The Four Canadian Highwaymen Part 22

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And so she resolved to avoid neither Louise nor him.

Perhaps Louise had a little project of her own. At all events, she appeared to have much satisfaction when she found Mary did not shrink from the mention of Tom's name, and accordingly he became her chief topic of conversation. She even hinted at his unhappiness, and her fears that his disappointment would be a life-long sorrow.

'Ah! you dear, innocent Louise. Shakespeare knew men better than you, and he says:

"Men have died from time to time, And worms have eaten them, but not for love."'

Mary said, with forced gaiety.

At last Tom and Mary did meet, and then Mary found all her fort.i.tude necessary, for Tom evidently had no intention of carrying matters off with dignity, but rather showed her in every word and look that she was the one woman in the world for him.

Can't everyone guess the end? That Tom took an early opportunity of calling himself a fool and begging Mary's forgiveness, and Mary contradicted him, and with many tears shed on his vest declared herself an unreasonable little vixen, not worth his love, and that she was willing to live in the very heart of Limeton if necessary.

'Too late, my dear,' says Tom, merrily, 'for I have my eye on a lovely little nest in Mapleton, and I am not going to have my plans upset a second time.'

Then Louise came into the room.

'Blessed are the peace-makers,' said Tom, going to his sister and kissing her.


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The Four Canadian Highwaymen Part 22 summary

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