The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 47

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DINNER Cream of flageolet beans Antipasto. Celery Sea ba.s.s, Montebello Roast tenderloin of beef, vert pre Field and beet salad Alexandria pudding Coffee

=Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.= Cut a half pound of raw smoked salmon in thin slices. In a ca.s.serole put the salmon with two ounces of b.u.t.ter, and heat through. Then add ten beaten eggs, one-half cup of cream, a little salt and pepper; and scramble in the usual manner.

=Terrine de foie gras en aspic.= Use small round individual moulds; or a large one for six people; as desired. Melt a little meat jelly just so it will run, but do not have it hot. Put a little in the bottom of each mould and set in the ice box to become firm. Cut the foie gras out of the terrine with a soup spoon, which should be dipped in hot water for each cut so as to give a nice smooth surface. Put a layer of foie gras in the bottom of the moulds, cover with a little more jelly, set in ice box again to become cool, and then repeat until the moulds are full. For serving dip the form in hot water for a second, and turn out on a napkin on a platter. Garnish with parsley in branches.

=s.h.i.+rred eggs, Nicoise.= s.h.i.+rr some eggs, and before serving pour some tomato sauce, or puree, over the white of the eggs.

=Sweetbreads, Marigny.= Garnish some braised sweetbreads with an artichoke bottom filled with French peas, for each person. Serve sauce Madere.

=Cream of flageolet beans.= Heat three ounces of b.u.t.ter in a ca.s.serole, then add three spoonfuls of flour, and heat through. Then add one pint of chicken broth, one pint of milk, and two cans of French flageolet beans. Boil for thirty minutes, strain through a fine sieve, and put back in the ca.s.serole. Bring to a boil, season with salt and Cayenne pepper and a very little grated nutmeg. Then stir in a pint of boiling milk and three ounces of sweet b.u.t.ter. Strain again, and serve.

=Sea ba.s.s, Montebello.= Cut the fillets from a sea ba.s.s in the same manner as a fillet of sole. Spread a layer of fish forcemeat (see Ba.s.s Timbale) over them, season well, and fold the fillets. Put in a b.u.t.tered pan, add one-half cup of fish stock or broth, one-half gla.s.s of white wine, cover with b.u.t.tered paper, and cook in oven for fifteen minutes.

Place on a platter, and cover with a mixture of two-thirds Bearnaise sauce and one-third tomato sauce. Garnish with fleurons.

=Roast tenderloin of beef, vert pre.= Roast a tenderloin of beef, and place on a platter. Garnish with French string beans in b.u.t.ter, and Julienne potatoes. Pour a little sauce Madere over the tenderloin; and also serve sauce separate.


BREAKFAST Cantaloupe Boiled eggs Dry toast Ceylon tea

LUNCHEON Matjes herring, Krasnapolsky Consomme in cups Cheese straws Broiled squab on toast Asparagus, Hollandaise Roquefort cheese with crackers Mixed fruit Coffee

DINNER Rice soup, a l'Allemande Salted almonds Sand dabs, meuniere Saddle of lamb, jardiniere Romaine salad Pear cobbler a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Matjes herring, Krasnapolsky.= Get six Matjes herring from the grocer, and soak in cold water for two hours. Then remove the skins, and place the herrings on lettuce leaves on a platter. Garnish with small plain boiled potatoes and dill pickles.

=Rice soup, a l'Allemande.= Put three ounces of b.u.t.ter and two spoonfuls of raw rice in a ca.s.serole and heat through. Then add two spoonfuls of flour and heat again. Then add two quarts of strained boiling chicken broth, and boil slowly for an hour. Stir occasionally so the rice will not burn on the bottom of the pot. Season with salt and white pepper.

=Saddle of lamb, jardiniere.= Prepare in the same manner as rack of lamb, jardiniere.

=Alexandria pudding.= Ten ounces of bread crumbs, one quart of milk, two ounces of b.u.t.ter, the grated rind of a lemon, the yolks of eight eggs, the whites of six eggs, four ounces of browned and chopped almonds, and six ounces of sugar. Mix the sugar with the b.u.t.ter, and then add the eggs. Mix the crumbs with the almonds and lemon rind, and add to the first mixture. Beat the whites of the eggs, and mix in lightly. Bake in a b.u.t.tered pan, and serve with strawberry or raspberry sauce.


BREAKFAST Fresh raspberries with cream Boiled salted salmon belly Baked potatoes Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Grapefruit with cherries Broiled striped ba.s.s Sibyl potatoes Breast of chicken, en aspic Louis salad Neufchatel cheese with crackers Claret punch Demi

DINNER Little Neck clams Consomme Monte Cristo Planked shad Roast chicken Chateau potatoes New peas Chiffonnade salad Fancy ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Breast of chicken en aspic.= Loosen the legs and skin of a good-sized chicken, then insert a knife between neck and wing up towards the middle of the wishbone, loosening all the meat from the breast bone. The whole side will then be in one piece with the wing attached. Do the same with the other side. Then season, and fry to a brown color in b.u.t.ter. Set aside to become cold. Then decorate with the hard-boiled white of eggs cut in fancy shapes; place in an oval form, cover with almost-cold meat jelly, and set in ice box to become cold. To remove, dip the form in hot water for a second, and place on a folded napkin. Garnish with parsley in branches.

=Louis salad.= Equal parts of raw pineapple, apple, and celery, cut Julienne style. Season with a sauce made with a cup of mayonnaise, a spoonful of cream, a spoonful of sherry wine, a dash of vinegar, and a pinch of paprika. Mix well.

=Claret punch.= One bottle of claret, one bottle of soda water, one-half pint of plain water, one-half pound of powdered sugar, one lemon cut in slices, and one pony of brandy. Stir all together until the sugar is dissolved. Strain, cool on ice, and serve in with a very thin slice of lemon.

=Consomme Monte Cristo.= Consomme royal and printanier mixed.


BREAKFAST Fig jam Boiled eggs Dry toast English breakfast tea

LUNCHEON Canape of sardines Cold clam broth Broiled honeycomb tripe Lyonnaise potatoes Chiffonnade salad Stilton cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Potage velour California ripe olives Fillet of turbot, bateliere Sweetbreads, Metropolitan Club Roast duckling, apple sauce Artichokes, Hollandaise Waldorf salad Strawberry meringue Demi

=Potage velour.= Mix two pints of puree of tomato soup with one pint of consomme aux perles de Nizam.

=Fillet of turbot, bateliere.= Put four fillets of turbot in a b.u.t.tered pan, season with salt and pepper, add one-half gla.s.s of claret and one-half cup of fish broth, cover, boil for ten minutes, and then place the fish on a platter. Put one ounce of b.u.t.ter in a small ca.s.serole and heat. Then add one ounce of flour, heat through, add the broth left from the fish and also another half cup of broth, boil for five minutes, and strain. Then add slowly two ounces of fresh b.u.t.ter, stir well, and when b.u.t.ter is melted add one cup of hot shrimps. Season well, and pour over the fish.

=Sweetbreads, Metropolitan Club.= Let two pounds of sweetbreads soak in cold water with a little salt in it, for two hours; to cause the blood to run out. Then put in a ca.s.serole with one-half gallon of cold water and a spoonful of salt, and bring to a boil. Cool off in cold water, and then trim them free from skin. Put three ounces of b.u.t.ter in a very wide earthern pot, put the sweetbreads on top, and season with salt and pepper. Add six small white onions, six heads of fresh mushrooms, and two green peppers cut in one inch squares. Simmer until nice and brown, then add one-half gla.s.s of white wine and a spoonful of meat extract.

Cook in oven for fifteen minutes, basting continually. Serve from the ca.s.serole in which it was cooked.


BREAKFAST Sliced peaches with cream Plain s.h.i.+rred eggs Rolls

LUNCHEON Cantaloupe Poached eggs, Perigordine Mixed grill, special French fried potatoes Chicory salad Rice croquettes Demi

DINNER Clam c.o.c.ktail Consomme Inauguration Salted pecans Mousse d'ecrevisses (fish) Roast ribs of beef, Yorks.h.i.+re pudding Stewed corn Green peas Mashed potatoes Watercress salad Chocolate ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Poached eggs, Perigordine.= Spread some pate de foie gras on four pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each, and cover with sauce Perigordine.

=Consomme Inauguration.= Equal parts of Julienne, small chicken dumplings, and Italian paste, served in hot consomme.

=Mousse d'ecrevisses.= Remove the from three lobsters and two dozen ecrevisses (crayfish or crawfish) and smash very fine in a mortar.

Put a cup of water, an ounce of b.u.t.ter, and a little salt and Cayenne pepper in a vessel and bring to a boil. Then stir in slowly two tablespoonfuls of flour, and continue stirring until there are no lumps.

Mix this with the ecrevisse and lobster meat and mashed When cold strain through a very fine sieve. Place in a bowl on ice and mix with an egg and a pint of thick cream; stirring in carefully so it does not curdle. Test for seasoning, and if necessary add a little ecrevisse coloring to give a rose shade. Fill small b.u.t.tered moulds, and boil in bain-marie for about fifteen minutes. Turn out on a platter, and pour ecrevisse sauce over all. The lobster is added for economy and strength of color. Double the amount of ecrevisses may be used instead.

=ecrevisse sauce.= Melt two tablespoonfuls of ecrevisse b.u.t.ter in a pint of sauce Allemande, or sauce au vin blanc. Add a few ecrevisse tails.


BREAKFAST Grapes Griddle cakes, maple syrup Coffee

LUNCHEON Herring salad Hot tomato broth Eggs, Suzette Cold tongue, meat jelly Beet salad Peach cobbler Anisette cakes Coffee

DINNER Potage McDonald Radishes Kingfish, Argentine Small sirloin steak, a la Russe Summer squash Cauliflower, Hollandaise Potato croquettes Sliced tomatoes Orange basket a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Herring salad.= Soak two salted herrings in cold water for an hour, then remove the skin and cut out the bones. Slice in thin slices, and mix with one quart of potato salad.

=Hot tomato broth.= Chop three pounds of s.h.i.+n or lean beef. Mix with the whites of six eggs and one dozen tomatoes chopped very fine. Stir well, and add slowly one gallon of bouillon or stock. Bring slowly to a boil, and simmer for an hour. Strain through cheese cloth, season with salt and pepper. Serve either hot or cold.

=Eggs, Suzette.= Bake four medium-sized potatoes, cut off the tops, and scoop out the insides. Mash half of the potato that has been removed, add a little b.u.t.ter, season with salt and pepper, and put back in the bottom of each potato sh.e.l.l. Break an egg in each, cover with well-seasoned cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in medium-hot oven for ten minutes.

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 47 summary

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