The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 49

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BREAKFAST Loganberries with cream Bacon and eggs Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Eggs Mollet, cream sauce Broiled black ba.s.s, maitre d'hotel Sliced cuc.u.mbers, French dressing Browned hashed potatoes Compote with rice Demi

DINNER Terrapin soup, Southern style Pimentos, vinaigrette Scalloped clams Larded tenderloin of beef, moderne Romaine salad Biscuit glace, peppermint a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Eggs Mollet, cream sauce.= Eggs Mollet are soft boiled (about four minutes). Remove the, being careful that the eggs do not break.

Put in a deep dish and cover with cream sauce.

=Pimentos, vinaigrette.= Drain the juice from one can of pimentos, lay them on a platter, and cover with vinaigrette sauce. Serve very cold.

=Scalloped clams.= Put six dozen Little Neck clams in a vessel with their juice, and bring to a boil. Heat two ounces of b.u.t.ter in a ca.s.serole, then add two spoonfuls of flour, and heat through. Then add the juice of the clams and half a pint of milk, and season with salt and pepper. The sauce should then be a little thick. Bind with the yolks of two eggs mixed with one-half cup of cream. Mix the clams with three-fourths of the sauce and put in a baking dish. Pour the rest of the sauce over the top, sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in hot oven until brown. Serve in same dish.

=Tenderloin of beef, moderne.= Roast the tenderloin of beef, place on a platter, and garnish with several small patties; some of them filled with string beans, and some filled with peas in b.u.t.ter. Also garnish with rissolee potatoes. Serve Madeira sauce separate, besides pouring a little over the tenderloin.

=Terrapin soup, Southern style.= Scald two terrapin, and remove the sh.e.l.l, skin and intestines. Cut the terrapin in small pieces about one-quarter inch square. Heat four ounces of b.u.t.ter in a ca.s.serole, then add the terrapin and fry over a quick fire. Sprinkle with three tablespoonfuls of flour, add three pints of any kind of good broth and one pint of milk, season with salt and pepper, add a gla.s.s of good sherry wine, and boil until well done. Bind with the yolks of two eggs mixed with a cup of cream and a gla.s.s of dry sherry wine. Set on stove and let it come nearly to a boil, but not quite.


BREAKFAST Grapefruit Oatmeal with cream Rolls English breakfast tea

LUNCHEON Eggs Vilna Calf's liver saute, Spanish style Boiled rice Watermelon Demi

DINNER Consomme Rothschild California ripe olives Broiled striped ba.s.s, maitre d'hotel Sliced culemo salad Roast chicken Peas a la Francaise Mashed potatoes Watercress Apricot meringue Coffee

=Eggs Vilna.= Spread some fresh caviar on four pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each, lay four fillets of anchovies crosswise over the eggs, and garnish with two lemons cut in half, and parsley in branches.

=Calf's liver, Spanish style.= Cut six slices of calf's liver three-quarters of an inch thick, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and fry in melted b.u.t.ter. When nearly done place on a platter and keep hot. Pour one pint of very highly seasoned Creole sauce over the liver, and put in oven for two minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley, and serve.

=Consomme Rothschild.= Equal parts of breast of boiled fowl, beef tongue and truffles cut Julienne style, and added to very hot consomme. Add a little chervil before serving.

=Sliced culemo salad.= Culemo is a sort of cuc.u.mber. Peel, slice, and pour French dressing over it.


BREAKFAST Cantaloupe Boiled eggs Dry toast Crescents Chocolate with whipped cream

LUNCHEON Cold eggs with celery Cold chicken, with chow chow Asparagus, mayonnaise Roquefort cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Little Neck clams Potage Lamballe Radishes. Lyon sausage Fillet of sole, Paylord Sweetbreads, Egyptienne Roast ribs of beef Saratoga chip potatoes Chiffonnade salad Vanilla ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Fruit Coffee

=Cold eggs with celery.= Put four cold poached eggs on a platter and cover with a sauce made of one pinch of salt, a little fresh-ground black pepper, the heart of a stalk of celery cut in very small dices, a little chopped parsley, one spoonful of vinegar, and two tablespoonfuls of olive oil.

=Fillet of sole, Paylord.= Chop very fine one-half of a can of French mushrooms, put in a napkin and squeeze out the water. Then mix with half a cup of thick cream sauce. Season four fillets of sole with salt and pepper, and spread all over with mushroom puree; then roll in fresh bread crumbs, and fry in swimming hot lard. Dress on a napkin on a platter, and garnish with fried parsley and quartered lemons. Serve Tartar sauce separate.

=Sweetbreads, Egyptienne.= Put some braised sweetbreads on a platter and garnish with stuffed green peppers and croquettes of rice. One of each to each person. Serve Bordelaise sauce separate.

=Stuffed green peppers.= Dip four green peppers in very hot lard for a second, then remove the skin, cut off the top, and clean out the insides. Fill with a puree of fresh mushrooms, sprinkle with bread crumbs, put small bits of b.u.t.ter on top of each, and bake in oven for ten minutes. Serve as a garnish; or as a vegetable, with sauce Madere, or tomato sauce.


BREAKFAST Grapes Hominy in cream Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Canape St. Francis Eggs Montebello Cold roast beef Cosmopolitan salad b.u.t.termilk

DINNER Consomme paysanne Salted almonds Salmon steak, Calcutta Parisian potatoes, Hollandaise Broiled squab on toast Artichokes with melted b.u.t.ter Stewed corn Hearts of romaine, Roquefort dressing a.s.sorted French pastry Coffee

=Eggs Montebello.= Poach four eggs, allow them to become cool, roll in flour, then in bread crumbs, and fry in swimming hot lard or b.u.t.ter.

Serve on a napkin, and garnish with fried parsley. Serve sauce Montebello separate.

=Sauce Montebello.= Equal parts of Bearnaise and tomato sauce mixed.

=Cosmopolitan salad.= Put in a salad bowl in bouquets such vegetables as peas, string beans, carrots, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, etc. There should be at least four different kinds. In the center place a handful of sh.e.l.led shrimps or lobster cut in slices, or crab meat.

Serve with French dressing, well seasoned.

=Consomme paysanne.= Cut two leaves of white cabbage in one inch squares, and put in a ca.s.serole. Add one sliced carrot, one sliced turnip, one leek and two leaves of celery, also sliced. Also add two ounces of b.u.t.ter, cover, and simmer in oven until soft. Be careful that it does not burn. Drain off the b.u.t.ter, add one quart of consomme, and boil for ten minutes. Add a little chopped chervil.

=Salmon steak, Calcutta.= Put two slices of salmon, about one and one-half inches thick, in a flat b.u.t.tered pan, season with salt and pepper, add one-half gla.s.s of white wine and one-half cup of fish stock, cover with b.u.t.tered paper, and cook in oven for twenty minutes. Then put the fish on a platter and keep hot. Pour over the fish a sauce made as follows: Heat two ounces of b.u.t.ter in a ca.s.serole, add one spoonful of flour and one of curry powder, and heat through. Then add the broth the fish was cooked in, and one pint of fish stock, and boil for ten minutes. Bind with the yolks of two eggs and one-half cup of cream.

Strain, put back in the ca.s.serole, and whip one ounce of fresh b.u.t.ter into it. When the b.u.t.ter is melted it is ready to pour over the fish.

Garnish the fish with fleurons.

=Parisian potatoes, Hollandaise.= Cut a quart of potatoes with a round Parisian spoon, put in cold water, add a little salt, and boil very slowly. When done, drain off the water, and put the potatoes in the oven to dry. Then put the potatoes in one ounce of melted b.u.t.ter mixed with a little chopped parsley, roll carefully so they will not break, and serve.


BREAKFAST Sliced nectarines in cream Scrambled eggs with smoked beef Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Omelet Levy Lamb kidneys en brochette, bacon Lyonnaise potatoes Field salad Camembert cheese with crackers Demi

DINNER Potage Cameroni Ripe olives Sand dabs, saute meuniere Sweetbreads, Figaro Roast sirloin of beef, Mounet Sully Broiled tomatoes Escarole salad Puff paste basket Coffee

=Omelet Levy.= Make a plain omelet with eight eggs, and put on a quite-large china platter. Garnish with one bouquet of pimentos cut in small dices and heated in b.u.t.ter; one bouquet of green peppers cut in the same manner and sauteed in b.u.t.ter; one bouquet of asparagus tips, and one of chicken hash in cream.

=Lamb kidneys en brochette with bacon.= Remove the skin from two lamb kidneys, split them open, and put a skewer through them. Season with salt and pepper, roll in oil, and broil. When done place on a piece of dry toast, lay two strips of bacon on top. And put a spoonful of maitre d'hotel b.u.t.ter on top of all.

=Potage Cameroni.= Make one quart of consomme brunoise, add six chickens' livers cut in small squares and sauteed in b.u.t.ter; and one-half cup of boiled macaroni cut in half inch pieces. Serve grated cheese separate.

=Sweetbreads, Figaro.= Braised sweetbreads served with their own gravy, and garnished with one timbale of spinach for each person. Serve sauce Figaro separate.

=Sauce Figaro.= Reduce one pint of tomato sauce one half by boiling slowly. Allow to become cold, add one pint of mayonnaise sauce, mix well, and season with salt and Cayenne pepper.

=Roast sirloin of beef, Mounet Sully.= Roast a sirloin of beef, place on a platter, and garnish with fresh artichoke bottoms filled with peas au beurre, and potatoes Julienne. Serve Bearnaise sauce separate.

=Puff paste basket.= Roll out some puff paste about one-quarter inch thick. Cut out the paste with an oval cutter. Wash the tops, and then make a shallow incision in the tops with another oval cutter about one-half inch smaller. Bake. Remove the soft inside paste, and fill with sweetened whipped cream. Make a handle out of some candied angelica, and stick it on the whipped cream, making it look like a basket.

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 49 summary

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