French dressing Coupe St. Jacques a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Scrambled eggs, Turbico.= Mix with six scrambled eggs one-half cup of Creole sauce.

=Curried lamb with rice.= Cut three pounds of shoulder and breast of lean lamb in pieces two and one-half inches square. Parboil and put on fire in cold water with one carrot, one onion, a bouquet garni, and salt. Boil until the lamb is done; remove the vegetables, and strain the broth. Put in another vessel three ounces of b.u.t.ter, melt, add two spoonsful of curry powder and two of flour, heat, then add a sliced apple and banana fried in b.u.t.ter, and one-half cup of chutney sauce.

Boil for twenty minutes. Strain over the lamb, and serve with boiled rice.

=Potage Marie Louise.= Mix one quart of puree of white beans with one pint of thick consomme tapioca.

=Fillet of sole, Castelanne.= Put six fillets in a b.u.t.tered pan, season with salt and pepper, add one-half gla.s.s of white wine, cover, and bake in oven for ten minutes. Make on a round platter a border of boiled rice. Place the fillets in the center. Strain the fish broth, mix with Creole sauce, and pour over the fish, completely covering same.

=Squab en compote.= Prepare four squab as for roasting, except the stuffing. Season well, and put in earthen pot with an onion, carrot, and two ounces of b.u.t.ter. Put in oven and roast well, basting continually so they will retain their juice. To a brown gravy, or sauce Madere, add the following: Eight small onions boiled and fried, eight heads of fresh mushrooms sauteed in b.u.t.ter, eight small boiled French carrots, and two small pickles cut in two. Serve with the squabs.


BREAKFAST Oatmeal with cream Boiled eggs Dry toast Chocolate

LUNCHEON Clam broth in cups Broiled striped ba.s.s Vogeleier omelet Field salad Tartelette au Bar le Duc Coffee

DINNER Consomme, de la mariee Boiled codfish, oyster sauce Roast ribs of beef Lima beans Potato croquettes Escarole and chicory salad Savarin Montmorency Coffee

=Vogeleier omelet.= Cut a roll in very thin slices, put in omelet pan with two ounces of b.u.t.ter, and fry until crisp. Add eight beaten eggs, with salt, pepper, and plenty of chives, and make into an omelet.

=Tartelette au Bar le Duc.= Line the moulds with tartelette dough, fill with raw white beans, and bake. When the dough is done remove the beans, and fill the tartelettes with imported Bar le Duc jelly. Decorate with whipped cream.

=Consomme de la mariee.= Boil one quart of consomme. Put the yolks of four eggs in a soup tureen and stir well, adding the consomme slowly.

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 3 summary

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