The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 80

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BREAKFAST Baked apples with cream Hominy with cream Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Grapefruit en supreme Eggs Benedict Lamb hash Chocolate layer cake Coffee

DINNER Potage Coulis Salted pecans Fillet of turbot, Royaldi Chicken, Edward VII Potato croquettes Chiffonnade salad Parfait au chocolate a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Grapefruit en supreme.= Serve in a long-stemmed double grapefruit gla.s.s, put shaved ice in large gla.s.s around the smaller one. In small gla.s.s put sliced grapefruit mixed with powdered sugar. Tie a ribbon, with neat bow, around the gla.s.s.

=Eggs Benedict.= Split an English m.u.f.fin, toast on the inside, place on each half a small slice of broiled ham, on the ham a poached egg, cover with Hollandaise sauce, and place a piece of truffle on top.

=Layer cake.= Eight eggs, one-half pound of sugar, one-half pound of flour, one-quarter pound of melted b.u.t.ter, and some flavoring extract.

Beat the eggs with the sugar, on slow fire until warm, remove and continue beating until cold. Mix the flour in lightly and then add the melted b.u.t.ter, little by little, and the flavoring. Do not mix too much.

Pour into a well-b.u.t.tered mould and bake in a moderate oven for about three-quarters of an hour. Allow to cool, cut in three or four slices, and fill with cream, or jelly, or marmalade, as desired. Glace the top with icing and decorate. The American style layer cake is mixed in the same manner, but baked in shallow moulds, requiring only about ten minutes in the oven. The filling is then placed between the cakes, instead of slicing.

=Chocolate layer cake.= Bake some layers as for moka cake, and put three or four, one on top of another, with chocolate b.u.t.ter cream filling between. The filling is made in the same manner as moka filling, but use one ounce of melted chocolate or cocoa instead of the coffee flavor.

Glace the top of the cake with chocolate frosting and decorate with some of the chocolate cream filling, using pastry bag with fancy tube.

=Chicken, Edward VII.= Boil the chicken in stock and stuff with rice as for Chicken Diva. Add small squares of truffles and goose liver natural.

Serve with curry sauce.


BREAKFAST Stewed rhubarb Boiled eggs Dry toast Coffee

LUNCHEON Canape Riga Eggs Coquelicot Tripe and oysters in cream Camembert cheese Crackers Coffee

DINNER Potage Hollandaise Stuffed fillet of sole, Diplomate Tournedos de Goncourt String beans, aux fines herbes Julienne potatoes Salade Bresilienne Floating island Pound cake Coffee

=Eggs Coquelicot.= Line a timbale mould with a whole red pepper, (canned pimento) and break an egg into it, season with salt and pepper, and put timbale in a pan in boiling water, and place in oven until egg is cooked. Put some chicken hash in cream on a platter and turn egg and pepper on top to look like a little red cap. Serve with cream sauce around the hash.

=Tripe and oysters in cream.= Simmer six chopped shallots in b.u.t.ter, but do not allow them to color. Add two pounds of tripe cut in strips, one cup of stock, one bouquet garni, and boil for one hour. Remove the bouquet garni, drain off the broth. Add two cups of cream sauce and three dozen parboiled oysters. Simmer for a minute, and season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper.

=Potage Hollandaise. (Soup).= Bind a veloute of chicken with cream and yolks of eggs. Serve with brunoise garnis.h.i.+ng.

=Veloute.= Used for the foundation of many soups. Put in vessel five ounces of b.u.t.ter and four ounces of flour and simmer for a few minutes.

Add two quarts of chicken broth, stock or bouillon, cook for half an hour and bind with one cup of cream and the yolks of two eggs.

=Consomme brunoise.= Cut in very small dice, (nearly fine chopped), one carrot, one turnip, one leek, a stalk of celery and a little white cabbage, and parboil in salt water. Then drain off the water, put in well-b.u.t.tered ca.s.serole, add a pinch of sugar, cover with b.u.t.tered manilla paper and with the ca.s.serole cover on top of that, and put in the oven to braise. If too dry a half cup of stock may be added. Cook until vegetables are soft. Use for potage garnis.h.i.+ng, Consomme brunoise, and other dishes. For soups use one heaping spoonful of brunoise to each plate.

=Fillet of sole, Diplomate.= Slice fine six fresh mushrooms, season with salt and pepper, and simmer in b.u.t.ter. When done add one spoonful of meat extract. Split four fillets of sole and fill with the above dressing and cook "au vin blanc." Then place on a platter, cover with cream sauce well seasoned, put grated cheese on top and bake in oven.

=Tournedos de Goncourt.= Broiled fillet of beef served with Bearnaise sauce mixed with a little puree of tomatoes, and garnished with tomatoes glacees.

=Tomatoes glacees.= Put six whole peeled tomatoes on a b.u.t.tered pan, season with salt and pepper, put a small piece of b.u.t.ter on top of each, and bake in moderate oven for ten minutes.


BREAKFAST Grapefruit juice Omelet with ham Puff paste crescents Oolong tea

LUNCHEON Canape Martha Cold a.s.sorted meats Potato salad Cherry tartelettes Coffee

DINNER Blue Points Consomme brunoise Braised salmon, Parisienne Boiled leg of mutton, caper sauce Mashed turnips Roast chicken Hearts of lettuce salad Biscuit glace a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Omelet with ham.= Cut a slice of cooked ham in small squares, put in omelet pan with a small piece of b.u.t.ter. When hot add three beaten eggs and follow directions for plain omelet, but use a little less salt.

=Canape Martha.= Cut a round piece of toast and put some lobster croquette farce on top in the shape of a pyramid. Put a thin slice of Swiss cheese on top and bake in oven. Garnish with lemon and parsley.

=Cherry tartelette.= Line tartelette moulds and follow directions as for pear tartelettes, but fill with canned cherries.

=Braised salmon, Parisienne.= Put a slice of salmon in b.u.t.tered pan, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped shallots and parsley, add one one-half gla.s.s of white wine, cover and simmer until cooked.

Remove fish to platter, and in the pan pour some white wine sauce, (sauce au vin blanc). Let boil for five minutes and pour over fish.

Don't strain.

=Boiled leg of mutton, caper sauce.= Put the leg of mutton in pot and cover with boiling water. Add one carrot, a leek, onion, a little celery and a bouquet garni. Season with salt, and boil for about forty-five minutes.

=Caper sauce.= Melt three ounces of b.u.t.ter in sauce pan, add three ounces of flour and allow to become hot. Add three pints of stock, bouillon, or the stock from the leg of mutton. Boil for ten minutes, season to taste, bind with the yolk of one egg and a piece of b.u.t.ter, strain, and add one-half cup of capers.

=Mashed turnips.= Boil or steam a half dozen white or Russian (yellow) turnips. Strain through a fine sieve or colander, add salt and pepper and three ounces of b.u.t.ter. A potato boiled with the turnips will reduce the strong turnip odor.


BREAKFAST Stewed prunes Codfish b.a.l.l.s Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Oyster broth Chow chow Bouillabaisse Ma.r.s.eillaise Asparagus Hollandaise Omelette au confiture Coffee

DINNER Clam chowder Celery Oysters a la Hyde Striped ba.s.s, meuniere Potatoes nature Combination salad Fancy ice cream Alsatian wafers Coffee

=Codfish b.a.l.l.s.= Soak one pound of salt codfish in cold water over night. Then boil in fresh water for ten minutes. Boil two potatoes in salt water and strain through colander or sieve. Shred the codfish very fine and mix with the potato and the yolks of three eggs working well together. Allow to become cool, form into b.a.l.l.s, roll in flour and fry in melted b.u.t.ter until nice and golden yellow. Serve on napkins with quartered lemons and parsley in branches.

=Bouillabaisse Ma.r.s.eillaise.= (Fish stew). Simmer in shallow saute pan six chopped shallots, one-half onion sliced very fine and one stalk of white leek also finely sliced, in two spoonsful of olive oil, for about one minute. Then add a clove of chopped garlic, one gla.s.s of white wine, one pint of fish stock or hot water, salt, pepper, a little Cayenne, a bouquet garni and the tail of a live lobster cut in six slices, and one dozen of well washed Little Neck clams sh.e.l.l and all, boil for ten minutes. Add some solid meat of white fish such as rock cod, ba.s.s, tomcods, etc., and a pinch of whole saffron tied in a cloth. Boil again for twenty-five minutes. Do not skim. Remove the saffron and serve in deep dish with the broth. Sprinkle some chopped parsley over the top.

Serve separate, slices of bread fried in oil and then rubbed with garlic.

=Omelette au confiture.= (Jelly omelet). Same as strawberry omelet. Put currant jelly or any kind of marmalade in center of omelet before turning over on platter.

=Oysters a la Hyde.= Parboil one-half cup of white celery chopped fine, for ten minutes, and allow to cool. Put in sauce pan two dozen large raw oysters with their own juice, add two tablespoonsful of cracker meal, two ounces of b.u.t.ter, one cup of cream and the parboiled celery. Season with salt, pepper, a little Cayenne, and boil for two minutes. If the sauce is not sufficiently thick add a little more cracker meal. Serve in chafing dish.


BREAKFAST Griddle cakes Honey Breakfast sausage Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Casaba melon Consomme Ditalini Eggs Creole Stuffed lamb chops, Soubise Champs Elysees potatoes Romaine salad Napoleon cake Coffee

DINNER Little Neck clams Potage Mongol Fillet of sole, Joinville Chicken saute, Bordelaise Artichokes Hollandaise Potatoes Laurette Biscuit Tortoni Macaroons Coffee

SUPPER Oysters mignonette Salted almonds Sweetbreads a la King Parfait Napolitain Cakes Demi

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 80 summary

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