The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 77

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BREAKFAST Oatmeal with cream Boiled salt mackerel, melted b.u.t.ter Baked potatoes Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Stuffed eggs, Nantua Mutton chop, grilled Saratoga chip potatoes Chiffonnade salad Camembert cheese Coffee

DINNER Cream of asparagus Whitebait on Graham bread Rheinbraten Romaine salad Cup custard Lady fingers Coffee

=Stuffed eggs, Nantua.= Cut four hard-boiled eggs in two, lengthwise, and remove the yolks. Mix a piece of b.u.t.ter, the size of an egg, with a little anchovy paste, a very little salt, pepper, paprika, chopped parsley, and the yolks strained through a coa.r.s.e sieve. Dress or fill the eggs through a pastry bag, put a slice of pimento on top of each, and serve very cold.

=Mutton chops, grilled.= Salt and pepper the chops, roll in oil and broil. Garnish with watercress.

=Saratoga chip potatoes.= Round the potatoes off lengthwise to about the size of a silver dollar. Slice very thin, fry in swimming fat until crisp, remove and salt. Serve on napkin. Do not cover or they will become soft.

=Chiffonnade salad.= Equal parts of romaine, lettuce, chicory, escarole, sliced cuc.u.mbers and quartered tomatoes. Put in salad bowl, pour French dressing over all, and garnish with chopped beets, eggs and parsley.

=Cream of asparagus.= Prepare same as cream of cauliflower. Use either canned or fresh asparagus.

=Whitebait on Graham bread.= Wash the whitebait and dry, then put in bowl, season with salt and pepper, and cover with milk. Remove and roll in flour, using a colander to allow the flour to sift through. Fry in swimming lard, which is ready in advance, and very hot. Serve on napkin, and garnish with Graham bread and b.u.t.ter sandwiches, fried parsley, quartered lemon, and sauce Tartar separate, or any kind of cold sauce.

=Rheinbraten.= Cut sirloin steaks one-half inch thick. Season with salt and paprika on both sides, and fry in hot b.u.t.ter. Dish up on platter with paprika sauce, and garnish with paprika potatoes.

=Paprika sauce.= Simmer one chopped onion and a chopped slice of raw ham, in a little b.u.t.ter. Add one cup of cream, two cups of cream sauce, a soupspoonful of paprika, and a little salt. Boil for ten minutes and strain.

=Paprika potatoes.= Slice fresh-boiled potatoes and put in sauce pan.

Cover with paprika sauce, salt, and boil for a few minutes.


BREAKFAST a.s.sorted fruits Boiled eggs Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Cold a.s.sorted meats Potato salad Coffee

DINNER Clear green turtle, au Xeres Toke Point oysters, mignonette Salted almonds. Celery Radishes. Ripe olives Planked striped ba.s.s Sweetbread patties, cream sauce Roast stuffed turkey, with chestnuts Cranberry sauce Sweet potatoes, Southern style Succotash Hearts of lettuce, egg dressing Plum pudding, hard and brandy sauces Mince pie Fancy ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Roquefort cheese and crackers a.s.sorted fruits Coffee

=Mignonnette sauce.= Take one-half cup of whole white peppers and crush with a bottle on a hard table or marble slab, but not too fine. Mix with four finely chopped shallots, a little chives, one spoonful of salt and one-half pint of white wine or tarragon vinegar. Serve in a green pepper, or a small gla.s.s, in center of plate surrounded with oysters or clams.

=Planked striped ba.s.s.= Split the ba.s.s, remove the bones, place on b.u.t.tered plank, season with salt, pepper and a little melted b.u.t.ter over all. Bake in oven until nearly done. Take out and decorate with a pastry bag and a star mould, with some potato prepared as for potato croquettes, forming a border around the fish. Put back in oven and bake until nice and brown. Pour maitre d'hotel sauce on top, garnish with quartered lemons and parsley in branches.

=Turkey stuffed with chestnuts.= Stuff the turkey with chestnut dressing. Put some thin-sliced pork fat over the breast and tie together. Place in pan with an onion, carrot, a little thyme, bay leaf and fresh piece of b.u.t.ter. Salt, put in oven and baste all the time.

When turkey is done remove from pan, and let gravy set for a few minutes. Take off the fat, add a little stock or water, reduce one-half, add a little meat extract and strain.

=Dressing for chicken, turkey, suckling pig, etc.= Bake six onions, with the skins on, in oven for ten minutes. Remove the skins and chop very fine. Add turkey, chicken or suckling pig livers cut in very small squares. Then add fresh bread crumbs, a piece of fresh b.u.t.ter, salt and pepper. Mix well, add a little powdered thyme, chopped parsley, add garlic if desired. If for suckling pig add some sage.

=Chestnut dressing.= Split the of two pounds of chestnuts with a sharp pointed knife. Put in oven and when they burst open remove and peel. Put in pot with a small piece of celery, salt, cover with water, boil till done, allow to cool, and mix with dressing described above.

=Apple dressing.= Peel half a dozen apples, remove the cores, cut in six pieces, put in pan with three ounces of b.u.t.ter and simmer slowly for ten minutes. Mix with above dressing, omitting chestnuts.


BREAKFAST Hothouse raspberries with cream Oatmeal and cream Stewed lamb kidneys Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Grapefruit with cherries Turkey hash on toast Coffee eclairs Oolong tea

DINNER Consomme aux quenelles Ripe California olives Cultivated brook trout, Hollandaise Potatoes nature Roast ribs of prime beef Stewed tomatoes Mashed potatoes Lettuce salad English breakfast tea ice cream a.s.sorted fancy cakes Coffee

SUPPER Welsh rabbit

=Stewed lamb kidneys.= Split six kidneys, remove the skin, and cut in thin slices. Have a pan ready with hot b.u.t.ter and fry on a quick fire for a few seconds. Take kidneys from pan, and add one soupspoonful of flour to the sauce and let simmer until brown. Add one cup of stock or hot water, salt and pepper, and reduce one-half. Return the kidneys to the sauce, but do not let them boil or they will become hard. Before serving add a little sherry wine or chopped parsley.

=Turkey hash on toast.= Cut turkey in small dices, put in sauce pan, cover with two-thirds boiling cream and one-third cream sauce, season, boil for a few minutes, and serve on hot dry toast.

=Welsh rabbit.= Cut one pound of American cheese in very small dices.

Put in pan with a small pinch of Cayenne pepper, one spoonful of ale or beer, one teaspoonful of Worcesters.h.i.+re sauce, and put on fire to melt.

Do not stir until cheese is quite soft; then stir well with whip till it is melted and boiling. Pour over toast on a very hot china platter or s.h.i.+rred egg dish.

=French bread.= One gallon of warm water, two ounces of yeast, three ounces of salt, three ounces of sugar and three ounces of lard. Dissolve the yeast, salt, sugar and lard in the water, and mix in flour enough to form a medium-stiff dough. Work it until smooth, cover with a cloth and let it raise for one-half hour. Then form the dough into long loaves and about two inches thick. Lay them on a cloth dusted with flour and let them raise to nearly double in size. Moisten the tops with milk, make several diagonal cuts on each loaf half way through, and bake in a rather hot oven.

=Homemade bread.= One quart of warm water, one quart of warm milk, two ounces of yeast, one ounce of salt and one-quarter of a pound of melted lard or b.u.t.ter. Dissolve the yeast in the milk and b.u.t.ter, and add the salt and b.u.t.ter, or lard. Add enough flour to make a medium dough, mix, beat well and cover. Allow to raise for about four hours. Divide the dough in four parts, roll and place in moulds or pans and let raise another hour before baking.


BREAKFAST Orange juice Scrambled eggs with anchovies Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON ecrevisses with mayonnaise Lamb chops saute, aux cepes Sybil potatoes Cup custard Coffee

DINNER Toke Point oysters on half sh.e.l.l Cream of summer squash Filet mignon, Cheron Georgette potatoes Ravachol salad Pistache ice cream Baked Alaska Coffee

=Scrambled eggs with anchovies.= Put some fillets of salted anchovies in oil and leave for a few days; or use anchovies in oil. Salt the scrambled eggs lightly and lay the anchovies crosswise over the top.

=ecrevisses with mayonnaise.= Prepare the ecrevisses en buisson. When cold remove the tails from the and serve on platter with lemons and parsley. Mayonnaise separate.

=Lamb chops saute, aux cepes.= Fry the chops in saute pan, in oil. When done put on platter. Slice some cepes, (a specie of mushroom) season with salt and pepper and fry for a few seconds. Just before removing from the fire add a little garlic, and pour all over the chops. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

=Georgette potatoes.= Use potato croquette dough. Roll on table to the thickness of a cork and about ten inches long. Make a hollow the entire length and fill with puree of spinach. Bring the edges of the hollow together and roll again so the spinach will be in the middle of the potato dough and not visible. Cut in pieces two inches long, roll in bread crumbs, and fry in the same manner as croquettes.

=Ravachol salad.= Use whole leaves of romaine. Place alternate slices of grape fruit and orange on top until the leaves are covered. Put some narrow strips of red pepper across the top, pour French dressing over all, and decorate with unsweetened whipped cream.

=Filet mignon, Cheron.= Small fillets of beef saute in b.u.t.ter. Cover with Bearnaise sauce, and garnish with artichoke b.u.t.tons, macedoine, (mixed vegetables) and fleurons.

=Fleurons.= Used for garnis.h.i.+ng entrees, Newburg or chafing dish preparations, fish, etc. Take some puff paste, with six turns, roll it to about one-eighth inch in thickness, cut with a half moon cutter about two inches in diameter, and place on a pan moistened with water. Wash the tops with eggs and bake in a hot oven.


BREAKFAST Hominy and cream Calf's liver and bacon Baked potatoes Rolls Coffee

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 77 summary

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