The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 59

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BREAKFAST Baked bananas Codfish in cream Baked potatoes Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Cantaloupe Eggs, Isabella Mixed grill, special Escarole salad Petaluma cream cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Consomme printanier royal California ripe olives ecrevisses en buisson Boiled leg of mutton, caper sauce Mashed turnips Steamboat fried potatoes Lettuce and grapefruit salad Orange souffle glace, St. Francis Tango cake Demi

=Baked bananas.= Peel six bananas and cut them in half, lengthwise. Lay in a pan close together. Mix a little powdered cinnamon with some sugar, and spread over the bananas. Put some small bits of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake for twenty minutes. While baking, baste a couple of times with a little syrup. Serve with its own juice.

=Orange souffle glace, St. Francis.= Take six nice oranges and cut off the tops. Take out the insides. Put some sliced fruit, such as apples, oranges, pineapple, grapefruit, etc., in the bottom of the orange sh.e.l.l, and fill about one-third full. Add one-third of vanilla ice cream, and finally finish with a meringue made of the whites of three eggs, six ounces of sugar, and the grated rind of an orange. Dust some powdered sugar on top, and bake in a very hot oven until brown.

=Eggs, Isabella.= Put some thick Creole sauce on a platter, lay four poached eggs on top, and cover with a little cream sauce.

=Petaluma cream cheese.= This cheese is a specialty of Petaluma, California. Serve plain; or mixed with salt, pepper, chopped chives, and caraway seeds. Or serve with powdered sugar and cream, separate.

=Tango cake.= One-quarter pound of burnt almonds, powdered very fine, one-quarter pound of melted b.u.t.ter, three-quarters of a pound of sugar, two ounces of grated chocolate, one-quarter pound of biscuit crumbs, the grated rind of one lemon, the yolks of seven eggs, three whole eggs, the whites of seven eggs beaten very hard, and one pony of rum. Beat the eggs and yolks with the sugar until light; then add the almonds, chocolate, crumbs and lemon rind, and mix well. Add the rum and melted b.u.t.ter; and finally the whites of eggs, mixing lightly. Line a ring mould with very thin tartelette dough, cover the bottom with apricot jam, and then fill with the above preparation. Bake in a warm (not hot), oven. When done, glace with icing flavored with rum. While the icing is still soft sprinkle with a.s.sorted colored nonpareil seeds. These seeds may be obtained of grocers dealing in fancy groceries.

=Steamboat fried potatoes.= Peel three fresh-boiled potatoes, and cut crosswise in pieces one and one-half inches thick. Fry in a pan with half b.u.t.ter and half chicken fat. Season with salt and pepper, and cook until golden yellow.


BREAKFAST Stewed pears with claret Oatmeal and cream Dry toast Oolong tea

LUNCHEON Shrimp salad, Anastine s.h.i.+rred eggs, Imperial Breast of squab, au jus Peas Chocolate cream pie Coffee

DINNER Oysters on half sh.e.l.l Potage Carpure Dill pickles. Lyon sausage Sand dabs, saute meuniere Roast chicken Cauliflower Hollandaise Potatoes au gratin Endives salad Coffee ice cream Anise toast Demi

=Stewed pears with claret.= Peel a dozen nice pears, put them in an earthen pot, add one pint of water, one-half pint of claret, one-half pound of sugar, and a piece of cinnamon stick. Cover the pot, and cook in oven for about two hours. Serve cold.

=Shrimp salad, Anastine.= Six shallots, one-half stalk of celery, one-half can of pimentos, and some parsley. Chop all very fine, and put in salad bowl with two pounds of picked shrimps. Mix, and add one-half teaspoonful of salt, some fresh-ground black pepper, two spoonfuls of tarragon vinegar, and four spoonfuls of olive oil. Serve in a salad bowl, with leaves of lettuce around the sides; and with hard-boiled eggs cut in four.

=s.h.i.+rred eggs, Imperial.= Cut fresh goose liver in small pieces, and fry in pan seasoned with salt and pepper. Then place the liver in a b.u.t.tered s.h.i.+rred egg dish, break eggs on top, season with salt and pepper, and cook until the eggs are done.

=Breast of squab, au jus.= Cut the b.r.e.a.s.t.s from four large squabs, season with salt and pepper, and roll in flour. Heat two ounces of b.u.t.ter in a saute pan, add the b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and fry for ten minutes. Place the b.r.e.a.s.t.s on a platter, and put in the pan one spoonful of meat extract and one-half cup of stock. Season with salt and pepper, reduce one-half by boiling, and pour over the squab. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

=Chocolate cream pie.= One quart of milk, the yolks of eight eggs, one-half pound of sugar, two ounces of corn starch, two ounces of powdered cocoa, and one ounce of b.u.t.ter. Dissolve the corn starch in a little milk, and stir into the yolks of eggs. Put the milk on the fire, add the sugar, cocoa, and b.u.t.ter, and bring to a boil. Then pour it into the yolks and corn starch, and set back on the stove until it thickens.

Have a pie crust already baked, fill it with this cream, decorate the top with meringue, and set it in the oven to brown the top. Serve cold.

The above will make about two pies.

=Potage Carpure.= Slice a head of lettuce very fine, wash, and drain well. Then put in a ca.s.serole with two ounces of b.u.t.ter, cover, and simmer for ten minutes. Then add chicken broth, or clear veal or beef broth (three pints), season with salt and pepper, and boil slowly for about fifteen minutes. Bind with the yolks of three eggs mixed with half a pint of cream. Serve with bread sliced thin, and dried in the oven, like toast.

=Anise toast.= One-half pound of sugar, four whole eggs, the yolks of two eggs, one-half ounce of anise seed, one-half pound of flour, and lemon flavoring. Beat the eggs, yolks and sugar over the fire until light; then remove and continue beating until cold. Add the flour, seeds, and flavor; dress on a b.u.t.tered pan in long strips, and bake.

When cold cut in slices, and toast in the same manner as zwieback.


BREAKFAST Strawberries with cream Broiled salt mackerel Boiled potatoes Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Eggs, Derby Cold chicken, Isabella Compote of peaches Devil cake Demi

DINNER Consomme Chartreuse. Queen olives Terrapin saute au beurre Roast lamb, mint sauce Timbale of spinach Potatoes, Hollandaise Lettuce and grapefruit salad Vanilla ice cream Baises (chocolate drops) Coffee

=Eggs, Derby.= Cut a can of goose liver au natural in slices one-half inch thick, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and fry in b.u.t.ter. Place on a platter, put a poached egg on top of each slice, and pour sauce Madere, to which has been added sliced mushrooms, over the eggs.

=Cold chicken, Isabella.= Boil a fat chicken. When cold, slice the breast very thin. Make a pint of mayonnaise, and add a spoonful of paprika to it. Mix a cup of cold boiled rice with one spoonful of the mayonnaise, season with salt, and place in the center of a china platter. Lay the breast of chicken on top, and pour the rest of the sauce over all. Lay a few leaves of tarragon crosswise on top. At each end of the platter place two bouquets of asparagus tips. Sprinkle with finely chopped chervil.

=Baises (chocolate drops).= One pound of sugar (half powdered and half icing), the whites of three eggs, two ounces of chocolate, and vanilla flavoring. Dissolve the chocolate, and stir into the sugar and whites of eggs, over the fire, until all is melted and smooth; but do not let it come to a boil. Dress on a b.u.t.tered pan, like peppermint drops. Allow to dry out for a few hours, and bake in a moderate oven.

=Devil cake.= One-half pound of almond paste, one-half pound of sugar, one-half pound of b.u.t.ter, four ounces of grated chocolate, twelve yolks and twelve whites of eggs, and four ounces of flour. Cream the sugar with the b.u.t.ter, and work in the yolks. Rub the almond paste smooth with four of the whites of eggs, and add, with the grated chocolate, to the sugar, b.u.t.ter and yolks. Beat the rest of the whites of eggs very hard and stiff, and add them to the mixture, with the flour. Fill a b.u.t.tered cake mould, and bake. Allow to become cool; then cut into three layers, and fill between with chocolate filling. Glace the top with very dark chocolate frosting.

=Consomme Chartreuse.= Boil one cup of chestnuts in salted water until tender. Then drain off the water, and pa.s.s the chestnuts through a fine sieve. When the chestnuts are cold put in a bowl, add four whole eggs, and one pint of lukewarm consomme; season with salt and pepper; mix well; put in b.u.t.tered timbale moulds, set them in bain-marie, and boil for twenty minutes, when they will set like custard when cold. Turn out of moulds, and cut in slices one-eighth inch thick. Serve in hot consomme.

=Terrapin au beurre.= Boil two terrapin (see index), cut up; season with salt, pepper and a little paprika and celery salt. Heat three ounces of b.u.t.ter in a pan, add the terrapin, and toss for about ten minutes. Put the terrapin in a chafing dish, add to the pan two ounces of b.u.t.ter, cook till brown, and pour over the terrapin. Sprinkle a pony of dry sherry wine over all, cover the dish, and allow to stand for a few minutes before serving.


BREAKFAST Sliced pineapple Hominy with cream Crescents Russian caravan tea

LUNCHEON Canape Riga Consomme in cups Chicken hash, with poached eggs Roquefort cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Oysters on half sh.e.l.l Bean and cabbage soup Celery Fillet of Tahoe trout, au vin blanc Roast loin of pork, apple sauce Sweet potatoes saute Artichokes, Hollandaise Green corn Waldorf salad Cold chocolate pudding Coffee

=Bean and cabbage soup.= Soak two pounds of white beans in water over night. Put in a vessel two pounds of salt pork, three pounds of s.h.i.+n of beef, two gallons of cold water, and a tablespoonful of salt. Bring slowly to a boil, and skim well. Add the beans, and boil for an hour.

Then add a small head of cabbage that has been cut in one-inch squares, one onion, one carrot, a bouquet garni, and one mashed clove of garlic.

Boil slowly for two hours, then remove the pork, beef, carrot, onion and bouquet garni. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and add a little chopped parsley.

=Cold chocolate pudding.= One pint of cream, one-half pint of milk, the yolks of four eggs, six ounces of sugar, three ounces of chocolate, one-half ounce of gelatine, and a little vanilla flavoring. Soak the gelatine in a little cold water. Dissolve the chocolate and sugar on the fire; then add the yolks and milk, and stir until it thickens, but do not let it come to a boil. Remove from the fire, add the gelatine and vanilla flavoring, and stir until the gelatine is melted. Then strain, and cool. Whip the cream until stiff, mix with the foregoing, and immediately pour into pudding moulds. Set in the ice box to harden.

Serve with cold chocolate sauce.

=Cold chocolate sauce.= Three-quarters of a pound of sugar, one-half pound of water, and four ounces of powdered chocolate. Bring the water to a boil, and dissolve the chocolate and sugar in it. Bring to a boil again; take off the fire, and allow to become cool. Serve with bavarois, puddings, blanc mange, ice creams, etc.

=Italian wine sauce, for puddings.= Two ounces of sago, one-half pint of water, one-half pint of claret, one-quarter pound of sugar, the juice of an orange, and a pony of rum. Soak the sago in the water for over an hour; then boil until clear. Then add the claret, sugar, and orange juice, and continue on fire until it thickens. Then add the rum. Serve with corn meal, sago, tapioca, or rice pudding.


BREAKFAST Baked apples with cream Plain scrambled eggs Dry toast Coffee

LUNCHEON Cantaloupe Pompano en papillote Broiled sweetbreads on toast Succotash Soufflee potatoes French pastry Demi

DINNER California oyster c.o.c.ktail Consomme Trianon Ripe olives Fried eels, sauce remoulade Breast of chicken with figs Artichokes, sauce Italienne Broiled fresh mushrooms Potatoes a la Reine Romaine salad, Roquefort dressing Biscuit glace, St. Francis Alsatian wafers Coffee

=Consomme Trianon.= Cut some green, red, and natural royal in triangle shapes, and serve in hot consomme.

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 59 summary

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