The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 71

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=Delmonico potatoes.= Put hashed in cream potatoes in a b.u.t.tered s.h.i.+rred egg dish, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, and bake in oven until brown.


BREAKFAST Wine grapes Bacon and eggs Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON b.u.t.termilk Waffles and honey Coffee

DINNER Little neck clams on sh.e.l.l Potage Lamballe Ripe California olives Boiled river salmon, sauce mousseline Potatoes nature Roast sirloin of beef, sauce Madere Cauliflower au gratin Potatoes Laurette Cole slaw Chocolate ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Bacon and eggs.= See ham and eggs.

=Fried bacon.= Thin slices of bacon fried slowly in pan in own fat.

Should be crisp.

=Waffles.= One-half pound of flour, one-half teaspoonful of baking powder, two eggs, two ounces of sugar, two ounces of b.u.t.ter, a little mace and a little milk. Make a batter a little stiffer than for wheatcakes. Bake in waffle iron, but do not have the iron too hot.

=Potage Lamballe.= One-half puree of peas and one-half consomme with tapioca, mixed.

=Boiled salmon, mousseline.= Boil salmon in the same manner as trout.

=Sauce mousseline.= To one pint of Hollandaise add one cup of whipped cream and stir in gently.

=Little neck clams.= Same as oysters on sh.e.l.l.

=Potatoes nature.= Plain boiled potatoes cut in the shape of a small egg.

=Roast sirloin of beef.= See tenderloin of beef.

=Cauliflower au gratin.= Put some dry, boiled cauliflower on a b.u.t.tered dish, cover with well-seasoned cream sauce, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, put a little b.u.t.ter on top and bake in oven until brown.

=Potatoes Laurette.= To a cup of boiling water add one ounce of b.u.t.ter and stir in one-half cup of sifted flour, mixing it well. Allow to cool slightly and add the yolks of two eggs. Mix this dough with equal parts of fresh-boiled potato that has been pa.s.sed through a sieve. Roll in flour in the form of a pencil and about two inches long, dip in egg and bread crumbs, and fry in swimming fat or lard. Serve on a napkin.

=Cole slaw.= Slice the leaves of a white cabbage very fine. Put in salad bowl and use dressing as desired. See salad dressings.

=Chocolate ice cream.= Prepare the same as vanilla ice cream, but in place of the vanilla bean use two ounces of cocoa, or two ounces of melted chocolate.


BREAKFAST Scrambled eggs with ham Stewed fruits Coffee

LUNCHEON Canape of sardines Fried smelts, Tartar sauce Broiled lamb chops Stewed celery in cream French fried potatoes Vanilla custard pie

DINNER Tuna fish salad Chicken broth in cups Queen olives Roast capon, au cresson French peas Parisian potatoes Lettuce salad, egg dressing Fancy ice cream Lady fingers Coffee

=Scrambled eggs with ham.= Boiled ham cut in small dices and one small piece of b.u.t.ter. Put in vessel and add scrambled eggs. See plain scrambled eggs.

=Canape of sardines.= Skin and split the sardines. Place on b.u.t.tered toast, garnished with chopped eggs around the edges, and serve on napkin with quartered lemon and parsley in branches.

=Fried smelts.= Season the smelts, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in bread crumbs. Fry in swimming fat and serve on napkin with fried parsley and lemons quartered. Sauce separate.

=Fried parsley.= Parsley in branches, well-washed and dried in towel.

Fry in very hot swimming fat or lard for a second, as it fries very quickly. Salt and pepper. Can be used for garnis.h.i.+ng fried fish and other dishes.

=Tartar sauce.= One chopped gherkin in vinegar, one tablespoonful of capers, a little chervil, parsley, chives and a tablespoonful of French mustard. Stir well into a cup of mayonnaise sauce.

=Stewed celery in cream.= Cut stalks or outside leaves of celery into one inch lengths. Wash well, parboil in salt water and allow to cool.

Put back in salt water and boil until soft. Add one-half cup of cream sauce, a small piece of b.u.t.ter, one-half cup of cream, and season with salt and Cayenne pepper. Simmer for five minutes.

=French fried potatoes.= Cut raw potatoes in strips one-third inch thick and two inches long. Fry in swimming lard, but do not have it too hot.

When potatoes are done remove from pan and let the fat become as hot as possible. Fry the potatoes again until they are a golden yellow. Remove, salt, and serve on a napkin. Do not cover, as this will cause them to become soft and spongy.

=Tuna fish salad. (Thon marine).= This fish can be obtained in cans. Put in salad bowl some sliced lettuce with the tuna on top. Garnish with lettuce leaves and serve with French dressing. Do not mix until ready to serve.

=Fancy ice cream.= Fill fancy lead moulds with any kind of ice cream, using different colors in the same mould if desired. Cover with cracked ice and rock salt for thirty minutes. Remove and serve on doilies.


BREAKFAST Strawberries in cream Oatmeal s.h.i.+rred eggs Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Potato and leek soup Broiled halibut steak, maitre d'hotel Homemade beef stew Lemon water ice Fruit cake Demi

DINNER California oysters on sh.e.l.l Consomme with sago ecrevisses en buisson Leg of veal, au jus Browned mashed potatoes Peas and carrots in cream Hearts of lettuce, French dressing Omelet with jelly Coffee

SUPPER Welsh rabbit

=s.h.i.+rred eggs, plain.= Put eggs on b.u.t.tered s.h.i.+rred egg dish and cook slowly. Salt and pepper.

=Potato and leek soup.= Simmer in b.u.t.ter one chopped onion and four stalks of leeks cut in small dices. When golden yellow add one tablespoonful of flour, mix, add one pound of potatoes cut in dices one-quarter inch square, one quart of stock or bouillon, and a bouquet garni. Boil until potatoes are done. Season with salt, pepper, a little grated nutmeg and chopped parsley.

=Bouquet garni.= Tie in a bundle a small piece of celery, of leek, and of parsley in branches, with a bay leaf, two cloves, a sprig of thyme, and, if desired, a clove of garlic, in the center. This is used for flavoring stews, soups, fish, etc.

=Broiled halibut, maitre d'hotel.= Cut halibut in slices one inch thick.

Salt and pepper, dip in olive oil and broil. Serve with maitre d'hotel sauce, quartered lemon and parsley.

=Homemade beef stew.= Three pounds of rump, hip, or flank beef, cut into squares two inches thick. Season the meat and simmer in sauce pot with two chopped onions and three ounces of b.u.t.ter. When brown add two tablespoonsful of flour and simmer again. Then add hot water enough to cover the meat, and a bouquet garni. Cook for one hour and then add one pound of potatoes cut in squares one inch thick, and leave on fire until potatoes are soft. Take out the bouquet, add one cup of puree of tomatoes and boil for five minutes. Serve with a sprinkle of chopped parsley.

=Consomme with sago.= Bring one quart of consomme to a boil and then let one-third of a pound of sago run slowly into it. Cook for ten minutes.

=ecrevisses en buisson.= To three quarts of boiling water add one sliced onion, one carrot, a bouquet garni, one gla.s.sful of vinegar, and salt.

Boil for five minutes. Then put in three dozen ecrevisses, or crayfish, and boil for ten minutes. Serve on napkin with parsley and lemon, or serve in its broth if desired. For most ecrevisses dishes the sauce is made "en buisson" first and then prepared in fancy fas.h.i.+on following.

=Leg of veal, au jus.= Put leg of veal in pan and treat same as roast veal. Baste often.

=Browned mashed potatoes.= Put in b.u.t.tered egg dish some mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, place a little b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in oven.

=Peas and carrots in cream.= Put in pot one pint of boiled peas, one pint of boiled French carrots, one cup of thick cream, salt and a pinch of sugar. Boil for a few minutes and thicken with a half cup of cream sauce.

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 71 summary

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